Chapter Seven [ The Healer]

Chapter Seven [The Healer]

“Congratulations! "Doctor Glen smiles and asks Rudolf and Rhoda,

"Where are you going this time?"

"My wife fell out as we were almost halfway home!” Rudolf responded.

He looks to Robert and shouts, "Come on, son, wake up!"

"Mommy!" Robert exclaims as he extends his hand and body towards Rhoda, who is ready to embrace him and cuddle him. Rhoda shouted as she hugged Robert and Rudolf, "My little precious baby, I love you!" he sobbed.

"I would recommend that you have your family's health tested before you leave," Doctor Glen advises, adding, "The pandemic problem has spread internationally, there is a community quarantine area, and everyone, even travelers, has been affected." Doctor Glen stated.

"Thank you, Doc. Glen! Do what's best for us!" Rhoda says as she turns Rudolf,

"Honey, it's time for your fractures to be checked before we leave. That was my concept a long time ago, and you required it for your health problems,"

Rhoda adds as she walks ahead for registration, Rudolf shouts,

"All right, let's get this health checkup started!"

"Sir Wagner, we are expected to leave for China before midnight tonight!" says a member of the rescue squad as Rudolf stares at him outside, smirking as he checks the time with his eyes lifting to the wall clock,

"Is your clock active Glen?" he asks.

As Rudolf's general health check-up began, Doc Glen understood his past health background and history and said,

"Yes, it's updated." Doc Glen advises Rudolf,

"You need an X-ray for your backbone," as he takes Rudolf to the X-ray room with precise directions that Rudolf completely understands.

Doctor Glen observed delightedly,

"Everything appeared to have cleared up, and his previous history of backbone fractures appeared to be magically aligned as it should be." Doctor Glen said.

"Did you hear what Doc Glen said, honey?" Rhoda asks.

"Yes, Honey, God has done a wondrous sign to me," Rudolf testifies, his eye closed and tears streaming down his cheeks

Rudolf said, "I want to glorify and worship your magnificent God. Your Great God has completely cured me!" he exclaims, tears streaming down his face like a river as he embraces Rhoda.

Doctor Glen asks Rudolf, his eyes bulging with questions,

"Do you mean you haven't had another checkup since you started massage therapy?"

"Not anymore!" said Rudolf, while Rhoda was taken aback when she realized she had been given the gift of healing through trust in Jesus Christ.

“Anyway, you’re required further check-up and assessment to diagnose the whole issue.” Doctor Glen said.

She's alone with Robert, wondering, as Rudolf and Doctor Glen undertake a thorough health examination and evaluation to determine the cause of Rudolf's amazing cure.

Doctor Glen exclaimed, "Praise God for the glorious healing, and I'm also confident of your healing through faith in Jesus Christ."

"Come on Robert, we'll see your health," Doctor Glen added to Robert, who stood silently behind his mother.

"Robert, you need supplementary multivitamins now for your growing up, since you're going on a long journey, you keep this prescription for buying it in any drug store,” Doctor Glen said quietly to Robert eyes gazing intently at him

"Everything is fine under God's protection," Doctor Glen says, adding,

"If you're not leaving yet tonight, I’d like to invite you to our open community Christian Sunday service and fellowship with other born-again Christians.

The majority of us are Americans. Military bases office personnel and facilities staff, associates, and armies who have been converted, transformed, and sanctified through repentance by the grace of faith in Jesus Christ.”

"Thank you, Doc Glen," Rudolf said as they both peered introspectively.

"Perhaps some other day when God brings us back together here, we can join you as U.S. Military base staff. The love of God has kindled deep within us and has been lighted by the miracle of healing."

"Our association of medical missions has also advised me to make sure that my patients who will be traveling soon take certain precautions against covid-19 contaminations," he said.

"You should be properly and fully vaccinated before you go," Doctor Glen reminded Rudolf and Rhoda,

"with approval from the World Health Organization eligible to travel or transferred areas." He added.

"The authorities have declared a 'Lockdown' in a specific location, and we're all obligated to obey by the law of the land," Doctor Glen told the Wagner family before they departed.

Rudolf acknowledges Doctor Glen's warnings and worries with humility as the two of them gently went out after hugging and saying farewell.

“It was wonderful to meet a brother in Christ like Doctor Glenmore MacDowell of the United States military-based medical mission team.” Rhoda ponders.

"Can we get a cup of coffee, honey?" Rudolf urged Rhoda as they paid their bills at the desk and walked outside.

“Robert has to start eating solid foods now, honey!"

"Mummy, like it, eat, eat,” Rhoda stated as Robert

laughed at her son's development.

“Stammering again,” Rudolf teased as he began looking for things inside the grocery shop while Rhoda went on her way to order a meal at the counter area and get a table for her family.

Rhoda remembers all she needs on her lists. As she continues to count on them, the needs of her husband and son, she quickly notices a vendor looking at her across the sidewalk. She’s reminded of herself as a vendor.

