Killing A Low Rank Ink Clan

"You seem excited. Don't go too far overboard. There is still the possibility of getting distracted." Yang Kai warned, after seeing my reaction. "Shit, so that's what that feels like. To be the one saying it… I should apologize for those times later." He thought reflecting on all the times others said it to him. 

"Don't worry father, I have a few trump cards to use in such times. But for the moment I don't think the Low Ranks will give me much of a hard time. Their numbers on the other hand. Well… if I have to bring out that method from last time with the strands… we must kill all of them to keep it as secret as possible." I said, eluding to the fact I had a plan but not disclosing the specifics yet. It was useless to do so unless I expected to use it. 

"Good, then let the battle begin." Yang Kai smirked. "My son can finally fight beside me. How great a feeling this is." He thought. 

The two of us readied ourselves. Myself more so, this was my first real battle with the Ink Clan. so it was important to be over prepared. 

"Everyone be prepared to attack the enemy. But do not engage without permission. Some of you may learn a thing or two from watching Yang Kai fight." Army Commander Zhong ordered. And the human race army prepared. 

"What about Husband! Leiji. Where is he?" Huo Lei asked, her tails all a flutter. 

"It seems like he wants to test his strength out first before coming back. He is afraid he might hurt you. And he is not the type of person to accept that part of himself. Even if it was only an accident, he would likely never forgive himself." Bai Yi said, still protecting Huo Lei and Xiu Che. 

"I think it's a good idea, but he is being a bit reckless this time. He has only just broken through. Going into a fight of this level is not a good idea. But, his father is with him so it should be fine." Feng Ying said, her heart aching seeing the look on Huo Lei and Xiu Che's faces. 

"If Husband wants to act like that then let him. Sister Huo Lei and I will make him pay us back for this worry ten fold." Xiu Che said, showing a firm determination.

"Then I guess everything will work out. Yang Kai is strong so unless a Territory Lord shows up… Everything should be fine." Bai Yi said, remembering how powerful Yang Kai was when he forced her down in battle. 

~~In the Void~~ 

"Good luck son, I'll be nearby if something happens." Yang Kai whispered, after stepping into another space. 

And the small force of the Ink Clan appeared in my sights. I let out a smirk and made it seem like I didn't notice them. An action that Shandain was a little confused about. 

"Master, why do you wait like this? The enemy is closing in on us. Should we not attack?" She asked, having been focused on the obvious thing instead of the underlying effects. 

"I'm going to lure them into a false sense of security and success. Only to find out at the last moment that I am not so easy to kill. And I'll make sure it is a painful realization." I smirked. 

"Oh my, Young Master is quite devious. Now, how about merciless?" Fang Qing said, then enticing my response. 

A pause occurred as I thought about my answer. "Merciless? No. Ruthless. Of course." I said, laughing in my heart. As my blood began racing. Hotter and faster. 

The Ink Clan's tide rolled ever closer. And I just stayed there playing dumb and weak. Still ogling my new found strength. And then a spry and eager low rank Ink clan burst out of the cloud and headed straight for me. 

"Ahahaha! Die you shitty human brat!" He shouted as his punch got really close. Nearing the moment it was going to make contact. And then… *Whoosh*... "What! I got a whoosh? The fuck I wanted a crunch!" The low rank Ink Clan said angry and confused. 

"You wanted a crunch? I'll give you a crunch." I said, appearing above and behind the Ink Clan. I readied a kick to its spine. 

"What?! How the…! RAWHAAAAA My fucking back you pig! Die!" The Low rank Ink Clan said crying in agony. 

"Awe, poor you! You came to kill me isn't that right? Hmm… I guess I should do more than just break your back. Hehehe, get ready because you're gonna love it. And you'll die from it as well. So you're sure to get what you came for." I laughed.

"We came to kill you! Not me! You idiot. We came to kill a weakling! You damn human brat!" The Low Rank Ink Clan yelled in retort.

"Ahahaha, then I am right. You came to kill a weakling, right? And I am clearly stronger than your ugly mug. Be honored that you'll be a tool for my debut on this battlefield. And be honored as the first Ink Clan to die by my hands. When you get to hell, tell them who sent you." I said with a smirk.

I grabbed the low rank above and below the part of his spine I just broke. And turned to face the rest of the enemy who were now stunned at what just happened, most not even understanding how that happened. All of them were 1st and 2nd rank equivalents. The one who's life I am about to take… He was a 2nd rank equivalent. 

"I am disappointed! I thought you came here to kill me!" I yelled out holding the Broken spine Low Rank Ink Clan above my head. "You're all just a bunch of trash." I said, bringing my arms down to my sides. Ripping the Low Rank Ink Clan in two. "Remember to wash your necks." I said, with a glint forming in my eyes. 

"Why should we wash our necks?" An idiotic Ink Clan asked. And then a sudden realization and overbearing fear came over him.