Microscopic World

Back in the tribe, Minos headed back to the cave, setting up his weapon refining furnace before getting to work creating a Crystal Amplifier.

The Crystal Amplifier was actually quite simple, not even requiring any sort of advanced technology, just utilizing the laws of nature to the fullest.

By refining an ore called a 'Purple Glimmer Stone' in a very precise manner, one could massively increase its innate refractive abilities, strengthening them hundreds of times over.

This was by no means an easy process, and in fact, the Lukalu had special machines in which to make the process much easier, but Minos lacked those things, hence he could only do it by hand.

The Lukalu would laugh at such a primitive method, but if they saw the results, they would be shocked, because after only one attempt, Minos created a perfect amplifier, even better than anything the Lukalu could make.

With his Omniscient Eyes, Minos could make all the perfect moves, an ability the Lukalu naturally lacked, hence he was capable of doing an even better job then them.

After pulling the new Purple Glimmer Stone from the furnace, Minos shaved it down some more before it was at the perfect size.

With the Purple Glimmer Stone ready, Minos prepared the body of the Crystal Amplifier, which didn't take much time.

With the metal body ready, Minos gently placed Purple Glimmer Stone into its place, the Crystal Amplifier complete with its addition.

Excited, Minos placed his eye on the Purple Glimmer Stone, somewhat disoriented by this new microscopic world that revealed itself in front of his eyes.

Of course since he didn't have any samples in place, there wasn't much to look at, but it was still interesting to see the world from such a perspective.

After appreciating the view for a while, Minos called out to Inkus, who was waiting by the cave entrance, acting as both a guard and a messenger.

"Inkus, go tell the patriarch to send me any blood samples he has prepared."

"Right away." Inkus replied, before running off.

Soon enough, Inkus came back with a small vial filled with a deep red liquid. Swishing the blood a round for a bit, Minos gently let a single drop of blood fall out, splashing onto a thin glass disc he had prepared.

Taking the disc, Minos set it right below the Crystal Amplifier before looking into the lens, finally getting a look at the world of blood for the first time ever.

Despite being astonished, he wasn't actually too shocked, the books he had read from the Lukalu people having already been filled with such descriptions.

Though seeing it for the first time was always something new, so while it wasn't exactly surprising, it was definitely fascinating.

Turning the dial, he zoomed in even closer, taking a deep look at each cell, mesmerized by the intricate processes in which each functioned.

Individually they were nothing, but when trillions came together, they burst forward with unimaginable potential, giving birth to behemoths!

The fact that they worked together in such harmony was absolutely mind-boggling, a fact Minos found hard to accept.

While the Lukalu were quite advanced in their biological studies, even they were clueless as to how these processes really worked together so perfectly, the mystery of life itself still unsolvable even with their advanced technology.

Burning the site into his mind, Minos stepped back, his mind still thinking over what he had just seen.

After a few minutes of contemplation, Minos pulled out the Heaven Sundering Sword and gave himself a quick cut, releasing a drop of blood onto a new disc.

Replacing the blood samples, Minos took a look at his own blood, wanting to know the difference between normal blood vs cursed blood.

After a thorough inspection, Minos was a bit surprised to see that his cells were actually quite a bit different from the Shadiven clan's blood.

While they shared some similarities, Minos's cell had a few extra organelles that served an unknown purpose.

In fact, Minos found that the Lukalu's people's blood was actually more similar to the Shadiven's than his was.

Minos was already aware that he didn't originate from this planet, but to find that he was so different from the human's here was a bit shocking.

He couldn't help but wonder if he even really was a human, but remembering that he had a child with Tinka with no problems, he realized his worries were a bit superfluous.

Of course whether Rinka would later be affected by such a union was yet to be known, but based on what he had seen, Rinka was completely healthy, even far better than normal children her age.

Realizing it was pointless to worry about it, he focused back on comparing the three different blood samples, even jotting down all his discoveries on a piece of paper.

