Tribulation? (2)

"Yang Kai! What exactly is this? Such a Tribulation for the Emperor Realm! It's unheard of!" Army Commander Zhong called out, basically demanding an answer.

Yang Kai had just finished recovering his own initial injury just a half breath before the Army Commander called him out. "Reporting, my Son's tribulation was enough to cause my small universe to become slightly unstable and imperfect. It wasn't until now I was able to fix the damage." Yang Kai said, without explaining a damn thing as Commander Zhong's face twitched.

"Stop speaking nonsense and tell me why this is happening." Commander Zhong said, twitching at the annoyance of being left in the dark.

"My son has always had overly powerful Tribulations. I am still unsure as to the reason for it. Though it could be tied closely with just how young he is. Or it could be a side effect of his knowledge on Universe World's. Knowledge we are likely not supposed to know." Yang Kai answered hoping that would be enough.

The conversation ended as the tribulation raged on. Everywhere the lightning struck, Ink Force would be converted into pure energy. Thus fueling an even greater power for this Tribulation. The size of which reached the size of a small universe world. World Force circulated and permeated through the gargantuan storm.

Along with every lightning strike was the rumbling and claps of thunder. The sounds resonated with the void. Creating a sort of rift around the area. Which led all of the ships to activate their arrays. They thought it was going to cause some damage to the ship and by extension themselves. However, the arrays meant nothing to my tribulations lightning.

"What! That went through the array! Senior brother, are you alright?" A member of a nearby squad asked the man to his right.

"I feel… fantastic? My previous injuries from the Ink Force have lessened slightly. Not even the profound fruit can do that! I wonder… Can this young man actually manage to heal those past wounds!" The man who was just struck with lightning said, after quickly inspecting himself.

"YANG KAI!!! That Son of yours is going to be working hard soon! I have several things that require his particular skill." Army Commander Zhong said, yelling Yang Kai's name.

"No! Our husband has other arrangements to take care of first!" Huo Lei pouted and curled her fists up, backwards.

"Oh… I'll find a way to make use of this boy's strengths. Even if it is after he has finished other business. The matter is too important to ignore." Army Commander Zhong said, shaking his head. He was surprised that someone other than myself would dare to speak to him directly.

Then the thunder rolled and rumbled. As a streak of lightning wrote out the word "Good". This was how I was communicating for the moment. And that would be the first and last time.

With my Tribulation reaching such a frighteningly powerful level I couldn't speak anymore. My focus was entirely on keeping myself… my very existence from disintegrating. So when the next several times people called out… there was no response.

"This Tribulation is not normal by any means. It just keeps gathering more and more energy. Can he survive such a thing?" Shen Ao muttered shakily.

"My husband won't die from something like this! I would never accept it!" Xiu Che immediately retorted. She saw me as a hero as well as a husband. So her view of me came from a more reverent side from the beginning.

"Leiji, he… won't lose to a Tribulation. He has too good a body to lose to something like that. If he were to be killed by this Tribulation then the heavens have no eyes!" Huo Lei declared, quite brazenly. Yet extremely confident. Again, she saw me as a savior. So the thought of being killed by the heavens was simply not something she could tolerate.

"Don't worry, little Leiji will find a way to make it through. But still this Tribulation has already amassed the strength of what a low rank open heaven would experience. If he survives this…" Bai Yi said, holding her two daughters-in-law.

"He might have the qualifications to walk on this battlefield significantly sooner than expected. Which would give my human Race a massive boon in the fight against the Ink Clan." Feng Ying said, finishing Bai Yi's thoughts.

~~Back with me floating in the Void~~

The Tribulation continued intensifying rapidly causing massive changes in my surroundings. The Lightning was now striking fast and frequently enough to cover the whole area. Thunder rolled the very void itself. If I didn't know any better it was as if the world itself was attempting to rid me from it.

My Knowledge Sea was churning with great force. The dragon image inside looked battered and tattered from the damage that it was receiving. That Dragon represented a large portion of myself. So each injury it received, I received as well. I wasn't looking too good. Nor did I feel so great. In this state I wasn't sure if my resistance to the Lightning would be very effective.

"Was this the cost of suppressing the breakthrough by force?" I thought. "Damn this a level of pain I never wish I knew existed let alone felt." I continued.

"Don't you dare give up, young master! You have two beautiful wives to go back to." Fang Qing said, gritting her teeth. She was also running out of energy by the breath. Speaking just that much caused her a few injuries. And Shandain couldn't speak at all.

"I must gain control of the situation at all costs. I won't let a tribulation stop my path forward." I thought, as the tribulation grew more massive and densely packed with energy.

~~A few moments later~~

The tribulation stopped growing in size and strength. And my Knowledge Sea calmed down significantly. How did I do it? I did what my Knowledge Sea wanted to do. And forced it to expand thus dissipating the chaos over a far more massive area. And I did similar things to my internal small realm. "So that was the test for this Tribulation… I guess that makes sense." I thought after some analysis. "Oh boy that is one hell of a tribulation… even with my extreme synergies… this… *gulp* will be challenging." I said sensing the magnitude of the storm.