Refining A New Artifact

"So then, Brothers, what do you think of it? Isn't my son impressive?" Yang Kai posed the question and then laughed. 

"Saying he was impressive would be an insult. I have never even heard of the things he has pulled off. Make sure he stays alive and grows up. A man like him as a… What rank are you going to break through to?" The 7th rank asked, stopping his line of questions. 

"I will be breaking through to the high rank directly. And I won't be settling for anything less than that. Though I will need an incredibly large source of energy to help aid me in such a breakthrough. The Emperor Realm breakthrough nearly got me after all." I said, rubbing the back of my head and laughing it off like there wasn't anything to worry about. 

"Then when you break through to the 9th rank, What good is the Royal Lord? Ahahaha, I look forward to seeing the day that will happen. What a glorious day that will be." The 7th rank man said, daydreaming about the end result. 

"Senior gives me far too much credit. I wouldn't dare say such things with any degree of confidence until I end up fighting the Ink Clan… Again that is, fighting them only once isn't enough. And to be quite honest. The low ranks were pathetic. And I know for a fact I'm not the only emperor that could rip them to shreds." I said, with a degree of confidence giving them no chance to rebuttal. 

"Now that I think of it. You might actually be right. They really are weak. I don't usually pay too much attention to them myself since they are so weak. But I vaguely recall being stronger than they are when I had refined my 5th resource. And I used 5th rank ones. So Imagine there are many out there who do a similar thing. But as a newly minted 1st order. That title will likely always belong to you." The 7th rank said. "Well we came here as a request to help gauge your strength. I believe I am at the 6th level according to what your father has said. But you… are definitely higher than that. In fact I can't even teach you anything. So farewell, and take this as a token of gratitude for your pointers." He continued and handed me a space ring with some of the materials I had been asking for. 

"Senior is generous. And I gratefully accept." I said, attempting to hide my enthusiasm. I now had enough to craft that special artifact recipe at least one time. And given what it could do I was beyond ecstatic. 

The other open heaven realms that came as guest judges left the courtyard and eventually left the Pass. returning to their own passes. With new insights into the Dao, the domineering force that is Thunder & Lightning. The Chaos of the Sky. The vengeance of the heavens. It makes sense that it can destroy the Ink Force. And all they had forgotten was one simple fact. One that they quickly learned never to forget again. 

"Father, it seems I might be a little bit above them. However, I don't think they are at the level they say… I don't mean to be rude or begrudge them. But they should soon find out that I am only at level 5. I still have a lot to learn myself. But what do you think father? Let's make that item first before going to see Gramps." I said, now just wanting to craft the thing. 

"I don't think that's a good idea Leiji. Martial Uncle gets quite passionate about these things." Feng Ying interrupted before Yang Kai got a chance to speak. 

"Please, mother Feng. I promise it will make gramps face rife with shock once he sees it. And even more fun times will be had once he finds out what exactly it does." I said, practically begging her. 

"If you really can, then do it. It's rare to see you so carefree. I can't bear to stop it." Bai Yi giggled. 

"You can't just give him everything he wants, you know. What if he grows up without any discipline because you coddled him so much?" Feng Ying said. 

"So what if he spends some time refining the Artifact? Husband said that Martial Uncle wanted to see Leiji, but never said when. And it's already been a couple of months since then. What's wrong with a few more days?" Bai Yi retorted. 

"Mother Feng, Mother Bai, please don't fight over this matter. I promise that this thing will be good. You heard my father and I speaking of it before." I said, literally getting in between them. 

"If that's really the case then let me see this item you speak of. If it is as interesting as you ar… as you say it is. Then I might be very pleased. Go on and refine away. My discussion can begin with your father." Army Commander Zhong said, appearing in the air and then landed. 

"Right away Gramps!" I said with a burst of enthusiasm. 

I flew up and transformed. My dragon body seems a noticeable amount larger than before. I coiled like a spring and placed the items I needed in the center of my body's coil. And then I positioned my head to face down the coil. I sent a concentrated breath into the coil at the resources. 

I summoned my Lightning Sphere, causing the refining process to quake with thunder. And the materials began to combine and take shape. Creating 5 distinct points over time. It was also abundantly clear that I was using a ton of energy. I even looked completely exhausted. But I carried on. 

~~3 Days of Refinement~~

The items were ready. Powerful artifacts that would change the way this war would be fought. I put the Artifacts away and transformed back to human form immediately stumbling, until a hand helped me regain balance. 

"Many thanks, Martial Uncle Shen Ao. I may be strong but even I lack some training. I need to get some endurance practice in again. That was quite rough." I said, "Though I did learn something about myself." I thought, as I felt the golden aura emanate from the second creature in my Knowledge Sea.