“But I should not be affected by them instead,” she stops and grabs another loaf of bread and ham.

She's in a hurry to pay for everything and get outside to talk to the vendor.

"Do I recognize you?" she inquires of the merchant. "Your features remind me of someone I know," she added.

"I'm from Manila," says the merchant. Rhoda shouts,

"You were one of them!"

Rudolf and Robert appear instantly panting.

“Why are you here, honey? It's not healthy for you.” He adds.

Rhoda gives the vendor and her son the items she bought from the groceries,

” Come on, my fellow, this is just a gift from God.”

"What's going on here?” Rudolf asks without giving it any thought, and Rhoda simply agrees to do as he requests to avoid additional discussions of past conflicts and history and to leave the vendor.

She mumbled, moving away, "You are forgiven already, honey. This vendor and her young son are only a part of people's environment."

"I recognize her. She's one of my co-vendors who was harassed by the sidewalk collector. She had no sales at the time, and the collector grabbed all of her merchandise goods and fled, leaving her yelling," Rhoda says.

"What, then, is the link?”Rudolf asks

“ No connection," Rhoda reply adding,

"but my heart breaks as I watch the country's economic situation deteriorate and the people become poorer. If you don't find me, they will harass me and take all my merchandise also." Rhoda says.

"Bong began to molest me indirectly if I didn't donate to the group's funds. Do you know what the group's true problems are?" Rhoda inquires.

“I never know except to take my portions, he retorted without hesitation.

Rhoda prays quietly, "in Jesus Christ's mighty name," she whispers, and Rudolf and Robert rush towards her, excited to begin a delicious meal as a celebration for the upcoming new member of the family, as they pray before it.

"Oh my God, have mercy and be good to all of us a sinner as we desperately needed you," Rhoda said.

” Wife we might get short of budget. My pocket started to alarm. It has holes! " Rudolf murmurs.

While Rudolf and Robert approach Rhoda, the kids she observes are still playing cards after they've finished eating. Rhoda has secretly ordered French fries for all of them. Robert shouted out as Rudolf ran forward because it was getting dark. "Mum mummy!" exclaimed the son.

Rhoda cried, "I'm rushing to catch up with your honey!" Rudolf yelled, "You better hurry honey dear, time is up to go and meet the rescued team out there. It’s almost midnight.”

Rhoda grabbed all the shopping bags and dashed past the street youngsters eating French fries to keep up with the hurried family towards the skies.

Rhoda's spirit remains high, as she has been lifted and glorified God as a consequence of Rudolf's miraculous recuperation and the positive pregnancy findings, as well as Robert's good health. She realized that when blessings came, she should also bless the needy.

As she recalls,

"I will prevent pests from consuming your crops, and the vines in your land will not drop their fruits before they are mature," says the Lord.

“Then all countries will call you blessed, for your land will be lovely,' declares the Lord Almighty."

Rhoda and Rudolf are going to be disappointed. The pandemic scenarios, on the other hand, force her to pray quietly, “I speak to God for protection, appealing for the blood of Jesus Christ to atone for my family's vulnerability to the coronavirus, which is present everywhere.

In Jesus' mighty name, we declared protection, healing, and provision for the hungry, needy, and helpless, Amen!" Rhoda continues,

"God save and protect us, and heal those who have been contaminated and infected by these contagious deadly viruses.”

Rhoda cries out in prayer as she suffers intense agony for the impending unforeseen situations that she already saw that moment before midnight when she walked along the shadowy route to the airways.

"I've been preoccupied this whole day and overlooked the time rushing after murky nightfall," Rhoda said, raising her eyes to heaven when she noticed the stars that elegantly decorated the dark sky,” Rhoda murmurs.

"But, my God," she screamed,

"I'm so enamored with your majesty and the beauty of your holiness!" Robert exclaimed, "Mum mum, come!"

Rudolf started to chuckle as he heard his adorable son joking around while watching her look up at the sky. He also looked up and pointed to the starry night to Robert.

They enjoy seeing the constellations in outer space even though they are trying to catch up with the rescued squad and meet them.

"Wife, I'm not religious like you, but I'm so amazed at God's goodness to us expecting more of His revelation in signs and wonders to all who have fear of Him." Rudolf shared with Rhoda as they gazed up at the majestic, fascinating starry skies that night.

"I'm not sure whether God can forgive me because I'm aware of what I did but didn't know God's truth at the time." He uttered.

"Honey, God made us in His image, and His plan for us is good. He is glad to bless us and share His splendor in His Heavenly Kingdom with us," Rhoda began to tell her husband.

"However, sins began in the life of man after our pro-genitors shattered the intimacy between God and man when poor Adam and Eve disobeyed God's commandment," Rhoda says.

"Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, offers Himself as an atonement to appease God's wrath against our sins, which He considers to be bad.” Rhoda continued.

