Showing Off A Little

~~Blue Sky Pass~~

~~Feng Ying's Courtyard~~

I appear in the center of the courtyard from the doorway my father had made. Looking around I noticed that something was up. The whole crew was seemingly waiting for something. All with looks of curiosity on their faces. 

"Father, I don't mind coming out early. In fact I sort of felt like that was going to happen, after I had passed the barrier to the 2nd order. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to attempt the 3rd order break through inside your small universe. But I am curious why martial aunts and uncles are staring at me with curious intent. Also… it looks like there are some unfamiliar faces." I said, asking about the situation. 

"Simply put we have guests from other passes. They are here to help determine the level of your Thunder & Lightning Dao. Each is a master of this same dao or has reached a minimum of the 5th level. After we are done with this, Commander Zhong Liang has  asked for your presence. And I assume you know what is going to happen at that time." Yang Kai said, patting my back. "Don't hold back now, son." He added. 

"Since this is the case then I will trouble the Seniors." I said, saluting with a slight bow. 

"No mind with the dao of Thunder & Lightning being the way it is, anyone can learn something new from almost anyone at any time regardless of how far they have studied." A 7th rank said, waving his hand.

"Indeed, as of now you are the first new practitioner of this Dao in quite a long time. I even heard stories of your breakthrough. That must have been quite the sight. Ahahaha. So go on, show us your understanding." Another 7th rank said. 

"Very well, I will hold back at first and then ramp up to the peak." I said with a smirk, releasing a thunderous aura.

The moment my aura released the guest masters all raised their brows. "Such great understanding. And he is just at the Emperor Realm. With such a massive understanding once he manages to break through my human race will have a brand new mighty power house. To think this is just the beginning." One whispered to the others. 

"Indeed, I have already learned something. And… It was something small I had neglected before. Yet this young man showed the error of that thought. His lightning strength is incredibly dense and powerful as if he's been fighting many battles against stronger opponents. The essence of domineering is to be that way, always. Even when weaker than the opponent, or outnumbered. I wonder what's next." Another whispered back. 

My aura had plenty of time to settle down into a fully controlled state. And a look of pure confidence appeared on my face. "Seems like some of them have already learned something. I wonder how they will react when they see this." I thought, flying up into the air to avoid damages. I took a breath and exhaled. Instantly creating a storm that put anything else I had ever done to shame.

"WHAT THE HELL! THAT'S POSSIBLE!?" The masters all shouted in unison as their jaws dropped. The look of shock on their faces was too much for Yang kai not to feel an overwhelming sense of pride in his son. So he could be seen smiling pridefully, chuckling. 

"Yang Kai! Your son! What he just did is unheard of. The lightning in that storm one shot would vaporize a low rank Ink Clan instantly. I'd even go so far as to say that he could use it to rid the Ink Clouds! We must learn this method. The ability is too beneficial to not use it." The most senior 7th rank explained. 

"Oh, you see, my son… he is far from done showing off." Yang Kai laughed. 

Hearing this the guests turned and looked as I simply waved my hand. The storm transformed into a single bolt of lightning and struck a relatively nearby chunk of a dead universe world. The chunk of the universe world split apart into tiny pieces. Something that only a mid rank open heaven could begin attempting. 

I followed it up with my Lightning Sphere and willed the Ink Force into a current flowing towards me. As it did, many were getting worried about it however, once the Ink Force hit my Lightning Sphere. It almost instantly turned to the World Force and Emperor Qi. Pure of any corruption. And the parts that had managed to avoid being transformed were relentlessly destroyed by the lightning. I, of course, continued this for quite a while. The ink force was already on its way to annihilation. Might as well use it for my benefit. And it would help me show off another thing as well. Which started happening… Now.

"What is this concentration of power in front of me?" A guest 7th rank asked, confused. 

I floated back down now done with the demonstration. Not much Ink Force left in the area to begin with so it was quick. "That there is something I modeled after the World Spheres the Ink Clan use to store World Force for their barbaric cultivation. It is a concentrated ball of pure World Force. Meaning it won't take on anyone's aura until used. Feel free to try it. Apologies for the amount being small. But there wasn't much Ink Force left in the area." I said, stretching and pulling back my aura. 

"I'll try it." One of them said, as they reached out. Touching it they felt a warm and comfortable feeling come from the power. "That really is the purest World Force can get. I should use this right now." He thought, as he began absorbing it. "NO WAY! It's that easy to refine this energy into the small universe! Young man, no, future junior brother, do you have the method written down. I'd much like to study this for myself and for my pass's sake. This kind of energy is effortless to absorb. Our armies could return to full strength within a few years with this instead of decades. 

"I haven't written it down, but since you've recommended this I'll speak with Army Commander Zhong about it. Perhaps there is a way to do this. Though I am unsure as of now, Seniors." I said, doing my best to ignore that brother comment.