Chapter 11 CHAPTER 11: Living Hell

STUNNED, confused, and dazed when Auntie Amanda said the clarification in the last will.

“What do you mean, I got the one-third and you just found it a mistake?” I approached Attorney Ashton just to clarify everything.

“You heard it right, Angela. The attorney has a lack of sleep that is why he made a mistake,” Auntie Amanda exclaimed stop the attorney from talking.

“I-I am at fault. Sorry for this.”

My eyes widened.

No, it can’t be. How did it happen? How come my inheritance has a portion only of the total properties and assets? Even though I know very clearly everything he said last week.

“Dear, don’t protest. Just admit that I am now your father’s legal wife and the properties and assets he has should also belong to me.”

I was shaken by what auntie said. I can’t even find my voice to fight against Auntie Amanda. I feel like I am already working in this house as a maid did.

I didn't realize that tears were just dripping from my eyes. I just want to go back and work at the hotel. I don't want to stay here at home anymore.

“Now, be obedient, Angela. Follow whatever I will tell you to do. I am now the full owner of this house and your father’s assets are already mine.”

“N-No! This can’t be. ” I immediately walk into my room after saying that straight to Auntie Amanda’s face.

When Auntie Amanda told me to move to the downstairs room, I agreed. I did not object. When she told me to clean the house, wash her clothes, cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and even prepare a snack. I didn’t protest, What I did is to follow everything she asks for. I haven't been able to go to work for two weeks just to serve her and her children then this will happen to me? Is this all a joke?

I faked a laugh at everything that was happening to me in this dark moment. This is definitely a big joke! Heaven is indeed kind to me when it throws me to hell.

I lost almost everything. My dad, Vincent, and now this house. I don’t know what I did in my past life just so this all happens to me.

I don’t like what is happening to me right now. Everything is a mess. Everything turns back bad to me. I felt heavy.

Even I am trying to stop the tears from flowing freely in my eyes, I can not. I am in pain. Soaking in tears and drowning in pain.

I almost choked after the heavy tears and trying to gain my voice.

What will happen to me next? If I come back to work, for sure they will be granted me a resignation or worst terminate me in an instant.

I miss my mom, I miss my dad. I miss Vincent. I am now a bird that is now confined in the cage. I can’t escape no matter how I try.

Why is fate mixed with me?


Why me? Of all people, why me?

I brush the tears that keep coming out of my eyes. I took our family photo frame. I cried looking at that photo. I miss all those days mom and dad held me in their arms. I miss how they path me when I am crying. I miss how mom and dad always depend on me to others even if sometimes I did wrong. I miss those sweet memories I had with my parents.

How I wish they never let me go. How I wish, I am the one who died? How I wish I don’t let them leave me.

I let my exhausted body lying in the bed. How I wish I will never open my eyes again when I sleep. This is not a dream but a reality. I wish it was all a dream then when I open my eyes, I am already with my parents.

I WAS slightly taken aback when suddenly someone grabbed my legs. When I got up, I saw Tommy's face.

“W-What are you doing here? Why are you in my room? ” I starting to get hysterical and frightened.

“Surprise! Have you remember what I said. You are mine.”


I got to stand up when he suddenly jumped on the bed and quickly put his weight over me.

“You are such an a*shole!”

“You just don’t know how much I crave your body, Angela. The first time I saw you in this house, you look like an angel falling down from heaven. But you know what, you will not fall from heaven, because I will bring you to heaven.” He grins like a monster. An animal hunting its prey and longing for food. But right now he is not longing for food but for my body.

“No! I will not let you do what you want.”

“You are mine, Angela. And I will make sure no one dares to steal you from me. ”

“You are a crazy a*shole!”

“A*shole? This is an a*shole will do to you.” In one swift motion, my cheeks started to found the pain after he slaps me hard on my face.

I was gripped after he had slapped me. “Oh sorry. I don’t plan to slap you. You should obey me, Angela.”

He pushed me back, making my back rested at the bed again. He pinned both of my hands and start to cuddle.

“No! I don’t like you nor even love you! ”

“You can’t do anything now. You are mine tonight. Don’t worry, if you will get pregnant, I am willing to marry you. Don't run away from me.” He laughed again which filled the whole room.

“No! Stoooop! Please…”