Chapter 56 - In My Head

"This is not the way, I'm so disappointed by this turn of were finally on the right track, to think that a woman's words was all it took to ruin that."

Ah, now there's a voice I haven't heard in a while. A voice I'd have totally been fine with if I never heard it again. Guess that was too much to hope for though... 

"Long time, no see...or should I say long time, no hear? Then again, you're in my head, so I'm not technically hearing your voice...what would you call this?" I inquired dryly. 

"Huh? Er, well...I suppose perhaps you could call it-...wait, no, that is irrelevant! You cannot save this world by following such naive ideals. You yourself are perfectly aware of this," He pointed out in response. 

I can only 'hear' his voice, I can't see him or anything, so I don't know what he looks like. Can't say I'm particularly eager to find that out, but I suppose I am a bit curious, if nothing else.