He smiled at her. “I wasn’t dreaming, right?”
“You really are sick.”
“I meant about you.”
“You slept on top of me to the point where I sank into the bed, plus I got cramps so bad, I can’t move—yes, it’s probably a dream,” the young woman retorted sarcastically. He was this sick, but he was still smiling brightly.
“No wonder…I had a darn good dream,” he continued.
The young woman gave him an annoyed sideways glance, stretching out her legs and massaging them lightly to relieve the cramps.
“If you can be this much of a smart mouth, get up and brush your teeth. I’ll go get you some rice gruel, so you can eat and take medication,” she said as she slid herself off the bed. However, once she got into a standing position, her legs could not bear her weight, because they had been compressed for so long.