Chapter 6 - The New Team.

After everyone arrives, Harry's family, their friends and Daniel as well, they sit down and begins to eat. Everyone has a good time together while everyone keeps asking Elizabeth and Harold when is the big day, as in when is their wedding. Elizabeth informs everyone, "We've been talking about it and we decided to have it at the end of the year since it's October. December or January sounds like a good time to get married". Julie tells her daughter, "Don't rush things. Take your time, my dear" while Michelle adds, "Your mother is right, these things, they take time".

Sean speaks up. He tells Harry, "I remember when your mother and I got married, it took three years for everything to come together back then. We had financial problems, trouble with a house and a car too but I have hope that you and this beautiful woman, Elizabeth shall pull through better than we ever could" Harry responds, "Thanks, dad. I appreciate it, and your words are wise and encouraging like always, father. Thank you".

Once that discussion is over, Harry turns his attention to Daniel. He tells him, "Your fight is coming up soon and that means that you have very little time to prepare, which is why I brought the best team I know here today, to help you out, as I have spoken to everyone here and they have agreed to help you out, Danny" Daniel responds, "Thank you, Harry. I am going to need it" while Harry states, "Don't worry. We've got this cover. Richard is here is going to help you out with your speed, you'll be able to move around the ring and how to use those jabs of yours to your advantage".

Daniel responds, "I look forward to training with The Duke. I am a huge fan of his" while Harry confirms, "That's great, Dan. Richard is going to help out with that part of your training, I'm going to assist with your defence to offence fighting abilities and turn power into speed and the other way around like we've been training back in the gym". Daniel responds, "I appreciate it, sir" Harry tells him, "While that's out of the way, Andy and Chris are going to help with support, like seeing that you are well enough to continue the way and avoid all and every injury as that would be a bad thing happen to us". The conversation between Daniel and Harry comes to an end.

Harry approaches Chris where he asks him, "Is your father all right and able to make the fight?" Chris informs Harry, "Unfortunately not, Harry. He's still ill". Harry says, "Not to worry as Manny, he'll be all right because I've got faith in God and I'm sure that He will cure Manny and grant him a recovery". The talk about the fight soon ends as things are settled. Everyone continues to have a good time together, even Arthur is having a good time. The party soon comes to an end since the gifts were handed to Elizabeth. She opened most of them including the gifts which Harry got here, after this, it's time to clean up as everyone helps out where they can and once that's finished, everyone begins to head out then home except for the Edwards family as they are heading to a hotel since they came all the way from Fairfield.

Elizabeth and Harold heads to the bedroom since they talk about how good of a night it was. Elizabeth tells Harold, "Since it was such a good night, I have thought about this the entire night while I sat with our family and friends. I feel that in order to celebrate it properly, we should try for a baby tonight. I feel that it's time we had a little one with us because I am ready to be a mother and you to be a father, Harold". Harry thinks about it while Elizabeth lays her head on his chest, as he thinks, 'Am I ready to be a father? Can I provide for the baby and Elizabeth even without having a job? Although there is still Richard and Daniel'.

After Harry thinks about it, he makes a decision and tells Elizabeth, "If that's what you want, let's do it as I think that its time that we had a child of our own since it's been a while since the whole False Pregnancy episode. So let's go for it, Beth. Having a child together, that's going to make us both happy". This makes Elizabeth smiles while she responds, "Okay, Harold. Let's do it right now". Elizabeth and Harold begins with their attempt to create a little bundle of joy, as they make out on the bed then move on to having intercourse. Elizabeth lays on her back as they begin to try and make their first born child.

22nd October 2011.

It's been five days since Elizabeth's birthday and the night which they slept together in an attempt to have their first child. Right now, Elizabeth is in the bathroom with Harold as they are waiting on the results of the pregnancy test. Elizabeth and Harold are sitting together on the rim of the bath tub as they await the results. Harold keeps asking Elizabeth, "How do we know when it's done and the results are in saying that you're pregnant?" Elizabeth tells him, "Be patient, Harold. We'll know once it shows two lines or one, then we'll know if I'm pregnant and we're expecting a child or not".

Harold says, "Okay, Beth. I can wait a bit longer since we have to get packing and get ready to leave for Fairfield as Daniel may come to our door any moment now". After about 5 minutes, the results are there. Elizabeth and Harold takes a look at the pregnancy test while Harold asks Elizabeth, "So, what's the result? Are we having our first child?". Elizabeth has a worried look on her face. She informs Harold, "I'm so sorry, Harold but the results is negative, which means that I'm no pregnant, in fact I am worried if I'll ever be able to have children with you".

