Low Rank Ink Clan Slaughter

The Low Rank who just spoke felt a sharp pain run through him. And saw a curved bolt of lightning flying forward as if it came from him. Moving away like its business was finished. Before his head slid a little and fell from his body. The rest of it went limp and floating in the void. 

"Simple, because I'm going to cut them. Just like that." I smirked, appearing behind the one who spoke. And watched as it fell apart. "Hmm, seems I can lower the strength of that attack for idiots of this level." I thought and turned to my next victim. "The price for this lesson is your life. And I'm here to collect payment." I said with a relaxed smile, before vanishing. 

I continued slaughtering the low rank Ink Clan as if they were nothing but annoying bugs. Only ever getting a slight problem when a third rank open Heaven equivalent got involved. But in the end I would simply adjust my output and take them down just the same. Until…

"I can't let this go on. I have to save one before they die. Otherwise it will be difficult to tell what to do. There, that one survived long enough. I'll take him." A High rank Ink Clan thought as they watched the slau… Battle unfold. 

"Die you Ink Scum!" I shouted out, with a thunder infused punch. Only to find myself hitting nothing. And my attack was still charged. "You took my kill! How dare you butt into my battle! For that… I'm angry!" I roared, summoning my Chain Dragon Lighting. Killing dozens of Ink Clan and injuring many others.

~~A little further away in Void~~

"What the hell is this! Why are my Ink Clan suffering like this! It's just a human brat!" The Feudal Lord shouted angry. 

"Sir, this Human brat possesses a strength unseen on the battlefield before. It's like that one Bastard only worse. The Low ranks are not much of anything before. And he even looks like he is enjoying the slaughter. The strongest of the Low ranks are able to give him some trouble but he still deals with them. I was able to save one to tell the story in detail." The High Rank said in an urgent report. 

"Well spit it out then! Hurry up, my ink Clan is dying from a brat!" The Feudal Lord yelled angrily. 

"It's like he is playing games with us! He raises and lowers his strength as he fights. All in accordance to who he is fighting at the time. From what I can tell he is stronger than any of my low rank Ink Clan. So many have died already, please kill that brat, my lord." The severely injured Low rank said, before passing out. 

"You! Go and take care of that bastard. If you succeed and we make it out of here I'll let you into the Ink Nest." The Feudal Lord declared pointing towards a peak forth rank equivalent. 

"As you command my lord!" The High Rank Ink Clan said, respectfully before leaving in a rush to the battlefield. "Those low ranks are useless now. How could a simple human brat take down so many of them otherwise? Pathetic wastes." He thought as he passed by the dead bodies of his Ink Clan brethren. 

~~In the Void Where I was fighting~~

"Hmm… the low ranks weren't much to speak of. I guess that's to be expected. They are weaker than the Open Heaven realms equivalent. So I might be somewhere in the 3rd rank in terms of strength." I thought. 

"I don't think so, Young Master… You should be quite a bit stronger. Remember you have yet to pull out your artifacts. And you haven't used any of your Dragon strength. Not even a little… Well aside from the roar from earlier." Fang Qing said. 

"True But I wanted to test the limits of only my base human cultivation's strength. Otherwise I could have destroyed these simpletons in a matter of a few breaths. In the end though it proved to be quite fruitful. I am no longer worried about accidentally injuring my wives." I thought, As I floated among the corpses of the Ink Clan. 

"Why doesn't the Master refine their bodies now? Wouldn't it be better if you did? You could restore any strength you lost during the fight." Shandain asked. 

"No need, I didn't lose enough to make it worthwhile for the moment. And I plan on using the corpses to demonstrate my ability to Martial Grandpa Zhong. It will be easier this way. And with so much material. I might actually shatter the barrier to the 2nd Order." I laughed. 

"With that upgrade the young master might be able to do the same he did here with the high ranks." Fang Qing said, jokingly. 

"I doubt it. The higher the rank the closer they are to their equivalents in the Open Heaven Realm. Which means they don't just get stronger by a whole Realm. And furthermore the difference between a 3rd rank and 4th rank is nothing short of massive. Though I'm probably strong enough now to deal with the lower end of the high rank spectrum…" I thought, considering the details as I looked out among the mountain of Ink Clan Corpses. 

"Then it must be a good thing that one's heading this way. They seem to be a bit more prideful. How dare they come alone. Talk about seeking death." Fang Qing Hmphed. 

"Ahahaha, it's fine, I'll use them as a grindstone. After all, one must use their tools properly. I wonder just how much more of a challenge this will be. He is considerably weaker than that other bastard who…" I began saying. "No, I shouldn't ask my father to bring that bastard back. I'd like to humiliate that Feudal Lord as much as possible." I thought. 

"Get ready that High rank is closing in. Let's have some… fun… with him." Fang Qing said, smirking. 

"Oh, oh, mother means killing the bastard slowly right! That sounds like fun!" Shandain said energetically, preparing some snacks to watch the show. 

~~In the Void~~

"You human race brat! I'll be the one to kill you! You'll pay for slaughtering my Ink Clan's People!" The High rank Ink Clan declared his presence.