Subtree Cultivation (1)

At that moment of realization. My aura exploded with pure power. My absorption and refining rate exploded. 5th… 6th… to 7th Stage Immortal Ascension Realm. I let out a dragon roar as this happened.

"Dragon Chain Lightning!" I roared.

A burst of Lighting came from hands that arced… branched and twisted. The power laced within was something even I didn't expect. The new attack spread across the sky thousands of kilometers.

"That was an excellent attack! I can't wait to see the faces of those incarnations of evil when they see this ability. I bet they will learn what it means to be against the heavens." I smiled a big smile filled with meaning. I could almost see it happening in real time.

A moment later the Thunder Typhoon seemed to rumble slightly. It felt… happy. It gave me a sense of approval. Not unlike the sensation my father Yang Kai gave me not too long ago. I see. Thunder Typhoon is happy I comprehended something that will be useful in keeping the heavens safe. Indeed.

"Thunder Typhoon, this time was great I'll come back again. I look forward to seeing how strong you become when I come back. I'll part ways with you here for now." I said, cupping my fists.

It may have not had its own sentience. However, it doesn't hurt to be grateful for all of my opportunities. Time to go to the Sub Tree for a while and cultivate under its influence. I focused and activated my Thunder Port Skill. In the next instant I was over a day's flight away and rapidly pulling away.

I noticed a small change in my Knowledge Sea. A warm happy smile came to my face as I continued to fly. "So it seems that you're awake now." I said.

"Yes, It took a little longer but now that master is stronger I can now talk again." Shandain said, as he flew around my Knowledge Sea. "Now that I am awake I will help the master grow stronger." Shandain added.

"Good! I'll have to thank you in advance, Shandain. It was truly fortunate that I found the Thunder Temple. It has gone a long way to improving my foundation." I said.

"You hear that everyone? Master is pleased with us! We have not failed the master." Shandain said. A resonance occurred that made me feel all warm and comfortable spread through my Knowledge Sea. "Oh, does the master have a figure he wishes for this Shandain to take on?" Shandain asked.

"What form would you like to take?" I asked.

Shandain changed its appearance. "I prefer this form. I liked the boobs that the first master had. So I wanted to try it out. It's great! I can stay like this right?" She asked while playing with her new form.

"Indeed. You're already prepared to meet your roommate in the future." I said.

"Oh! Who is the roommate?" Shandain asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Tehe, you'll know in time. I'm positive you'll enjoy the new roommate. So don't worry about it." I chuckled a little.

"Master? Why are you being so mysterious? I just wanna know who my roommate is going to be." Shandain pouted.

"I know you'll get along well. I'm only being mysterious because I want to give you a surprise. That's all." I said.

"Oh! This roommate of mine won't mind my form will they? I am quite exposed this way? Though it does feel so good this way. Makes it even easier to control my power. I can stay nude like this right?" Shandain asked, as she stretched out. Oblivious to the seductivity of this stretch.

"I don't think there is anyone in all the worlds who would not like to see you the way you are now. You're quite beautiful in this form. You should keep it. I think your roommate will thoroughly enjoy it as well." I said.

"Awesome! I really like having boobs. It's also far easier to take this form inside your Knowledge Sea Master. It's so comfortable, I thank you." Shandain said joyfully.

A short while later in the sky surrounding the Subtree a brilliant flash of light bloomed. A sound of thunder rang out and a figure appeared. It was me. Totally me.

"Alright we're finally here. This massive tree is the cultivation Paradise my father told me about." I said, looking at the tree.

"Master… this tree… seems incredibly powerful. I… I absolutely love it. I can feel our strengths rapidly growing. Like there is a truly profound effect radiating from this Tree." Shandain said.

"Indeed. This is definitely going to be a cultivation paradise for me. I'll have to thank my father dearly for allowing this son of his to cultivate here." I said, as I felt my aura rapidly growing striking denser and becoming far more purer than before.

I flew down and found a spot to start practicing. Today would be the start of my super intense training. I will grow strong enough here to defeat all the enemies of the heavens. First though, I need to refine Fang Qing's remains into my Knowledge Sea. It wouldn't be fair for her to not receive the tree's benefits while I do.

I pulled out Senior Fang Qing's remains and floated them in front of me. I sat there cross legged and focused. It was always a difficult thing to make a physical thing become a spiritual thing. However, after having received a few more lessons and benefits I felt I could complete this task.

I circulated my power and began the refinement process. Senior Fang Qing's remains slowly disappeared from the world. My Knowledge became even more chaotic. As lightning struck down rapidly in one place as if building something.

"This… this the first master's body! My roommate is the first master!" Shandain spoke with a child's enthusiasm. As if they were about to see their parents after a long trip.

~~A few moments later~~

The remains were completely refined and the spirit body had been made. However… Something was off. Then I remembered something else. There had been a wisp of the Seniors Spirit when I spoke with her. It seemingly vanished…

I took out the Thunder Temple and walked inside. In that instant a soul wisp appeared letting out a light joyful chuckle and flew into my Knowledge Sea.

"Seems you didn't disappoint me Junior. This master will help you rise to prominence!" Fang Qing's spirit laughed as she took over the spirit body in my Knowledge Sea.