Subtree Cultivation (2)

"First master… it… really is you! Wahhaan" Shandain rushed forward and hugged Fang Qing crying. "I missed you so much master. I love you. I'm so glad I can see you and hug you again!" She cried out, nuzzling her face into Fang Qing's breasts.

"You had it rough Shandain. I'm happy to see you again too. And all of you as well! You did a good job. Now I can be with all of you again. My darling lovely spirits." Fang Qing smiled, hugging Shandain closer. Like a mother that hasn't seen her child in so many years.

My Knowledge Sea Churned as the spirits were excited. This expanded my Knowledge Sea by quite a bit. It was now equivalent in size to a peak Saint King and still rapidly growing stronger. This naturally made me quite excited to see. I dove into my Knowledge Sea to greet the Senior Fang Qing properly.

~~Inside my knowledge Sea~~

"Senior congratulations on your reunion with Shandain and the others. I must thank you for the inheritance left behind. It has helped this Junior to grow by leaps and bounds." I said, cupping my fists.

"No, no, I should be the one thank you. Because of you, I was able to see these beautiful darlings of mine once again. Even Shandain has taken on a beautiful appearance. I'm slightly jealous of her shameless exposure." Fang Qing smiled with a hidden intention.

"First Master can be like me too. Second master won't mind at all. He called me beautiful after I took this form. I'm positive he will say the same for the First Master!" Shandain said, look up at Fang Qing from in between her boobs.

"Hmm… this first and second master is going to get confusing so how about you all call me mother instead?" Fang Qing said, addressing her own issues first.

"Yes!" Shandain smiled, still looking up. "Mother, your hugs are so warm." She added.

"Good! Now then, about this nude spirit business. Junior Leiji, are you sure you're alright with this? She is exposing herself a great deal." Fang Qing asked, curiously.

"Senior is too serious. I wouldn't dare to force Shandain to assume an appearance she does not want to. It was with her help that I obtained this Supremacy Sparked Knowledge Sea. So even if it is a little embarrassing, this one will simply bear it and enjoy the playful freedom." I said, calmly.

"Good! Then I won't stay like this either. I've always enjoyed being nude. In fact I only ever wore anything when I left the Thunder Temple. Others weren't ready for such things." Fang Qing said, changing her appearance to be full nude. "Well? What does the junior Leiji think?" she added.

"I think that Senior is a naked beauty. A sight to behold. It's just a shame that others can't appreciate such a sight." I said.

She floated over and caressed my face. Kissing my forehead and then pressing me into her boobs. "You are a good Junior, I hope that you will find a good woman to marry in the future." she said.

"Senior is too kind. I owe Senior so much. So it's only natural that I allow Senior to be free. Please enjoy this time." I said, hugging her back cand burying my spirit's face in her chest.

"Ah! This senior will definitely help you grow stronger. Perhaps you'll be the one who breaks past the bounds of the Origin King realm." Fang Qing said, absolutely loving the childish love she just received from me.

"Senior may not know. But above the Origin King realm there are many other Realms. So, I'll ask the Senior. Will you stay and help this Junior discover the profoundness of the Martial Dao?" I asked, pulling my head back and smiling.

"O… Of Course! I'd love to stay and watch my cute, adorable little junior reach the pinnacle of the Dao." Fang Qing said, her face flushed and wrapped herself around me nuzzling her face with mine.

"Good! I am currently in a cultivation Paradise. So there won't be any issues in the future. I'm sure even Senior will benefit from it." I smiled and nuzzled back.

~~Outside my Knowledge Sea, Underneath the Subtree~~

"Alright let's begin training." I said out loud.

I took out my Hammer and my Spear. The Ones that the Open Heaven Realm had personally crafted for me. I then began to practice the Thunder & Sunder Divine Art in earnest. As I continued I could feel there was more to this Art. It was as if I could touch upon something. Yet it was just out my reach.

"Seems I'll have to get used to it while in battle. I'll spend about 10 years here to cultivate. I think that should be enough." I said out loud.

"Why only ten years?" Fang Qing asked.

A surge of my Knowledge Sea flooded her mind with the information she was asking for. "I see, so that's it. How dare they do that to children. They deserve a painful death! No! A fate worse than death." Fang Qing shouted out angrily after learning of the situation.

"Indeed. But I am not strong enough to contend with the enemy. Moreover it will take at least ten years for the Void Worlds forces to gather and suppress the Evil. I just hope we make it in time. Before anything worse happens." I said.

"Good! Let's cultivate well and get Leiji'er to the Dao Source Realm!" Shandain said with optimistic ignorance.

"Don't worry son, they won't take action for a few hundred years. So cultivate well, I took the time to inform Miao Fei Ping." Yang Kai's voice rang out in my mind.

"Then I will definitely return as a truly powerful Origin Returning Realm. Thank you father." I said.

"Good! And you two… make sure to take good care of this King's son. Staying with him will bring you many benefits so keep this in mind and you cultivate diligently as well." Yang Kai's voice resounded once again.

"Junior's Father must be a powerful existence. I'm truly blessed by the heavens to have met you Leiji'er." Fang Qing said, before going back to focus on cultivating.