Ferocity & Ruthlessness

"What the hell is this! No matter. I'll still kill you just the same!" The high rank yelled out, utilizing the surrounding Ink Force to launch a beam-like attack towards me. "JUST DIE ALREADY YOU BASTARD BRAT LIVESTOCK!" He roared to accompany the beam. 

My eyes flared with blue-silver radiance. And my body transformed. Taking the shape of a giant man with draconic features. My size was now on par with the high rank ink clan. Shocking most everyone who didn't witness my abilities prior. This brought with it a new mighty force though. Dragon Prestige infused Emperor Qi. I had this ability before as a Dao Source. Since one can begin forming the Emperor Qi at that time. However the pressure I exerted now… made what it was before look like a light breeze at best. 

"So you attempt to cower behind the powers of your fallen instead of fighting head on? I should warn you. Attacks like this are almost useless against me." I said with a light laugh. 

"Like I'd believe that! I'll kill you with this attack and avenge my fallen Ink Clan! DIE YOU PIG!" The high rank yelled out, doubling the force behind the attack. "Even a 5th rank Open Heaven would struggle to deal with this. It will kill him for sure." The high rank thought. 

~~Dawn teams ship~~

"That attack has reached 5th rank! I don't care about that order, I can't let the captain's son die like this!" Shen Ao said, attempting to rush out. 

"Don't bother, you won't make it in time. And beyond that. I'm sure little Leiji has a plan. Worst case scenario he'll be severely injured. And he said it himself. This is his grindstone." Feng Ying said, grabbing Shen Ao by the arm. 

"But! He's just a newly broken through 1st order Emperor even if it is Leiji, it's already insane that Leiji can handle a 4th rank equivalent. This one… it might actually do him in." Shen Ao challenged and then noticed that Feng Ying's other arm was shaking. "I… I see, the Vice-captain is just as worried. Forgive me." He said, calming down. 

~~In the void with the Feudal Lord~~

"Damn it! How is this bastard still alive! All of you follow me and kill the brat. We can't let another freak like Yang Kai be allowed to enter the battlefield!" The Feudal Lord Yelled in anger begging his charge forward. 

"Oh it's so nice to know my name brings you that much fear. I suppose you're ready then?" Yang Kai said, appearing in front of the high ranks and Feudal Lord, with a smile on his face. 

"FUCK! Ready for what?" The Feudal Lord said trembling in fear. "I'm not as strong as some of the Feudal Lords he has killed in one strike. I'm fucked. But I can't let that brat live." he thought as his body slowly moved back on instinct. 

"Ahahaha, your death of course. I've come to take care of you personally." Yang Kai chuckled, showing his ruthless side. 

"It doesn't matter what you want to do! I will have that brat killed today!" The Feudal Lord declared. "All of you go forward and kill that brat! Use everything you have! Any means! We must kill him before he grows!" The Feudal Lord ordered flaring his aura to challenge Yang Kai.

"You must have more spine than I thought… to declare you'll kill that boy in front of me just like that. You must really want a painfully agonizing death." Yang Kai smiled and released a killing intent far greater than the Ink Clan could possibly understand.

"Why! Why go so far for a brat! Either way I'll kill you and then the brat if I have to!" The Feudal Lord roared. And launched at Yang Kai. 

"Why you ask? Because he is my son! How dare you brazenly attack my son like this. I'll make sure even the King of Hell will be at a loss on how to torture you after death! DON'T PICK A FIGHT WITH A DRAGON!" Yang Kai roared out, and with the might of a dragon diced all of the high ranks and Feudal Lord into tiny pieces. 

The enemy was left alive to suffer in agony as they slowly died. Unable to move without falling apart completely. And some just chose to move and end their suffering. Unfortunately for them Yang Kai was not going to be so kind. 

"I have made it so you are unable to move on your own power. This is what you get for attacking my son the way you did. You should actually be thankful to him. It's because of him that some of your Ink Clansmen were spared this fate. I hope you learned your lesson and enjoy the death I have prepared for you." Yang Kai smiled sinisterly. "A dragon has his pride to think about so this is the only fitting death I can give you. It's a shame I can't do worse than this though. Because I certainly would like to torture you far more now." He added, with a laugh coming up with more painful ways to kill those who threaten his son, me.

The Feudal Lord's eyes trembled at the realization and then understood. "That's why that brat was a freakishly powerful one. That was Yang Kai's Son! He won't just be a thorn in my Ink Clan's side. He will be a grinder! I must kill him now. But how!" He thought, making attempts to move. "Even if it's just a small piece of my body… if it explodes near that brat he will surely die." He continued.

"If you're trying to make a move it is impossible!" Yang Kai noted with a stern disgusted glance. "I hope he doesn't figure out I can't move right now either." He thought. 

"Whenever Yang Kai moves there is a brief let up. That's my chance!" The Feudal Lord thought. "INK IS ETERNAL!" He managed to shout out and explode himself launching pieces of himself in all directions. 

"Ink is Eternal!" The others managed to say as well committing the same act. They were committed to killing me this time. And followed the lead of the Feudal Lord.