Jack of all trades.

The Koto dragon continued the barrage of attacks on the Juggernaut pirates. Magnus ran his mind into the ground, trying to come up with a good plan to help them escape this creature.

He was actually facing a ferocious dragon, and he was reasonably scared out of his mind. Thali blew a fire from her mouth, but was left with wide eyes when the dragon geared for its own version of the attack.

The flame user was shoved out of the way by an injured Mortale, who proceeded to fall on top of her. Amane stood in front of the dragon, after they came out of the clan's home with a new weapon in her hand. Naoto's eyes widened in shock. How on earth did they get to that.

"What's with the long face?" Amane questioned their uncle. The weapon in her hand was a large golden blade katana, with a crimson and black hilt. It had to be the ugliest thing the young Kajiyashiki had ever laid their eyes on. However, they knew it would get the job done.

"Oi, old lizard. Turn your head toward me!" The dragon did as it was told, and turned toward the white haired warrior. Amane got into position. Magnus watched on, his body growing much more tired than usual.

'Hey Cosmos, what's going on?' He asked the being in his head.

Cosmos sighed before dragging the boy into his inner world.Magnus took a minute before he opened his eyes.

A white glowing figure stood before him with a large terrifying grin on their face.

"Back up will ya. My head feels like absolute shit." Cosmos did as he was told, and backed up. "Why does my body give up on me after using my powers for just a bit?" The cosmic being simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I really don't know. Those before you were able to handle their powers just fine. A little training helped, but their bodies weren't reacting like yours." Magnus stared at Cosmos shocked.

"There were others before me?" Cosmos laughed.

"Well duh. Take me for instance. I was given that power before you, and now I'm stuck in this form with your voice. When it's time, you'll be like this too." Magnus' head was spinning. He stood up from his laying positions, and walked up to Cosmos.

"Why was I not informed of this when you first appeared back at Morte? Why would I want this for myself?"

"Listen kid. I was in the same boat as you at one point. Only difference, me and all the others before me, were born in Locrome. Don't know what changed there. Anyways, we were all roped into this and we were all clueless.

You are not going to become like me, until you're dead. So there is a chance of you living a normal life here, with anyone you want. There's no need to panic at all, so let me fix this body of yours, so it can handle the powers that I give you properly. You're the jack of all trades, Magnus. We need you."

Magnus was back on the mountains, with so many questions. His mind focused when Amane was screaming from the dragon's head. She was able to stab it, but that wasn't such a bright idea on her part. He geared into thrill mode, only one question buzzing through his mind.

What the hell did Locrome need him for?