"Good morning Edward, take a seat "
I settle down infront of him
"Morning Mr.Henry " I turn around to find Max
"I guessed you will be joing us too , come inside Max " Henry waves at Max
"So how are you Edward?" I look up to the doctor who once saved my life
now I'm sitting infront of him , more vulnerable than ever before
"Breathing "
he looks up to me with a smile
"I saw the speech you gave at the press meet, it was very impressive "
"I recited the words my PR team gave me " I tell him
"But you were great "
I nod at him
"So Edward, tell me about your nightmares "
"You know my story , you know them " I tell him blatantly
"Well I know it from a sixteen year old perspective. Are you still sixteen? "
"Fine " I scoff at him
"I feel happy ,when I feel I'm doing good .They haunt me .They feel so real like im in the urge of dying every night .I wake up , I'm alive but she's no more .I lost her "
I feel Max hand gripping my shoulder