Elizabeth is worried as she gets to her feet and yells, "No, not like this, Harold. Get up, Harold. Please, do it for me". Elizabeth yells to Manny, "Stop the fight, please" Manny says to her, "Just calm down, Harry is okay. He'll get up . Don't worry about him". Harry is on one knee, the ref begins his count on him. Harry looks at the ref while he is counting but Harry thinks about everything bad which happened in his life.
Harry thinks to himself, 'Not again... Never again because this all ends tonight... Please God, help me through this as I plan to end all of this... To make all the bad, to make it all good today... So, I can move... Forward'. Elizabeth, his family and the crowd begins to cheer him on, 'Harry, Harry, Harry'. The ref is on the count of nine, Harry gets up before the count of ten. The ref checks on Harry to see if he's able to continue, the ref says, "You're okay, Edwards" and lets the fight continue. It's the last 15 seconds of the fifth round, Richard hits Harry with a left jab but something has awoken deep inside Harry as after that jab to the head, Harry unloads with hard and powerful hooks and uppercuts to the body, the bell goes to end the fifth round.
Harry heads to his corner, Manny asks him, "What the heck happened with that knock down, lad?". Harry thinks on how to answer this but he simply confesses, "What happened there was, I never saw it coming" Manny whispers, "I knew it. You can't see probably through that left eye, can you?". Harry answers, "Nah, I haven't been able to see probably through my eye ever since I had the surgery" Manny tells him, "Since that's the case, I'm going to stop the fight and throw in the towel because I cannot have you taking a beating like this, not anymore" since Manny is afraid that Harry might lose everything the same way he did back when he lost the title to Harry's grandfather.
Harry begs Manny, "Don't put an end to the fight, I want to continue since this is my last fight and I want to go out swinging, like a true warrior. Like a hunter". Manny thinks about it. He responds, "All right, lad. But if you go down one more time, I'm throwing in the towel regardless of what you say". Harry stand up from his seat and waits for the bell to go, once it does Harry has his mouth guard placed into his mouth and takes his stance and prepares for the sixth round as he bangs his gloves together as the bells goes.
Harry is ready for the rest of the fight; the bell goes for the sixth round to begin, however Harry and everyone else sees that Richard isn't getting up from his seat. Harry, while in his own corner asks Manny, "What's going on with Richard?" Manny answers, "I don't know but just wait and see what's going to happens next, lad". Harry approaches the ref and asks him, "What's wrong with Richard?" while the ref tells him, ""Go to your corner and wait there, Edwards. Harry makes his way back to his corner and waits. Harry waits for a while and while he is waiting, he speaks to Manny about what could be going on with Richard and then all of a sudden, Richard's manager Brendan throws in the towel. Harry and Manny are confused as they look at each other.
The ref waves his arms in the air to signal the end of the bout between Harry and Richard. Harry raises his arms in victory and afterwards, Manny enters the ring with Chris and Andy. Harry hugs Manny, Andy and Chris each, then Elizabeth makes her way to the ring while the announcer enters the ring and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, in a stunning upset and you winner by technical knockout in the sixth round, The English National Champion, Harry 'The Hunter' Edwards".
Elizabeth enters the ring, as she approaches Harry and kisses him over his victory tonight eventually Elizabeth and Harold hugs in the ring but Harold asks her, "Would you mind hanging on just a second, Beth". Harry asks Andy, "Help me take my gloves off, please". Once Harry's gloves are off, he makes his way to Richard, puts his hand out to him and says to him, "Good match, Richard. It was really the best fight of my life and I thank God, and you for this chance". Richard takes Harry's hand and tells him, "No problem, mate. I appreciate it too".
A reporter from the BBC named Laura interviews Harry, as she asks him, "How did you think the fight would go tonight and did you know that you would be the winner at the end of it all?". Harry tells Laura, "When a fighter like myself and Richard enters the ring for any fight, we're never truly sure on how it's going to go out there but we go out there every night and do the best we can like I did tonight with the help of God, my manager, my team, my family, the crowd and those who gave me support throughout the many years and my fiancée Elizabeth Dunn, who I love really much. If it weren't for her, I would not have gotten to where I am tonight with the help of Manny and my Elizabeth as she's my Beth, the one and only". Harold places his arm over Elizabeth's shoulder and gently pulls her closer to him and kisses her.