“Only Jesus Christ has the power to save us and mend the rift that sin has brought about because, even though He is God, He humbled Himself off as one of us who are sinners and ransomed us, paid the sins that lead us to death spiritually. He is receiving the punishment we deserved for the wrongdoing we committed against others and God so that God's wrath against us will be paid by His sinless blood. God alone accepts the blood of Jesus Christ because it is sinless and free from imperfections and stains caused by sins.” Rhoda continues.

“Rhoda said, "It is finished in His death on the cross, which pleases God since He gives His blood as payment for our sins committed and for our salvation. His opponents believed he was vanquished when he died on the cross, but after spending three days in hell, God the Father resurrected Him from the dead to life. He collects all of the souls in hell that Satan stole from God. When Jesus is raised from the dead and exalted to the throne of God's kingdom, all of God's angels exult, bringing all of those souls with them into heaven.” Rhoda chuckles as her stories thrill, captivate, and interest Robert and Rudolf.

"We receive fresh life via Jesus Christ's unconditional love for mankind to illustrate how God loves His people, and we gain victory when Father God resurrects Him from death," Rhoda explains the mystery of Christ's passion.

"His Holy Spirit will abide within our hearts because we accepted Jesus Christ as our lord and savior by repentance from our depravity and by the grace of faith in the redeeming deed and power of Jesus Christ on the cross," Rhoda continued.

"If we confess our faults, repent truly, and believe that God has forgiven us, then new life begins in the spirit of Jesus Christ," she says of our reactions.

"In Christ, we become new creations. Faith is a gift. This faith has something to do with people who believe, hope, and trust in God's unseen promises, yet we still believe," she explained.

"However, faith should be alive as the fruits of the Holy Spirit work in our life so that we have the strength, knowledge, and humility to do what Jesus Christ demands," Rhoda explains.

"To love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love others as we love ourselves," Rhoda says.

“Isn't that amazing? God Loves You as He Created You in His Image," Rhoda cries as she conveys it beautifully.

Rhoda talks about how God draws people together. "Just believe and trust God, seek him out, talk to Him in your heart; He lives once you accept Jesus Christ as your re-deemer who ransomed his life to reconcile us to God."

"When we received his grace of faith, we began to believe God and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our friendship and intimacy, which were damaged when we were still sinners, will be restored," Rhoda adds.

"Our past sins will be purged by His blood spilled on the cross till He died in the Calvary, we died with Him because of our sins, He is buried and our sins will also be buried with Him when He resurrected from death, we also got a new life with Him and reborn in Spirit," Rhoda says, as Rudolf listen and Robert excitedly claps his hands joy-fully as if he understands his mother.

"And we will live eternally with Him in His kingdom in heaven," she says. "Our old self has gone; what is left is new life, new person, new spirit from Jesus Christ as a result of our faith in Him,”

Rhoda ended the mystery of faith.

“Jesus Christ is the true ruler of the kingdom of light, peace, and joy. He descended because we are unable to ascend to where God is. We cannot live in heaven with God unless He descends to earth because God intended for all of us, not just a select few, to be saved and become His people to live eternally in Heaven. We are also unable to live up to God's standards because we are all weak and made of dust. God desired sinners; therefore, He sent us Jesus Christ, not because we are good and deserving but rather because we are undeserving, filthy creatures in need of a Savior like Jesus Christ, who delights God by His humility. Jesus reaches out to us to bring us to His kingdom of light and free us from a slave of sins in the kingdom of darkness in hell.” Rhoda says as she invites her husband asking,

“Do you accept Jesus Christ and His love as your Lord and redeemer now, Honey?”

“Yes, of course, I embrace and receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior because He healed my aches," Rudolf added.

“Honey, let’s pray!" Rhoda implored.

“As we live and Christ lives inside our hearts, we can grow together as one body of Christ.”

As they both stared up at the starry sky, Rudolf opened his mouth to pray with Rhoda,

"Jesus Christ, my Lord, and God, I embrace You as my one and only savior and God,"

the pair continue to pray amid the path walk leading to the airways.

"I honestly confess my crimes, all my unclean thoughts, words, and actions, and some I haven't identified yet," They spoke as they prayed together, and Robert dozed out next to Rudolf.

"I repent and ask you to forgive me as I fall at your feet with all my sins and thank you for pouring your holy blood for the forgiveness of all my sins," they say.

"From now on, I dedicate my life to you in faith and trust, through Jesus Christ, Your one and only son, Amen."

Rhoda gives her husband and son kisses and hugs before kneeling in prayer to the Holy Spirit.

"As I rebuke, cast out, and break free the chains of the bondage of sins to Rudolf, me and my son, my relatives, and loved ones, and other people close to us. May the blood of Jesus covers him and my kid. To protect them from every illness, danger, and fire of hell," Rhoda said,

“The enemy has no more rights to claim for the life and soul of my family and those who include in this prayer,” She said,

” Amen” Rudolf agrees.