Emperor Realm At Last

"Yang Kai, what's wrong?" Bai Yi asked, and Yang Kai turned his head to look at Bai Yi. "Your… crying… Tell me what happened. Did something really happen to Little Leiji…" She said worried.

"I can't sense his lifeforce anymore and the life lamp… it… it's going crazy. I also feel like I've lost something." Yang Kai said, struggling to say the words he felt.

"There is no way Leiji is gone, just look. His Tribulation is still going." Huo Lei said, pointing out towards me with one hand while holding the other near her heart.

"Big sister is right, It might look bad, but Husband won't lose out. He will certainly find a way through." Xiu Che said, with interlocked hands held to her chest.

"They are right, the tribulation is not over. So it is still too early to tell the situation." Feng Ying said, clenching her fist. "Still he shouldn't make everyone worry like that." She added, thinking of ways to get back at me.

"You are right. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. He is still my son after all. I don't wish to bury him." Yang Kai said, his arm shaking. His own strength is going a bit out of control. "Shit, I need to keep that strength hidden. If they know I'm strong enough to deal with territory lords… it could get bad. Especially after finding out this tribulation did damage to me." He thought, regaining his composure.

~~In the Void~~

I was relatively fine considering what it was I was just hit with. I closed the Lightning Sphere to contain the energy that was just delivered to me on a silver platter along with a golden spoon. "I feel as though my link to things outside is being obstructed currently. That must mean my father has noticed the life lamp by now… I should hurry and break through already. Thankfully I have a ton of energy here to use." I thought.

"What should we do with the leftover energy if there is any?" Shandain asked, posing cutely with her head tilted to the side and a finger on her chin.

"I'll figure that out after reaching the Emperor Realm. But for now plan on storing it away for now." I answered.

"Understood master! I have the perfect idea on how to store it. Hehe." Shandain said with a light chuckle. Her wounds had healed fully and her strength grew close to the 1st or 2nd rank Open Heaven by what I understood.

~~A few moments later~~

I let a satisfied smile appear on my face. And in the next breath a burst of energy radiated outwards. Signifying the end of the Tribulation. I retracted my Lightning Sphere, and emerged as an Emperor. The once dark and gloomy area was filled with the brilliant power of lightning.

~~In the distance~~

"That tribulation was caused by a whipped pup!" Someone said, then covered their mouth.

"We need to get rid of that human before he reaches the Open Heaven Realm. By any means necessary." Another voice said, his ink boiling at the thought of what might happen otherwise.

"Even if the scout team dies. We have to kill that human now." A high rank Ink Clan said, understanding what the order was.

"You. Go and report this matter to the Territory Lord. In the event we fail to kill this human the information must make it back. Now go." The Feudal Lord called out to his direct subordinate.

"Understood, I will carry out the order. Good fighting." The low rank ink clan said. "Thankfully I dodged the bullet this time. I get to live a little longer." He thought, taking off, getting as far away as possible.

"Good! Here is the plan…. Everyone understand?" The Feudal Lord said.

"Subordinate understands." The Ink Clan said.

"Good! Attack!" The Feudal Lord ordered, knowing that they would all very likely die.

~~Where I was in the void~~

I floated there opening and closing my fists in shock at just how much stronger I was. It would be fair to say I was an incomparable existence to what I was before. With the strength of my Human Race Cultivation, Dragon Race Cultivation, then the additional strength that Fang Qing and Shandain afforded me. The synergistic effect was far beyond what I had anticipated.

"This is only the 1st Order too. Just how much stronger will I be later?" I muttered, as Yang Kai flew out to me.

"Are you alright son? That was not a normal tribulation by any means. Let me know if there is anything wrong." Yang Kai said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't feel like anything is wrong. But I could use a sturdy opponent to dial my strength in a bit. I'm afraid if I don't do it now… I might accidentally hurt someone… someone I care quite deeply for." I said, not moving too much.

"I see, then that's good, I'm glad you are alright. Your life Lamp had stopped working properly and so your mothers were quite worried." Yang Kai said. "But enough of that it seems like we have uninvited guests. I'll make quick work of them." He added, sensing the Ink Clan's approach.

"No, all me to see what I can do, father. This must be a heaven sent opportunity. I'll deal with the low rank ones myself. Don't intervene unless I need help. I could use a few punching bags anyways. And killable ones will make it all the better. Much easier to gauge my strength that way." I said with a smile full of intent.

"Ahahaha, I'll take care of the high ranks and the Feudal Lord. It's interesting though. Why send such a weak force… they might be here to kill you. Probably witnessing your tribulation just now. Their goal…" Yang Kai said.

"Is to eliminate me before I have the chance to break through to the Open Heaven realm. Which means their lives are forfeit. They can't complain about dying by hand now. How dare they stoop to such games. Though I should be honored, a Feudal Lord came to attempt to kill me. This is going to be interesting. No mercy for the Ink Clan." I said, pounding my fist into my palm and smiled, turning my head to face the enemy coming for me.