
Naoto swung his sword up and down, sweat dripping from his forehead as he concentrated on sharpening his skills. Mai and Kiyoshi sat under the tree shades, tired from the mission they had just gone on. Both their eyes focused on their master's action.

They were all currently at the top of Tsuki Mountain where the Kajiyashiki Clan house was located. He was training on a large lavender flower field with beautiful tall grass everywhere. The harder he trained the more anger bubbled through his body.

The face of a smug-looking Hinode filled his mind. He should be the one sitting on that chair. He should be shogun. However, without the dragon, he knew his wish could not be granted. He continued swinging the sword up and down with the burning rage coursing through his veins.

Mai's lavender hair blew in the wind as her ice blue eyes stared at the night sky.

Kiyoshi closed her green eyes and allowed herself to lean on her friend's shoulder. A sign of trust on the mute ninja's part.

Naoto sheathed his sword and pushed back his white and black hair, his vermilion eyes staring at the purple moon that complimented the bluish-black sky. He then looked at his two disciples falling asleep on each other.

With an airy chuckle and a loving smile, he walked up to them, lifted them and headed back into the clan home. He placed them on their futons and placed a blanket over them. He then entered the zen garden and sat in front of the koi fish pond.

His mind flashed back to when his master was banished and then executed. The Hinode clan stood there with the largest grin on their face.

Naoto knew he had a vendetta to settle, and he was going to settle it no matter what. Even if it was going to cost him his life. "If you fret over the past any longer, wrinkles will appear on your forehead." His master's words echoed in his mind, tears slowly welling up in eyes.

God, he felt so helpless. He felt a weight on his back. Naoto turned his head to see Kiyoshi leaning on his back with her legs crossed her, and her hand crossed over her chest.

In her own little way, she was comforting him. The young ronin rubbed his eyes and relaxed, laying his head on top of hers.

The sounds of crickets surrounding them, uniquely adding a calming effect. Mai watched the two as she remained lying down, a soft smile on her face. She couldn't wait for the future. Mai knew he would become shogun, it was destined after all.

Magnus got out of the bath and stared at his naked self through the mirror. He's been in Locrome for almost three months and yet the nightmares of his home village have yet to subside.

He then played with his hair, his mother would never have allowed it to be this long. With the thought in mind, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out the makeshift bathroom.

His green eyes scanned the now clean inn for any signs of Koko knowing that she was the best when it came to cutting and doing hair. He saw a glimpse of her shadow boxing with Mortale watching.

They were goofing off like usual. Magnus walked up to them and sat on the cushioned sofa, finally seeing who Koko was shadow boxing. Stephan stood there faking the blow to his body as his sister continued to punch the air around him.

Koko stopped and stared at the bare-chested Magnus with confusion in her eyes. His hair dripping wet and his body wet, she kissed her teeth before yanking him up and shoving him toward the bathroom.

"You're going to catch a cold. Plus, who do you think you are, walking around bare-chested, child." Magnus let out a hearty laugh, before sitting down on the edge of the bathtub.

"I'm guessing you want a haircut," Koko whispered to herself. She brought a pair from her orange and green fanny pack and started the haircut. They sat in silence as she cut away, brushing the hair off his shoulder as she went along.

Magnus closed his eyes, resting till everything was done. Koko and the rest of the crew knew how shitty the young captain's sleep schedule was. They would sometimes catch him at the helm watching the star-filled sky only having slept for mere minutes.

His hair was now a little past his ear and to his neck, a perfect cut. She then fixed his bangs, permanently cutting them away from his face. She placed the scissors in her bag, and brushed and dried his hair. "I think you need jewellery." She muttered, inspecting his face with squinted eyes.

She turned her back and screamed for Stephan.

The young man came rushing in upon hearing his sister and looked at her and his captain in confusion. "What is it?" With a knowing look and a waiting hand, her brother understood and handed his fanny pack over to her.

She then brought out two circular gold earrings and four small ones.

Magnus prepared himself with quick breathing, and before he knew it, she was done.

She placed some tissue over the bleeding parts and cleaned them with the alcohol wipes in her pack. She brought the mirror down and placed it in front of him.

His eyes widened and a large grin broke out on his face. He looked really good. He admired himself, even more, his entire crew plus Mina and Ryu, standing by the bathroom door and smiling.

"What's cooking, good looking?" Elvia jokes, prompting everyone to laugh. Magnus was a changed man, literally.