In a world where Koushin, a reborn Earth native, reshapes the Naruto universe, familiar faces embark on divergent paths. With the roots of Konoha's society altered, A reformed and powerful Akatsuki faction, seeking redemption and control. As Akatsuki's influence grows, secret factions emerge, and loyalties are tested. Koushin, armed with knowledge from his previous life, maneuvers behind the scenes, guiding events in unexpected ways. As the balance of power shifts, allies and enemies blur, resulting in a riveting tale of intrigue, betrayal, and the pursuit of power in this Naruto fanfiction.
What to expect;
Skyrim System: Although it is based on the game, it is adapted to Naruto World. No game magic, no game weapons. Mostly the interface.
!!!Heavily Altered Plot: If you are reading to remember Naruto, don't. I don't like rewriting stories. If you are familiar with my works, you should know I like to fuck up with plot. Change everything, ignore anything. I don't care about knowledge about anime or manga. I don't care about knowing what is going to happen. I fuck the plot right in the middle. So, do not comment in chapter 20 why some of the characters acting different than their anime-self. Actions have consequences, and MC, by just existing, changes stuff.
Strong Romance; Koushin x Ino. Mushy, sickening romance. Foolish banters, lovey-dovey words, name-callings and nauseating interractions.
Harem-R-18; NO! No harem, no smut, no ntr, no yuri. Just romance.
Slow Pace; First part of anime ended around Ch75, I am guessing Shippuden would take around 100, maybe a bit more chapters.
Strong but not Overpowered MC; Easy-going, casual, funny and enjoyable MC.
For now the publish schedule is a chapter a day.
its better if it does not have romance..
I don't know if you are familiar with my work, but I don't start publishing without having at least 100 drafts. I have more than that at hand now, and this novel will last around 200. Anyways, please read the synopsis so you can expect what this novel can offer. Have fun and Peace!
Reveal Spoiler
Decent story but lots of illogical decisions. MC treats the world as a game and not reality. lots of holes and inconsistencies. the actions in the uchiha massacre make zero sense. Sacrificing quality for new content mostly. I like that it's original but it also has to be actual good writing too. author is trying to find that balance which is admittedly hard for any author. props for writing.
(As of chapter ~17) It's a really nice story. The story is well paced not too fast nor too slow . The mc is not a toddler who is working his a@# off and just focusing on training. He has a brain too and the way he handled danzo and root is also pretty good. all in all it's worth a read 📖
Reveal Spoiler
[EDIT] I have read till chapter 65 and I can easily this is one of the best fanfics I have read so far after reading 9 Naruto fanfics. Protagonist has a Anit-Hero personality. He is not cold blooded but also spare no kindness towards his enemies. This fanfic has a mixture of Skyrim system with Naruto which does not make mc overpowered at an instant but is also helpful to catch up to talented charachters. Will be grateful if the author adds the images related to Skyrim species/characters for those who have not played Skyrim, such as myself. Let's hope Author-san finishes this novel while taking his time building the plot. Peace
Really enjoyed this story! It was definitely a change from the usual regurgitated canon events and it’s really enjoyable adventure to follow along with the effects the MC’s actions cause. 10/10
The beginning really hooked me. You know how to grab a reader’s attention.💛 : : : :🍀💛🍀💛🍀💛💛🍀🍀💛🍀🍀💛🍀💛🍀💛💙💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
It was really good story and change of pace
Reveal Spoiler
Personally, I have found the story to be very entertaining with a likable and rather charismatic main character. He has a very pragmatic attitude about certain decisions, but that doesn’t stop them from bonding with others either. I think the story is worth a shot to give a try to see what you think.
Very good book.