Once Harry arrives at the gym, he parks the Jaguar, grabs his gear and heads inside the gym. He looks around the gym and see that Daniel is waiting for him. Daniel Taylor is a young prospect, known as The Golden Boy. He is about to enter the Light Heavyweight Division and he asked Harry three weeks ago for his help. Daniel is 18 years old, weighs 175 pounds, fights as a southpaw just like Harry and has an amateur record of 24 fights, 23 wins, 1 loss with 18 knock outs.
Daniel greets Harry, "Good afternoon, sir. How are you doing today?" Harry returns the greeting, "Good day, Dan. I'm doing great and oh, sorry for being so late. I had an interview this morning but now that I'm here, let's get down to business". Daniel asks, "How did the interview go?" Harry answers, "Quite good. I start tomorrow with my new job. Beth is going to be so excited that I finally have a job". Daniel asks Harry, "And what about my training, sir?" Harry responds, "Oh, don't worry, I'm going to be working the 5 to 12 shifts which are the early shifts, the morning shifts. I'm doing something called an internship, so we can still train in the afternoon and evening, if you like".
Daniel responds, "I'm cool with that as long as I can have some training done with you, Harry. I really need it" while Harry says, "All right, Daniel. Let us first begin with me telling you that since this is your first professional fight and you're fighting a much bigger and more experienced fighter than you, nevertheless, that doesn't matter. I was in the same ship as you're in and with my help, you can do this. I believe in you". Daniel responds, "Thank you, Harry. It means a lot to me that you have this much faith in me" while Harry replies, "No problem at all, Dan. I'm here for a reason, to teach you what I already know and be there when you need it. I didn't have what you got since I was on my own throughout my career just for now, let's begin our training. I'll be here to help you through everything and I'll never leave you".
Daniel asks, "Hang on, before we continue, I wanted to ask you something before we begin" Harry says, "Sure, you can ask me anything, Dan. Don't be shy". Daniel asks, "So does this mean that you're going to manage me?". Harry thinks about this. He answers, "I have to talk to my fiancée about this first but absolutely, I'll be your manager and your trainer but it's going to be tough, since I am starting with my new job tomorrow and planning my wedding too just I'm going to be your manager and get you as far as I can in your career just like Manny did with me, even though it was brief".
Daniel is over excited to hear that Harry is going to be his manager but for now, the training begins. Harry has Daniel do push-ups, rope work and working the heavy bag and speed bag. Harry tells Daniel how to do each thing correct and receive the maximum benefits from it as Harry and Daniel are busy throwing punches on the heavy bag. Everyone in the gym hears a familiar voice saying, "Harry 'The Hunter' Edwards. I need to talk with you right now". Harry and everyone else in the gym turns towards the entrance of the gym. Everyone is in awe about this since it's none other than Richard 'The Duke' Davidson and his girlfriend Victoria Bailey. Daniel asks Harry, "What's this all about, sir?" Harry replies, "I don't know just hand five for a while. I'll talk to Richard and see what he wants from me and set him straight and on his way".
Harry walks over to Richard. He says, "Good day, Richard" while Richard responds, "Hello, Harry". Richard introduces Victoria to Harry as they shake hands and says, "Good day" to each other. Richard then informs him, "She's my new girlfriend since Natalie called off our engagement and we broke up". However, Harry interested in that. He asks Richard, "What are you doing here? I hope you aren't here for another rematch. I retired after out last fight six months ago and I have wedding to plan so I'll be pretty busy" Richard responds, "Nah, that's not why I am here. I am here to discuss certain business with you" but Harry quickly tells Richard, "I'm not interested in what you have to say. I have a prospect to train".
Richard tells Harry, "It won't even take 5 minutes to hear what I've got to propose to you" but Harry tells Richard, "Could you wait like 30 minutes. I'm still busy training Daniel since he asked me to be his manager" Richard says, "Sure, mate. We'll wait but could I help you out with the training?". Harry looks at Daniel then looks back at Richard. He says, "Nah, I would prefer it if Daniel learns from me only. You could go around the corner from here, there's a coffee shop there. They make a great cup of coffee and donuts too" while Richard responds, "Okay, we'll do that". Richard and Victoria leaves while Harry continues to train Daniel in the meantime.
The 30 minutes are done. Harry mostly thought about why Richard is here while he was training Daniel. Harry instructs Daniel, "Take a shower and head home. I should head home myself and see what Richard wants to talk to me about" Daniel says, "All right, Harry. Thanks for the training session today, sir" while Harry responds, "Don't worry about it". Harry and Daniel shakes hands and says goodbye to one another. Harry grabs his gear, approaches Richard and Victoria and says, "I'm sorry that you had to wait so long" Richard responds, "It's nothing but I have to talk to you, this is rather important". Harry states, "I would like to talk to you but could we do this at my place as its pretty close by".
Victoria tells Harry, "We'd like that as England, it can get really cold just like in Scotland" Harry responds, "Yeah, the weather can get really cold here. We should get going, you can follow me to my place. I'll lead you to the flat and have our talk over whatever it is that you want to talk to me about there". Richard says, "That's all right with us" Harry tells him, "Okay". He packs his things into the Jaguar, gets in and drives off while Richard and Victoria are following in their Bentley. Once they get to the flat, they park their cars. Harry leads Richard and Victoria into the flat so that they can talk.
