Tribulation? (3)

"I can't sense the true size of this Tribulation. So it's going to challenge my mind then. A seemingly endless struggle. I wonder if it is attempting to make up for how little time I spent on my cultivation journey by increasing the 'Final' normal Tribulation. No matter, I knew this would be difficult. Bring it on!" I thought, excited to see what I would be like at the end of this. Not so excited for the test though.

Almost as if the heavens were sneering at my own confidence the Lightning came down striking me with a great force. Each and every time it did, it caused an immense amount of pain to course through my body. "It's strong enough to overcome my resistance?" I thought, gritting my teeth in agony.

A few breaths later my physique churned as if going into a sort of hyperdrive of sorts. "I see, so it seems my physique is going to evolve again. Not bad. The pain though… words can not describe it." I thought, after sensing the improvement happening. And each strike from the Tribulation gradually became less and less painful. Though each strike remained as powerful as the first.

Taking the change in situation into account I began refining the energy even faster. "With the size and magnitude of this tribulation, it will take a bit of time even for me." I thought, as I summoned my Lightning sphere making sure to leave an opening on top large enough for the tribulations energy to strike.

~~The Dawn Ships Deck~~

"Interesting! That boy is quite interesting. To think that he is slowly gaining control over his tribulation… Yang Kai your kin is quite something. Perhaps you should have more. The sooner the better." Shen Ao laughed, seeing the situation unfold. "Ah… Ow." He exclaimed instantly after getting punched in the head by Feng Ying.

"Speak nonsense and get hit." Feng Ying said, holding her fist ready to hit Shen Ao again.

"Junior brother was wrong. Please don't hit me again, Senior Sister Feng Ying." Shen Ao quickly said ducking away.

"To be fair you are not wrong. My wives at home are waiting for that very thing even now. But I can not do this now. And the beratement I'll have just from taking two more beautiful women is enough already. Coming back with children is not an ideal outcome. Moreover we should strive to finish the war without the need for such things. A child born for such a reason… is not good." Yang Kai said, clearly showing a small degree of homesickness.

"Then how do you figure explaining Little Leiji? He is right there. And married already. You'll have to hurry before your children will be younger than his." Shen Ao asked. Not receiving a hit this time.

"He was an accident. One of a magnitude that could only be described as the will of the heavens. I might have my ear talked off for it but they should be willing to accept him given the circumstances. I hope… No, I know that there will be at least one of his mothers back home that would hug without question." Yang Kai said, reminiscing of a very particular woman. "On top of that he has agreed to wait until he has siblings of his own before he even tries." He added, with a sigh.

Then a burst of energy from the center of the tribulation built up and reverberated. I spit out a little bit of blood. And took note of the pure blue-silver color. "Seems I broke that barrier. Now then. Let's finish the other barriers and fully become an Emperor. Are you ready, Senior Fang Qing?" I said, with a smirk.

~~Inside My knowledge Sea~~

"To think I was forced to keep up with you this time… Let's do it! And break through to the emperor realm." Fang Qing said, after realizing that her wounds from the previous chaos had healed.

"Good! Once the two of us have reached the Emperor Realm I'm not quite sure what will happen. After all, our cultivation is a bit…. Unorthodox…" I said, giving a valid warning after what I just went through.

"Don't worry about it, Young Master. I'm sure everything will be fine. I did go through all of the history of the Universe World you had gathered before. It was quite informative. Armed with that knowledge I think we can find a way through the rough situation that lay before us." Fang Qing said, almost unbothered by the situation.

~~Outside my Knowledge Sea in the Void~~

"Good! Then let us prepare! Come and bring it on! I am 100% ready for this. Let's see what the heavens bring for my test." I thought with a smirk.

With everything in place and a direct challenge to the Tribulation. Things became… hyper chaotic. And incredibly fast. Void winds began to blow. Drawing in more energy from outside. Condensing the energy into one singular point. Shrinking the storm down into a hyper dense state. It was still absolutely massive in size. But I could now see the full size of it with my senses.

Lightning didn't just come down in several strikes now. No, the lighting spiraled around the eye of the Tribulation meeting in the center. Forming a ball of nothing but the purest form of world force infused Lightning.

"This is what usually stops cultivators that practice the Dao of the sky. It is far too closely related to the power of the heavens that the tribulations are magnitudes more powerful. This is to offset the differences between cultivators." Fang Qing conveyed.

"It doesn't matter. With this final strike the Emperor Realm will be achieved." I said with a smile, just before the tribulation struck down with a violent force. "AHHHH…" I screamed, and let out a dragon's roar. And I began collecting the Tribulations energy for myself. A truly painful process this time.

~~Dawn's Ship~~

Yang Kai felt off for a moment and ran to the side of the ship. Placing his hands on the railing. Creating cracks in the railing as he cursed in his heart. And a tear rolled. The sensation he felt just now… "It can't be…" He muttered, softly.