
Magnus stood there frozen, unable to grasp what was he witnessing. Amane and Naoto were in the same boat he was. Lady Chau stood there, her grin slowly growing wider. It wasn't the carnivorous plant chomping down on Torakichi that was throwing them off.

"Why exactly are you naked?" Magnus questions, a look of utter confusion written on his face. She laughed, flinging her hair backwards. "To feel the spring breeze over my body, silly." The pirate lord took a step closer, causing the three to take a step back.

"Don't be shy now. I hate not being able to make new friends." Amane grimaced. "How weird are you, woman?" Chau took no offense to that. Instead, she extended an arm out. Their guards were up. A single vine came forward and started caressing Magnus' face.

He felt incredibly violated. His body couldn't help but shudder at the action. Naoto and Amane stood there horrified. This was the pirate lord that captured the spring sea. The pirate lord that terrified the spring navy. A weirdo.

"Pukabarn, pukabarn, pukabarn." Was this the only Icelandic word these people knew. It was starting to get on the captain's nerve. "If you come long nicely, I very much promise to allow your friends and crew mates to live. If you don't, then oh well I guess."

Magnus laughed, it came out breathy and sarcastic. "You're delusional." Chau's face morphed into on of annoyance. She moved the vine to wrap tightly around his neck.

When no signs of wavering or struggle was painted on his face, she sprinted forward, only to be blocked by Amane's spear and Naoto's sword.

The pirate lord backed up, rethinking her strategy and taking a more diplomatic approach. The man eating plant moved to get behind and she took a seat on his head.

Her nude body was covered in an amber hue from the flames of the torch. Her cyan eyes softened, and her sickly sweet smile was back on her face again.

"Think about it Magnus Jokull. You came into this world with a second shot at life. You could've remained under the radar, and carried out a much simplistic life by being a bandit with the Koto crew. However, you chose the high profile life of piracy. Being hunted by the navy, which I'm surprised you've been able to slip through their radar this entire time." She took a deep breath, looked at her nails, and looked back at the unnerved three.

"Once you decided to put yourself under that spotlight." She paused, smiling even wider, "you decided to create a path of destruction everywhere you went. This year's tournament was your doing, and now the events and my presence on Sakurasou Island are also your doing."

Amane placed a hand on the shaken boy. "If you want to be a pirate lord, my sweet dear. You have to be willing to sacrifice everything." She started to laugh. "And as lord of the spring sea, I have now gained the weapon that'll make all my dreams come true." The slide door next to them lit up, revealing a large shadowy figure twirling around.

Amane and Naoto froze as they heard the low roar and grumbling. "Ryusuke." They both said aloud. Magnus began to break out of cold sweat, when the sliding doors were pulled open by her vines.

Locrome was proving itself once again to be the vast unknown for the captain. A large flying dragon was staring right back at them. Menacing wasn't even the word to describe this beast. It scared the very core of the Juggernaut's captain. The two Kajiyashikis took one more glance at the dragon clocking their head side ways.

Something was wrong.