He's my hero

I waited till the wind settled and began prying the window open slowly. I crawled in and planted my foot on the wooden floor. Finally I stood before him. I hoisted my blade and plunged it into his throat, covering his throat to hide the gurgles. He began to struggle but it was far too late, I'd pierced his heart and abdomen. His consciousness slipped and finally I began to cut out his head. I wrapped it in cloth and fitted it into a bag before promptly leaving. This wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped it to be but at last, I'd be the king.

I left the premise and crawled back around to the front before running off back to the hill. "Did you do it!" Asked the man who guided me. I ignored him and leapt onto my horse. There was no longer any point in associating with them. I'd have Andador assume the role I planned to give to Rumba and take the throne for myself by morning. The only variable was if Rumba's private army submitted to Andador. I realised something however as I rode my steed, I'd forgotten about Adae's proposal. Becoming the successor to the legendary man in some aspects could be more grandiose than becoming King but at this point there was no going back on my decision. I'd resign from my running to be his successor. Then another idea dawned upon me, I could create a successor myself. Then my lineage would be remembered surely.

Eventually I arrived back to the capital and headed straight for the castle. I entered through the main gate for the first time and went inside the very castle for the first time. It was just as I expected. The halls were long and decorated with all sorts of paintings and jewels from different worlds. I navigated the castle aimlessley until I finally arrived at the throne room. There much to my delight was Andador and around him were what used to be Rumba's men. They bowed down to me and Andador walked over to me, a smile on his face, "Are you ready to bring a new age to this shitty kingdom"

"Of course I am, but you, do you wish to hear the offer I'd given to Rumba?"

"No, it doesn't matter to me, I don't wish for power, I want to watch your steps" he responded bowing his head slightly. He's my hero