Artifact Demonstration

"It was no effort. Unlike what you did to make this interesting item just now." Shen Ao chuckled. "Go and show the Army Commander now, you did promise he would be shocked. And now that I see it… I can't help but be curious about the situation now, myself." He added, with a pat on my back. 

"Then Martial Uncle should get ready. The look on Gramp's face is going to be priceless." I said with a chuckle, and then ran over to Army Commander Zhong with a big smile on my face.

"So then, what is this Artifacts function? It seems a bit peculiar." Army Commander Zhong asked, raising his brow. 

"This Artifact tool can take a scene and replicate it. Even if something was removed from the area it will still look as if nothing changed." I said, offering one of them to him for inspection. "And I considered the security issue of this. So only those with the immunity to the corruption of the ink force should be allowed to craft these. Hence why my father and I should be the only ones to know of it for now. These five can only be activated by me. But I'll give you a demonstration." I explained, showing that I had already considered if the Artifact had fallen into the Ink Clan's hands. 

I proceeded to set up a miniature "treasury" of sorts. Filling the area with resources of varying ranks and other items. To simulate what my intent was. "And now I place this in a hidden spot." I said. "But for demonstration purposes, I'll set it right about… here." I continued, setting up the Artifact. "And there we go it's all done. It's on now. Would gramps like to take one of the resources for the test?" I chuckled. 

"Hmm, if this works, I'm quite certain I know what you're going to ask about next. But I'll humor you this time. With something like this the Ink Clan could be crippled with just a small force. Thus delaying our conflict even longer. But let's wait for discussion til after…" Army Commander Zhong said, as he picked up a 5th rank wood element.

There was a moment of silence and a look of disbelief on Zhong Liang's face, as his mouth hung open. And the others watching realized it quite quickly as well. The item was both in his hand and was still in the pile. Perfectly placed, as if nothing had happened. 

"The Army Commander wouldn't happen to have any missions to hunt the Ink Clan at this time would he? I'd like to field test this item a bit, after all." I said, with an expectant look on my face. "Say yes, say yes!" I thought as I stared at him dead in the eye full of expectations. 

"Achem… I do have some, but I am curious what if the Ink Clan finds this item? What happens?" Zhong Liang asked. 

"Hmm… They might get a… shocking experience if they really push the limits. But it is possible to retrieve the item using the Space Dao contained within. And it will do this once it reaches the point when its energy reserves have reached just slightly more than is required for evacuation directly  back to me. It's a similar principle to the 'Universe Escape Law'." I explained, still hopeful of getting to test it out for real. 

"Good, then I will order a movement of Dawn Squad. A Garrison will be deployed just in case. We can't take any chances if it's you out there." Army Commander Zhong said, now also smirking at the idea of what was to come. 

"Gramps, if we do this right, we could force the Ink Clan into using their own manpower to gather around a one Territory Lords domain. And then we can really earn some money while crippling the Ink Clan's forces from growing. Besides, I think with my father and an 8th rank there. What is a Territory Lord? And I can deal with about 1000 upper end Low ranks at a time. Let's go now." I said, cupping my hands with anticipation. 

"Hmm… Yang Kai, tell me, what do you think? Given his track record… No… Young Leiji, if you were to fight the enemy you did before, back when you broke through to the emperor realm. How would you fair now, should you fight again?" Army Commander Zhong asked, stroking his beard. 

"Kekeke, what fight? As I am now, I am easily 4 or even 5 times stronger. Such an Ink Clan wouldn't be my opponent." I said, with a purposeful smile and a chuckle. "It would be like chopping vegetables." I added. 

"Ahahaha! Yang Kai, your son has a sense of humor! I'll go with you on this mission. What is a Territory Lord, indeed! Ahahaha!" Army Commander Ding Yao laughed as he landed in the courtyard. 

"Hmm… If brother Ding Yao leaves, that might cause some problems. I should send one of the garrisons out." Army Commander Zhong said, thinking there would be a problem. 

"Ahahaha, Brother Zhong worries too much. I already have the Garrison commanders rallied around a leader. And my aid is more than capable enough to handle my absence for a few months. I'm going on this campaign. Besides with me there, we won't need to deploy the Garrison. With the Dawn Squads members it would be difficult to take us down. And I have the World Spring now. So I have to get as much experience as I can. You and I both know that." Ding Yao explained, in a rare moment of deep thought. 

"I for one only wish to see the results of this attack. And If we do it right. Perhaps we could wipe out an entire Ink Clan Domain." Yang Kai chimed in, being the Team Leader. 

"If Gramps Ding Yao needs some extra skulls to smash. I'll ask for it to be you to come. But I want half of the Ink Clan you kill. After all, I need some fuel to reach the 3rd Order and more." I said, proposing a deal. 

"Ahahaha, if you refine them into pure energy for me you can take 75% of them." Ding Yao laughed, pleased that he won me over.