Chapter 13 Part I

Eventually, it was the young woman who had to relocate herself. All she could do was bury her anger in her heart. The young man stealthily smiled with pleasure. Although he could see her huffiness, it was better than her staying still and refusing to say anything to him.

“Give me that pillow,” she said. She was attached to her soft, old pillow. She didn’t like using new pillows, and that pillow was the one she used regularly that she had brought along with her from the dessert shop.

“You’d even fight me over one pillow,” the young man complained. Knowing that she wanted it made him unwilling to give it back to her.

“But that’s my pillow.”

Once he knew it was her pillow, the young man pressed his nose into it and took a deep breath. “There’s the smell of drool, too.”

“Give it back right now!” The young woman put out her hand for it.

The young man put his head down to sleep on the pillow. He smiled delightedly. “If you want it, come and get it yourself.”