Once there, they head inside the flat. Harry calls for Elizabeth just it doesn't seem like she's home yet, so Harry tells Richard and Victoria, "Have a seat on the sofa so that we can talk and afterwards, I'll make us all something warm to drink". Everyone sits down, Harry asks, "What exactly would you like to talk to me about?" Richard confesses, "Simple, I'm here to talk to you about helping me out as I plan to change divisions, from the Heavyweight Division to the Middleweight Division and in order to do that I need to drop a few pounds but with your help, I think it is possible. I would like us to train together, become business partners. If you're interested and willing to work with me".
Harry responds, "I see your point and everything just why would you want to leave the Heavyweight Division like this?" Richard answers, "I want to change divisions because when you beat me six months ago, it proved that I'm not the best around, far from it, only the third best, You showed myself and the rest of the world that you're the only one good enough to beat Karl Alexander". Harry is surprised to hear this while Richard continues, "The only one who can end his winning streak and become the new Heavyweight Champion of the world. Don't you want that, wouldn't you like that? To be the Champion? Which is why, all I am asking you is to help me out by training with me and if you do that, I'll help you out whenever you need me and show you a few new things during our training sessions".
Harry responds, "I am thankful for you believing in me but I'm no fighter anymore. I gave that up. I can't just train you like this, I must talk to Elizabeth about this. She's already upset with me that I spend most of my time in the gym and with being Daniel's manager. What would the media say if they saw us together?" Richard says, "Hey, look. I don't care what they say about us. After I lost to you, I heard a lot from many people yet I didn't want to and how can you say that you're not a fighter anymore? We're fighters and the saying goes, once a fighter, always a fighter. It's in your blood, in my blood, in our blood and it shall even be in our children's blood too. We cannot change who we are, never".
Harry says, "If that's the case, let me talk to Elizabeth about this and see what she has to say. I've been missing my life as a fighter. I would like to get back into it even as a manager or trainer. Maybe even both. A promoter sounds good too" while Richard responds, "That's good to hear. Do we have a deal or not". Harry states, "Of course, we have a deal just I have to talk to Elizabeth before we do anything else" to which Harry and Richard shakes hands while Harry, Richard and Victoria continues to talk about things.
Eventually, Elizabeth comes home. She enters the flat then yells out, "Hello, Harold. Could you help me out, please. I have a few things in the Fiesta. Could you grab those things while I get supper going?". When Elizabeth gets to the living room, she sees Harold sitting with and talking to Richard and a woman who she doesn't know. Harry gets up, goes to Elizabeth and kisses her while Elizabeth asks, "What's this all about? I hope Richard isn't asking for another rematch since you promised me, no more boxing, Harold". Elizabeth says this in a disappointing voice while Harold ensures her, "Nah, it's not like that, Beth. I'll explain and talk to you about it later, you already know Richard but this is his new girlfriend, Victoria Bailey".
Elizabeth and Victoria officially meets each other as they shake hands and says, "It's good to meet you". Elizabeth says, "I never knew that we were having guests tonight, so I have to cook extras tonight". Elizabeth asks Harold, "Could you go to the Fiesta and get the things out of the boot, please". Elizabeth hands Harold the keys to the Fiesta. Richard offers, "Why don't I give you a hand, Harry while Vicky helps Elizabeth with preparing supper". Harry thinks that to be a good idea. He tells Richard, "Okay, just this one time only. You can help me out just don't tell my dad since the rules of being an Edwards is; we don't let our guests do any work". Richard says, "I won't mention any of this to your dad. It's between you and me" while Harry responds, "Okay then".
Harry tells Richard and Victoria, "You're going to love the way Beth cooks". Harry and Richard heads to the Fiesta to get the things out of the car while Elizabeth and Victoria begins with supper and getting to know each other a bit more. Once Harry and Richard are done unloading the Fiesta, they head back into the flat. Harold asks Elizabeth, "Beth, where should we put everything?" Elizabeth says, "Bring the food items to the kitchen and the rest you can put into the bedroom. Thank you, Harold. Thanks, Richard". Harold does what Elizabeth asks of him while Richard and Victoria remains in the kitchen with Elizabeth as they're talking about a few things while Harold is away.
Harold is done with what he was doing, he heads to the kitchen and once he gets there, Elizabeth tells him, "Since Richard and Victoria are going to be a part of our lives and our new friends, I've invited them to my 33rd birthday on Monday and your 30th birthday on Saturday". Harry is in awe to hear this as he never got to speak with Elizabeth about him training with Richard and begin Daniel's manager. Elizabeth asks Harold, "What do you have to say about this?" but Harry is in his own world as he thinks about things, to which he realises, 'Beth's and my birthdays are coming up yet I completely forgot about it'. Elizabeth asks him, "Are you okay? As you seem distracted by something?".
Harry comes back to reality. He tells Elizabeth, "It's nothing. I was just thinking about how I completely forgot that it's nearly October and in this month, it's your birthday, mine and Zoey's but we can talk about this later since we have guests. I would like if they came to our birthdays but we should warn them that my family is having mine and Zoey's birthday in Fairfield". Elizabeth says, "Okay". She can see that Harold is having some sort of trouble with all of this but she lets it slide for now. She tells Harold, "Could you set the table, please. Supper is almost done". Harry gets to doing that while Elizabeth asks Victoria, "Would you give me a hand with getting the things out of the oven and off the stove because supper is done and it's time to eat". Everyone gets ready to eat. Harry sits down besides Richard while Elizabeth and Victoria sits besides each other.