The Enemy Is Approaching

"So Ryu, how old are you?" Mortale asked, a small smile on his face. Ryu lifted up six fingers and giggled afterward. The crew was going to die from the cuteness overload.

Mina, Ryu's mother, looked at Magnus with an emotion that he couldn't tell. Her lips pierced together, keeping the words she wanted to say trapped behind the walls of her mouth.

The red-haired boy diverted his attention from her and toward the young boy who became his crew's spectacle.

Ryu was busy doing tricks, pleasing his guests as best he could. "You're the boy from the prophecy my land speaks of."

Magnus turned his head to look at the lady, his green eyes wide like an owl, and his mouth agape. Was she talking to him? His crew looked at him then at the woman.

"What prophecy?" He asked, voice harbouring a tone of both suspicion and curiosity.

Mina stared at him before providing her lengthy answer. "Hair redder than blood, eyes greener than emerald, and a greed for the universe, should knock on this world's door.

A child who challenges the heavenly officials. A child who brings dreams to life. Pukabarn'' A bone chilling feeling ran down the spine of the red haired boy.

To hear his language spoken in this world was scary to say the least."

"How many redheads have ya said that too?" He muttered, his very core shaken. The last thing he wanted was to make an enemy of this world, especially being dubbed demon child.

"We're all tired. Can you show us the way to our beds?" Thali interjected, the awkwardness getting to her. Mina stood up and had the crew follow her. Magnus decided to ignore the previous statement from the woman. The chilling feeling not yet leaving his body.

As Thali walked down the corridor, a certain symbol engraved in the walls alongside other symbols caught her eyes. A flaming pegasus embraced by a flaming woman. Her change in demeanour was noticeable to everyone.

"What are these symbols?"She asked before anyone could, her eyes wide and fixated on Mina."The symbols of tribes/clans who have stayed in our inn. The flamed one belongs to the Gorna Tribe. They're the sole reason we became like this." A wave of second hand guilt coursed through her body. Her family yet again ruined another family's life.

"You're a Gorna, right?" Thali's eyes locked with Mina's. She firmly shook her head no. Mina nodded before placing a hand on her shoulder and turning around. "My bad." She replied curtly. She led them to their room and disappeared.

Magnus was starting to second guess this place. His gut was screaming for him to run. Ryu grabbed the edge of his sleeve, sending a grin that the captain was now starting to find eerie.

Thali seemed to be the only one feeling his intuitions as they locked eyes for a brief second. However, one look at the state that Elvia was in had them swallowing down that feeling.

She looked horrendous.They entered a very large room. The girls took their sides and the boys did too.

"Can't believe we walked around Sakurasou with beach wear." Magnus laughed out, trying his best to lighten the mood. A chuckle came from the rest of the crew. They showered and dressed, and then headed for their beds. It took five minutes for them to be knocked out cold.


A large gust of wind blew over the sails of the ominous-looking ship. Its dark exterior and its torn sails made it seem like a ghost ship. A large broken mermaid statue peaked over the bow of the ship, staring down at the sea with soulless eyes. A crew of only three people stood on top of the crimson deck.

All are unique in their own right, and all are just as rotten in their own right. The sun blared down on them, beating as hard as it could. The skies slowly chained into a crimson colour and green clouds started to appear. At long last, they were near Sakurasou Island.

"Can't believe Lady Chau asked to carry out this mission?~" Anne complained, her large blue eyes tearing up at the events she had to miss. Anne stood at 6 '1 and was lean built. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a curled ponytail, and her bangs were curled.

Her lips and eyelids were painted with a cherry colour. With her eyebrows and tongue pierced, she had a punkish vibe going on for her.

She wore a blue mini skirt with her light painty line peeping through. A dark blue tank top that allowed her cleavage to show. Two large pistols were strapped at her thighs. She wore a pair of blue large chunky heeled boots, with white pom poms hanging from the sides. She was covered in jewellery with little diamond hearts dangling from them.

"Patience is key, Anne," Havana replied with a dull tone. "The sooner we're done, the quicker we can leave." She continued, the flat tone never leaving. Havanna was a short, dark skinned girl with pink hair in a updo.

She wore a whimsical gothic outfit with a large purple velvet witch hat situated on her head. She closed the book as her cat-like pink eyes bored into Anne's blue ones. She was right. Patience was key

Lyon placed his sword on his back as they approached the rest of the group. His long blonde hair swayed to the rhythm of the wind, as his turquoise eyes stared at the island before him. His fair skin illuminated under the sun's light, the hint of crimson complimenting his naturally flushed cheeks.

"Lady Chau wants this mission to be carried out flawlessly. We grab the child of prophecy and the dragon, taking out anyone who stands in our way with maximum efficiency." He spoke, his voice was deep and rich, yet soft. His pale blue and gold armour hugged his tall, well-built figure well.

The ship moved to the left and then the right as a large white and black lizard-like creature moved around. A majestic dragon slept soundly behind them. Their ship got nearer to shore and they ultimately stopped at the now deserted port.

"Wasn't a going on~?" Alice spat out, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, with her hands resting on her hips.

"Something must have happened," Havanna answered dryly. "Stay focused guys. Remember our goal." Lyon spoke.

"Team buster split up, and start looking for Pukabarn. We're reporting back to each other in this very spot." The group then disappeared, leaving the dragon on the ship.

It was showtime.