Sitting at his desk, Minos began scribbling down ideas and thoughts haphazardly, sheets of paper soon being flung all over the place as Minos released all his thoughts through writing.

Calling out to Inkus, he soon had him prepare some blood samples from any creature he could get his hands on, soon sending Minos dozens of blood samples from all sorts of different animals.

Comparing them all, Minos found that the biology of the Lukalu people and the Shadiven Clan was quite similar, clearly pointing towards common ancestry.

Even his blood, as unique as it was, shared quite a few common characteristics with the other two, as if all three groups were connected at one point, but Minos's people seemed to have split off a much longer time ago, hence the bigger differences.

Meanwhile, the animals on this planet were completely different, sharing practically zero with the other three, however they all were quite similar to one another.

Seeing this, Minos's mind couldn't help but come up with all sorts of different theories, the most likely being the idea that humanoids weren't native to this planet.

For the sake of simplicity, he decided to label everything that shared a similar 'human' biology as humanoids.

There was also the possibility that it was the animals themselves that weren't foreign, but the odds of that were much slimmer.

All things considered, Minos was led to the idea that humanoids didn't originate here, which he already knew was true for himself, but was somewhat shocked was also true for the others.

But thinking about it, it made sense, after all, what are the odds that he ends up on a planet with a species of creatures that are pretty much indistinguishable from him?

It seemed that humanoids were likely an interstellar species, as for how some of them ended up here, he had no idea.

Shocked by this revelation, Minos couldn't help but wonder about the state of this planet, questioning why it was so… Primitive.

The most logical explanation was that the human's who made it here were either put here, abandoned, or lost contact with the others, soon reduced to a more ancient state.

Just by looking at some blood, an entire galactic world was formed within Minos's mind, the connections becoming more interlocked as he wrote down more ideas and theories.

Eventually, Minos set his pen down to the side, the only definite thing he knew was that he knew nothing.

While it was fun to come up with these hypotheses, it was also pointless without being able to prove any of them, so it was best to not waste his time.

Standing up from his desk, Minos headed deeper into the cave, soon finding a dark spot away from the light and sitting down cross-legged.

Pulling out the old man's spatial ring, he gave it a quick tap before pulling out a vial filled with a sloshing red liquid.

Taking the plug off, Minos took a sip before resealing it and putting it back in the spatial ring, cultivating as he absorbed its power.

Compared to when he was just absorbing the Nux in the environment, his speed went up 10x times, a massive increase.

Normally he wouldn't be so foolish as to drink something randomly without knowing its effect, but with his Omniscient Eyes, he knew at first glance exactly what the liquid was.

In fact, not only did he know what it was, he even knew the ingredients and method required to make it, allowing him to replicate it whenever he wanted.

Of course, despite knowing all that, the resources required for even this small vial weren't cheap or easy to get, so for now he could only enjoy the old man's supply.

After a few hour long cultivation break, Minos headed back to work, studying the blood samples while also preparing to build a new puppet.

He didn't plan on building anything from the puppet guide however, instead he already had a new puppet in mind, one he called Humanoid V1.

Just like the name, this was a human-like puppet, and rather than serving any offensive purpose, Minos wanted to make it purely for research purposes.

While he had all these split souls, he only had one body, which severely limited his potential, hence, with a puppet body that could work alongside him, his efficiency would skyrocket.

After studying the blood for a little longer, Minos got to work creating the first Humanoid V1 design, going over all his puppeteering knowledge as he wrote his ideas down. Soon enough, Minos finished the initial design of the Humanoid V1, including all the puppet veins and other core components.

The design alone took up dozens of papers, but with it, Minos had a good idea on what he was going to do once the creation process began.

After sprucing up the designs a little more, Minos looked out the cave, realizing the sun was beginning to set.

Normally, he would have no problems working through the night, but he had a family now, so after tidying up his work space and storing all his work away, he headed back home.