Harry takes the pregnancy test from Elizabeth, places it on the floor. He tells Elizabeth while holding her hand, "Don't think like that, Beth. We'll have children someday. I believe it to be God's plan to test our patience since He knows that we aren't ready to become parents yet, it's all in His hands but why don't we take another test when we arrive in Fairfield or a few days after the party and give it some time". Harold kisses Elizabeth, to which she tells him, "You're probably right, it is God's plan for us to have children but not just yet. I do have hope that we'll have a child or two, maybe three or four running around just for now, let us get ready for our journey to Fairfield since you family and Daniel are waiting for us".

Elizabeth and Harold begins to pack their things and prepares for the trip to Fairfield, not too long afterwards, there's a knock at the door. Harold tells Elizabeth, "I'll go and see who that is, it might be Daniel" while Elizabeth responds, "Okay. Harold, don't take too long as I need your help with lifting the heavier bags and moving them to the living room". Harold states, "Don't worry, love. I won't be long" as he leaves to see if it's Daniel at the door. In fact, it is him. Daniel says, "Good morning, sir" Harry responds, "Morning to you too, Dan. Come on in because we're about ready to leave for Fairfield. You can have a seat and if you need thing, don't be afraid to ask" Daniel says, "Okay, sir but don't you and Elizabeth need any assistance".

Harry tells Daniel, "We do but only when we are ready to pack the things into the Fiesta and Jaguar but for now, rest by taking a seat on the sofa while I'll go and help Elizabeth pack the rest of the things then we can get going to Fairfield since you have a fight coming up and you'll need everything for it". Harold gets going to assist Elizabeth in packing the rest of their things, when they are done, they begin to move things to the living room. Daniel greets Elizabeth then he lends them a hand with moving their things to the Fiesta and Jaguar. Once everything is packed into the Fiesta and the Jaguar, it's now time for the trip to Fairfield as Elizabeth, Harold and Daniel gets into their respective cars as they drive off and head to Fairfield as Harry and Daniel are driving together in the Jaguar.

Elizabeth, Harold and Daniel arrives in Fairfield as they make their way towards the Edwards residence, since that's where they'll be having the birthday party for Zoey and Harry and where the beginning of Daniel's first fight is going to take place, the Fight Club where Harry and many other fighters began their careers. They soon arrive at the Edwards residence, its midday when they arrive. Everyone gets out of their cars, Harry tells Daniel, "Leave the things in the car for now. We'll get it all later but for now, let's go inside and greet my family" Elizabeth says, "That's a good idea since it was a long journey from London to Fairfield".

They head inside. They say, "Good afternoon" to everyone present. Sean, Michelle, Andrew and Arthur. Everyone within the Edwards residence returns their greetings. Andy asks Daniel, "Are you ready for your fight in a weeks time? We have a good training schedule prepared for you" Daniel answers, "I'm ready for my first professional fight, Andy. With your help and Harry's, I can't go wrong because Harry has been doing a good job at being there for me and training me too". Harry asks his mum, "Where is Zoey? Isn't she here" Michelle informs him, "No, my boy. Your sister isn't here yet but she'll be here later in the afternoon probably just in time for the two of your birthday party".

Harry says, "Okay, mother". Harry looks at Elizabeth, he nodes at her then Elizabeth asks Michelle, "Could I please have a word with you in private, Michelle" while Michelle responds, "Sure, my sweet child. Let's talk in Harry's old room". Harry can see what's going on with Elizabeth. As he thinks to himself, 'Beth probably wants to talk to my mother about the pregnancy thing' while Harry approaches his father and whispers to him, "Dad, is it possible that you still have the key" Sean asks, "What key, my son? As we have many keys here". Harry continues to whisper to his father, "The key to grandfather's gym, the key to J and J Kill-shot gym".

Sean wonders, 'What does Harry want with that old place'. Sean asks Harry, "And what do you want with that old key, with that old place as it hasn't been used in many years nor has the mortgage been paid for" Harry informs his father, "All I want with that key is to make things right with our past, it's also for business, for Daniel and many other fighters too. Just to make some extra money on the side". Sean sees what Harry is getting at. He tells his son, "Wait here, I'll retrieve the key and hand it over to you but promise me, Harry, don't forget what this key has caused us nor what it's done to my family, to our family" while Harry responds, "I'll never forget, dad. I remember what grandpa told me. I remember all too well". Harry waits in the living room with his brothers and Daniel while Sean goes to fetch the key from his safe.