The reporter continues with asking Harry, "There has been rumours going around that this was your last fight tonight, can you confirm this, is this true? Care to comment to this?" to which Harry answers, "Well, I've been talking about it with my family, my fiancée Elizabeth and my manager Manny and the rest of my team and we think that it's best that I hang up my gloves and call it quits after this fight because I'd like to get married to Elizabeth, live my life with her and even begin my own family with her, maybe even pass my knowledge and boxing skills onto my children, if Beth give me permission".
Elizabeth quietly says, "Probably not as I don't want our children to grow up with a lifestyle of fighting". The reporter then asks Harry, "What are you going to do for a career after you retire from boxing?" Harry informs her, "I was thinking about becoming a trainer myself like Manny or I would go into being a mechanic again like my dad but I'm not too sure on that yet, I'll cross that bridge when I get there". Harry tells the reporter, "Laura, I don't want to answer anymore further questions as I would like to go home and rest with my fiancée".
Harry then hears someone in the crowd yelling, 'We love you, Harry' while Harry responds, "And I love you guys too and thank you for the great support that you've given me tonight and over the many years as it means a lot to me. Thank you". To which Elizabeth, Harold, Manny, Chris and Andy leaves the ring and heads to the locker room. While on the way to the locker room, Harry waves to the crowd and thanks them for all of their support not just for tonight but over the years.
24th September 2011.
It has been six months since Harry fought and beat Richard in the ring and retired from boxing since he made history in the total time of just one year. As Harry was the first fighter to knock Richard down and was the first fighter to make Richard suffer a loss in his career and won the English title within just two rounds, which no other fighter in history has ever done before.
Elizabeth and Harold have been talking these past six months about him getting a job since h retired from professional boxing and talking about their wedding and even the possibility of moving out of the flat if they plan to start a family together since it would be too crowded here once the children arrive. Harry is currently only working out at the gym as a part time trainer for minimum wages and continues to do training himself just to keep in shape with the boxers which he train and give them guidance.
Elizabeth told him that he is not to do any sparring or anything else within the ring due to his head problem, due to taking too many blows to the head while being a fighter in the ring. Elizabeth and Harold are currently in the flat together. Elizabeth is helping Harold prepare for his interview today for a mechanic position. Elizabeth is helping by picking out an outfit for him to wear and telling him what he should ask during the interview. Once Elizabeth has an outfit picked out, she tells him, "Put this on and freshen up for the interview". Harry puts on the outfit, brushes his teeth, washes and shaves his face and brushes his hair.
Once Harry is done, he approaches Elizabeth and asks her, "How do I look, Beth?" Elizabeth responds, "You look good, Harold. Very professional and might I add, very handsome as well". All that Harry does is, he gives her a smile. Elizabeth tells Harold, "Don't forget, that the interview is at 11 o clock this morning and that I'm heading out for work now since I've got a photo-shoot to work on today for a magazine since I'm going to be on the cover of next months issue which is about encouraging women and how its like to live with you, Harold".
Harold tells Elizabeth, "Oh, I won't be late for the interview as its only 9:55. I'm glad that you're going to be on the cover of that magazine as it is good to hear, since I haven't been on the cover of anything for a few months. Not even the newspaper since I quit being a boxer, guess that's what happens when you retire from professional boxing, it's as if I am old news now". Elizabeth can see that Harold is a bit down. She tells him, "Don't feel this way before your interview. You'll make it around some way or another, like you always have".
Harold responds, "Yeah, I'll try not to be like this but you should get going now. You're already late for work as it is". Elizabeth and Harold shares a kiss together then says goodbye to one another, as Elizabeth leaves for work, she grabs the keys to her Fiesta, her key to the flat and her bag then leaves the flat as she closes the door behind her. While Harry has a some time to kill before his interview. He has a seat on the sofa and turns on the tv to watch some boxing news which has been happening around the world, as he turns over to the BBC sports channel.
The news crew says, "Richard Davidson is in England again but we aren't sure why since he hasn't been here ever since he lost his first fight to Harry 'The Hunter' Edwards six months ago. As Richard has been seen with his new girlfriend, Victoria Bailey. They were caught walking in the airport while holding hands and were seen having breakfast together and even catching a cab together".
