Chapter 13 Part II

“Your words of apology aren’t able to erase everything. For me, it’s once bitten, twice shy,” the young woman emphasized the last sentence in a firm voice. It was the same time that both children released her, so she moved farther away from him.

The young woman pulled her shirt down to cover her chest and lifted a baby onto her shoulder to begin the burping procedure. The young man did as she had instructed him, and once he was able to do it by himself, he smiled broadly with pride and quickly told Sakunthara because he wanted to change the topic so that the tense atmosphere of a moment ago would change.

“Hey…I did it,” he said in an excited tone.

However, the young woman merely looked at him with indifferent eyes. He felt deflated upon seeing the other person’s apathy towards him, and he tried to find a topic to continue the conversation.

“What about the milk you warmed up? Is it Kita’s or Nara’s? Are the babies full yet?”