Emperor Vs. High Rank Ink Clan

"Welcome, I assume you're the next one to come and try their hands at killing me? How's that other one doing by the way? It's quite a shame they got away. Or the decorations here would have been complete… What do you think of what I've done with this place? Isn't it great?" I said, in a calm and steady voice, seemingly unfazed by the High rank's presence. And then I smiled. 

The high rank ink clan looked around and noticed that among the dead lay someone he knew. One that was comparable to his own strength when they were still both low ranks. A shiver went down his spine. "I'm only a few… no, at most ten times as strong as him. But this boy took out all of these low ranks. Inside of our fog, and has yet to succumb to the ink force's influence. I better be on my guard even if it is embarrassing." He thought. "Today is the day you die, YOU BRAT!" He yelled out with a rare courage behind him. 

The ink clan's aura flared up to full strength. Pushing all the bodies away, and thus clearing the battlefield. His eyes filled with intent and a murderous aura radiated. My hair waved in the gust As I stared blankly at the source. Gauging his true level of combat prowess. 

"What do you think, Young master? Can you take him?" Fang Qing asked in a confident manner. Not really worried, but more of an encouraging tone to get this over with. 

"Let's find out for certain. Worst case scenario it will be a close battle." I replied with a thought. Then let out a smirk and gave the ink clan the middle finger, and used it to motion for the battle to begin. 

"You foolish brat! I'll kill you now! You'll regret killing my people!" The Ink Clan roared as he made a mad dash forward brandishing a fist surrounded with ink force. "Take this, and DIE!" He roared as the attack was about to land. 

In one fluid-like motion I dodged the attack with lightning quick reflexes and landed an upwards kick directly to his jaw. And sent lightning through his body electrocuting and destabilizing his strength. 

The high rank Ink clan roared in pain as the lighting destabilized his strength and caused a great deal of damage in the process. Even forcing the cancellation of the attack he had just used. He turned to look at me again, and reached out in a grabbing motion. "You'll pay for that! You bastard! Damn You Livestock!" He roared. 

I let the giant hand grab me. This is a test after all. I'm going to make sure I'm thorough. It isn't often I get such a valuable grindstone to work with. 

"Ahahaha! I got you now brat! I think I'll ink you first. That way you can pay me back for things you've done just now. Hehehe." The High rank laughed maniacally. 

"Don't worry father, this is nothing to be scared of. I'll break free shortly." I whispered, knowing my father Yang Kai was likely fuming right now. 

"I'm ready to act the moment you can't don't bite off more than you can chew. Matter of fact, the enemy there is strongest, I will allow you to fight." Yang Kai whispered back. 

"Don't worry father, I'm certain that this kind of enemy will be my limit for now. I simply want to use my grindstone properly. I'll leave the rest of the idiotic and vile creatures to you." I replied.

The High rank was upset that it seemed like I was ignoring him. And breathed out a mass of Ink force. His goal was to ink me. But… "Ahahaha! How do you like that? Now you're my disciple!" He laughed a triumphant laugh maniacally. 

"Has your ink clan ever heard of breath mints? Because I'm pretty sure any business would make a fortune selling them to you. Seriously, your breath is stronger than your strength." I said, with a disgusted look on my face. 

"You bastard! How aren't you inked yet! What the hell! And how dare you say I need a breath mint! Whatever the hell that is!" The high rank yelled out and then squeezed his hands around my body, in a crushing motion. 

"Alright so he can break through my regular defenses. In terms of raw he is stronger than me. But in terms of burst damage. Hehe, nobody in my level of power is my equal." I thought as I bore the crushing pressure of the giant hands. 

"You were a resilient one indeed. But it doesn't matter. You'll be crushed to death in just a few more breaths. Are you prepared to say goodbye? TOO BAD I DON'T CARE!" The High rank ink clan roared and sprayed his speech everywhere. 

"That's what you think. Oh boy I'm going to love it when I rip your heart out and feed it to you." I said, charging up and in one big burst of energy I burst out of the vice grip breaking his hands in the process. "Here, have a breath mint on the house. Hope you like it." I smiled, firing a lightning ball into the enemy's mouth. 

It exploded sending another shocking experience through the high rank's body. "You really are a bastard! Fight fair and square!" The high rank yelled half heartedly and bleeding from his hands, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. 

"You have no right to talk about a battle being fair and square! Your Ink Clan initiated this battle against a little Emperor Realm like myself. With your forces all being equivalent to the realm above the Emperor Realm. The Open Heaven's ranks. I'd say I should be allowed to use any means if such a force came for my head. And I will never give it to you!" I berated the high rank. 

"AHHH! Stop with your bull shit! I'll kill you!" The high rank yelled out a war cry. And absorbed the ink force around him to recover a bit. "Time for round two you damn livestock brat!" He yelled, launching himself towards me. 

"Father, it's time. Kill the others. And leave no survivors." I whispered to Yang Kai. "Alright! You want a fight! Then a fight you'll get!" I said followed by a roar only a dragon could possibly make. And my Aura flaring to reveal my absolute peak strength.