High Rank Devoured

The chunks of the exploded ink clan were sent hurtling towards the active battle in the void using the last of their soul's life to will it as so. The only one that remained mildly energized was the Feudal Lord. "With this you should be able to kill this brat… You must do this before Yang Kai comes! This brat is his son! KILL HI…" The Feudal Lord said through a whisper to the high rank I was fighting. 

"What! Yang Kai! Shit!" The high rank cursed, just before his attack landed. "DIE YOU BRAT!" He roared out in anger… *BOOM* *Rumble* The attack landed. 

I crossed my arms and forced my Lightning sphere to appear. It worked in holding the attack back from a direct hit on my body. But… I was being sent flying backwards at the moment. "What is with this sudden extra force? There is no way this attack packs that much force? What is going on?" I thought, struggling to stop my movement under the attack. 

"Young master, it seems like there is something inside the attack. Right there! It's a Chunk of the Ink Clan's Feudal Lord!" Fang Qing said, focusing in on it. 

"Hmm… I see, but that's not all. There are small chunks all from different high rank Ink Clan…" I replied, as my face turned to anger instead of struggle. "How… How dare… HOW DARE YOU DAMN COWARDS! YOU ASKED FOR IT! NO MORE HOLDING BACK!" I roared with anger pressing my Lightning sphere to the max and began refining the ink force and ink clan into pure power. Destroying the bad and keeping the good. 

With my war hammer in hand I began to fly straight for the remaining Ink clan. Lightning flailed about the void as I went as if signifying the return of righteousness from corruptness. My strength did not grow or decay. Any loss was being replenished even at the expense of cultivation resources. 

"What! Die you bastard!" The High rank yelled out, sacrificing his own life force into the beam attack. This resulted in a wave of pressure to radiate outward at the point of contact. "Ha! How did you like that! I'll kill you for sure!" He laughed, half heartedly. 

"Then give it your all! My head is not so easy a trophy to claim!" I yelled, raising my hammer high for a powerful attack. I was within range now. 

"Oh shit! What the hell!" The high rank exclaimed in surprise. "I have to move now!" He thought, narrowly avoiding a death blow. 

My hammer came down and ripped the high rank's arm off his body. Sending it hurtling into the body of another ink clan. Exploding on impact. The sound of agony from the high rank was like music to my ears. "Be sure to dodge as much as you can. I'll have you pay for this lesson with your life." I said, narrowing my eyes and releasing a killing intent that might kill lesser men outright, just from feeling it. 

"You freak! How dare you disarm me!" The High rank said, crying in pain. 

"I didn't disarm you though? I amputated your arm. There is a difference you idiot. Perhaps you'll learn another lesson… then you owe me two lives… seems like you're going into debt. I might just ask the king of hell if I can kill you twice. Who knows I might be able to have that chance. I have sent quite a fair number of unrighteous scumbags down there already. I might have a few favors lined up." I said jokingly. "Ah… time to die. I think I'll… yes. I'll kill you as the thing your clan fears the most. Get ready because I wasn't joking about the dragon." I smirked. 

The look on the high ranks face turned to one of pure fear, terror and regret as I transformed into my full dragon state. A 300 Zhang dragon, a pure brilliant blue-silver color. If one changed how they looked at me the color would shift. 

~~The Garrison Ship deck~~

"A 200 Zhang dragon! That's a young dragon on par with the third rank! And he wasn't using it all this time! He could have… he… really did test his limits." Commander Zhong laughed at the realization. "Since this is the case then there is no longer any need to wonder who was going to win." He thought, with a sigh of relief. 

~~The void~~

"It's time for your death and I'm quite hungry you see. So I'll make it quick… But it is still going to be excruciatingly painful." I smiled and rushed forward, biting off the high rank's other arm, and devoured it whole. At least that's what it looked like. In reality it was refined with great speed. "Hmm… seems like my refining speed has increased drastically. If I use this energy properly I might even break through to the 2nd order all in one go. Though I'd prefer not to rush these particular things. So I'll save it away for later. Perhaps I can give it to my father? Actually I might be able to give this kind of energy to anyone… Hmmm… I'll have to ask mother Feng and mother Bai about that." I thought, as I stared down at the terrified Ink clan. 

"Stay back you monster!" The high rank cried out in terror and desperation. His body filled with pain. Making him heavy. 

"If I did that then I wouldn't be able to kill you the way you deserve, you wouldn't want me to treat you unfairly now would you?" I said, before making four more passes at lightning speeds. Leaving nothing left. Then went back to the Dawn team's ship. Landing on the deck in human form with a stretch. 

" Ahahaha, that was quite ruthless, Little Leiji is just like the team leader! Excellent work young man." Shen Ao laughed after I arrived. 

"Ruthless? I guess so. But anyone worth their cultivation would know…" I said, about to finish my response. 

"That once the dragon is out… someone is getting fucked." Yang Kai said, appearing on the ship next to me. Placing a hand on my head and smiling. "Good job, I'm proud of you." He added.

The rest of the team who understood the joke started laughing.