Through The Ink Filled Void

"Leiji, are you positive about this? You'll be diving into the heart of a Feudal Lord's territory." Bai Yi asked, walking up next to me. 

"I'll be fine. So long as it isn't a Feudal Lord that stops me I can win or get away. I'm not worried about that. I'm more curious about how  to increase my collection on the way there. I'm getting some gains now but I'm not really moving much in my Cultivation." I said, changing the topic. 

"Is it a bottleneck in your cultivation? Those are usually fixed with chance encounters." Bai Yi said, with a hint of worry in her voice. 

"Mother Bai is mistaken, there is no bottleneck. That I am certain. The reason it is so slow is because I'm just converting the Ink Force. And not using any other resources." I explained. 

"Then why don't you use some more resources then? Wouldn't that help speed it up for you?" Feng Ying commented, annoyed that she was on watch duty. 

"Mother Feng is right, I still have a lot of resources. But I must be frugal with those. Now that I have constant access to the Ink force it's better if I use it instead. I get stronger while the Ink Clan gets weaker. And even if it is only a small amount. That could be the difference in someone living or dying. It would be irresponsible of me not to do things this way. Unless Mother Feng has another suggestion?" I explained my point. 

"What about how much more you could do as a 3rd order or great emperor. Wouldn't you have a better rate of conversion then?" Feng Ying asked, confused. 

"I like Mother Feng's confidence in me. However, that isn't the case. My Lightning Sphere is directly proportional to my Dao's advancement. Which is not something I can increase easily. Only through its use can it grow." I explained. "Even when it fluctuates during my breakthroughs it is only due to the disturbance caused by such an event. And as I am now, it is quite difficult to advance further in my dao. Though that may be, there is a way I should be able to advance more rapidly." I added, trying to draw the others in. 

"Oh? And what is it that you need then? If I can help I will! Count on it Martial Nephew." Shen Ao said, boisterously, with a thumbs up.

"It's really quite simple. The Ink Force is good for me. Since I have to use all aspects of my Dao. Therefore strengthening it over time. However, Ink Force is… rather weak. It doesn't last very long. And even an ink cloud the size of the pass would only take me a few days to deal with. However, the source of such things would provide a greater benefit." I said, with a smirk. 

"The stronger the source the better. And the more the better… good. Good! This Martial Uncle will collect the corpses of the Ink Clan. Will they be enough?" Shen Ao offered quite excitedly. 

"If Martial Uncle Shen Ao is willing then I will humbly accept. In return for this favor, I'll give you a portion of the pure energy I refine from it. I'll say… the same rate as Martial Grandpa Ding Yao's deal. Just to make it easier on me for the conversion ratio." I said. "How is it?" I asked. 

"Good! Ahahaha, this martial uncle will bring in resources for his martial nephew. Those damned Ink Clan won't know what hit them. Oh, but Martial Nephew, you should offer this to everyone. It's only fair is it not?" Shen Ao said, leading into his other plan. 

"Martial Uncle is right. It would be wrong of me not to take into account the others here. So in that case. I will give the same offer to the 7th ranks. Since no one else should be fighting outside the barrier. And I will set aside some of the Pure World Force aside for the ones who stay inside the ship operating the arrays. I'm not quite certain how much right now. But I will save at least 10% to be split amongst yourselves. It isn't much but I can't make a full determination as to what is fair. Though you can always ask my…" I said, then looked at Yang Kai. "Father, what do you think I should save for them? Everyone else is getting 25% but they actively claimed the resources. What do you think I should give the ones who kept the ship safe? I think 20 or 30%." I asked. 

"Go with 25% as well. The task of keeping this Ship safe is incredibly important as well. But I'm curious what you need that 50% for? Has your Qi Pool grown that significantly from reaching the 2nd order?" Yang Kai asked. 

"There is something that is just absorbing Qi almost endlessly. Not only that once I found it. Even my already existing pool expanded rapidly. I probably have a reservoir of Qi equally a 2nd rank open heaven. Probably more. Actually I was going to see if you had an idea what the thing might be." I said, opening my Knowledge Sea to him.

Yang Kai entered and saw the other 'blob'. And then he came out. "Army Commander, my son is now in even greater need of that energy source. And I request that you take action the moment we return. I know the twins. And I feel like he will benefit from seeing them. A benefit that only they could give. My Son absolutely must get permission to return by any means possible." Yang Kai said without a second thought nor reservation. 

"If it's that serious it will be difficult for me to push for it without knowing the extent of it. Who are these twins?"  Ding Yao said, confused for a moment and then realized. "Oh! That would be a great reason indeed. Hmm… I don't think it will be difficult to convince the Old Ancestor. But as far as the others that would travel with him. That might have to be discussed. After all, who is going… never mind. I'll push for it." He continued, to a resolute response.