Harry wonders to himself, 'Why and what is Richard doing here in England again and what happened to his fiancée, Natasha since he's walking around with a new woman now'. Harry has a look at the clock in the living room and sees that its nearly 10:30 so he gets up, grabs his keys to the flat and the Jaguar then heads out for the interview. Once Harry gets to the garage, he parks the Jaguar since its nearly 11 o clock and time for the interview. Harry heads in the garage and enters the place, looks around and its to his liking. Harry approaches the woman at the front desk. He tells her, "Hello, my name is Harry Edwards and I'm here for the interview at 11 with Mr. Scott" She responds, "Pleased to meet you, Harry. I'm a big fan of your. My name's is Megan. You can have a seat while you wait for Mr. James Scott". Harry smiles at Megan then says, "Okay, thank you" as he has a seat and waits for Mr. Scott to arrive.
While Harry sits and waits for Mr. Scott to arrive, he wonders to himself, 'Why is Richard in England again? I hope Richard is not here for another rematch because I'm retired. I too wonder how life is going to be without the world of boxing and working as a mechanic again, as I have a new life now that I'm not a fighter anymore but I do have a fiancée and soon to be wife to support, which does give me more hope'. Mr. Scott approaches Harry and says, "Good morning, Harry. I'm ready for you, please follow me to my office so we can begin the interview". Harry responds, "Okay, Mr. Scott" to which he gets up from his seat and follows Mr. Scott to his office for the interview.
Once Harry and Mr. Scott arrive in his office, Mr. Scott tells him, "Please have a seat" which Harry does then Mr. Scott sits down too and the interview begins. Mr. Scott and Harry sits down and begins to talk about him working here as the first thing which Mr. Scott tells Harry, "I saw your curriculum vitae and its quite good and impressive". Harry says, "Thanks, my fiancée, Elizabeth put it together. All I did was tell her what I've done in my life, as I don't know that much about computers and things like that. I barely know how to use my cellphone but I'm starting to learn from Elizabeth because she's teaching me everything to do with technology. I'm like a dinosaur when it comes to these things".
Mr. Scott says, "That's fine, Harry. We don't do that much computer here. Megan and I are the only people who do". Harry is happy to hear this. Mr. Scott tells Harry, "I called the mechanical company which you worked for previous back in Fairfield. They informed us about how good you were even though you worked there for only 3 years then went on to become a professional boxer, which I am a fan by the way" Harry responds, "Yes, I was very good there as my father and brother, Matthew taught me a lot about being a mechanic. They taught my other brothers as well, Andy and Arthur".
Mr. Scott then says, "I don't want to speak any further as I would like you to work here, as we are currently low on staff and need the extra help as work is behind, if you're willing to accept the job" Harry tells Mr. Scott, "I'd like to work here. I've been doing nothing ever since I retired from boxing. I've only been helping at a gym and preparing for my wedding and talking to Elizabeth about our futures". Mr. Scott says, "I like the enthusiasm, Harry. But before I can have you working here permanently, I would like to give you an internship just to see how good you are and pay you like we do with other interns. It would only be for a couple of weeks, do you know what an intern is, Harry?".
Harry answers, "No, I don't know what that is" Mr. Scott tries his best to explain this to Harry. He tells Harry, "It's just a trial run, like being an amateur boxer so to speak. I'd like to see how good and efficient you are before you become a professional. Do you understand that, Harry?". Harry answers, "Sure, I understand what you're telling me" Mr. Scott tells Harry, "I'd like for you to begin tomorrow. I would like to show you around today but I can't at this moment since I must leave for family reasons". Harry responds, "It's fine, Mr. Scott. I would like a fresh start tomorrow, that would be fine with me" to which Mr. Scott stands up and so does Harry and afterwards they shake hands.
Mr. Scott tells Harry, "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for coming in today, I'll see you tomorrow as I have to leave soon" Harry responds, "Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Scott. I appreciate it so much". Harry says his final goodbyes to Mr. Scott then leaves the office. He says to Megan, "Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow". Harry leaves the garage and makes his way to the Jaguar and drives off towards the Gym.