
"Gosh, this is starting to feel like a full blown work out." Stephan voiced out, dodging Lyon's less than mediocre attack for the nth time. Mortale, who was now healed, was ready to jump back into the action.

However, every single one of them would have their fights disrupted when the ground started to shake violently. "What on earth is going on?" Koko voiced, stumbling and falling on her backside. Vivienne took this distraction to quietly disappear and head back to the flying petal. Much to Koko's dismay.

The shaking of the ground continued, as something large flew out of the shogun's castle. The Juggernauts and the Busters could only watch on in surprise. Lyon placed his sword back on his hip, and Havanna got back onto her broom.

They knew what was going to happen, and decided to head back to their ship. Lady Chau knew what she was doing, and trusted her motives. "What exactly is the captain doing?" Elvia questions, horrified by the actual flying dragon occupying the sky.

"Can you boneheads hear me!?" Magnus' voice rung through their head, throwing them off for a bit. "Yes we can." They replied in unison. He sounded scared out of his mind, and the faint yelling coming from Amane in the background, made them chuckle a bit. "

Cosmos is able to link us through telepathy, which is handy dandy! We're currently on the back of the flying dragon! The lord lady left, after basically finding out that this dragon isn't the wish dragon! She didn't leave....oh god, it's way too high!" He couldn't finish the sentence, and the only thing his crew heard next was the frantic screams as the dragon flew towards Tsuki mountain.

The crew scrambled to get away from the oncoming creature. They all decided to hide behind the trees, patiently waiting there. This was the first time they had seen a dragon. Mortale, Thali and Elvia all knew that Koto had one at one point, but it disappeared a couple years before their arrival.

The dragon landed. It's piercing amber eyes locked onto the crew that were not hiding as well as they thought they were. The large being then roared, pushing back the trees. Magnus was minutes away from pissing himself. It was these snippets of reality that had him want to go back to his life in Iceland before the war. Shit had hit the fan.