
"Huhh, Hahh." Breathing heavily to calm myself down from my manic emotions, stabilizing mind and my body, I finally relax.

"Okay, no need to think about such things yet, I'm nowhere near such a thing, nor do I even know anything about this. I should move onto my soul to distract myself."


[Soul: Infant Nachash (Primordial)]

[An infant form of the Primordial Soul of Nachash, the serpent that tempts and seduces others, as it did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Although it does not provide much to you now, it has the capacity to grow and evolve into something new and incredible, more powerful than anything ever seen before. When manifested it WILL dominate the wills of those weaker than it, and even those somewhat stronger, it can also devour souls whilst manifested, ready to be devoured by the [Devour] Skill.]

"T-Thats.... AMAZING!!" I shouted in joy as I felt a large smile grow across my face along with a shine in my eyes, somehow, "With this it might be even easier to get revenge, I just have to make sure I'm strong enough, a-and its evolution path is? Potentially infinite? I think? Either way this is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! A-Ah, I still have the soul skills to check out, I wonder what they'll be like?"


[Soul Aura: LvL. 1]

[Emanate the power of your soul, granting you protection against other souls and strength when attacking with your own. +15% Defence and Strength when using soul abilities per level.]

'Simple but can lead into something powerful one day if levelled up enough. Next one.'


[Soul Bite: LvL. 1]

[Bite another beings soul and devour that fragment, either immediately for an instant, but temporary, powerup, or slowly to gain their own strength after using the [Devour] Skill as your own. This attack works by biting either the target or the targets soul manifestation.]

'Okay, so this one works as a skill that needs to be activated to use, and once used it will rip a piece of another beings' soul off of them and I can either consume it instantly for a temporary powerup or I can digest it with [Devour] and gain a permanent boost to myself. Wait! But what part of their self do I gain? And would they lose that part of them permanently or not? Agh! Too many questions and too few answers!' Trying to wrap my head around how exactly this skill works I claps my head in my hands as I throw it back mild frustration.

'Hahh... Whatever, no use in thinking about it now, I'll just have to figure it out as I go along. Now, for the last skill.'


[Soul Manifestation: LvL. 1]

[Materialize your soul into a semi physical form of both yourself and Nachash himself, which you can manipulate at your will. Granting you the power to tap into your inner potential each time it is used, it has a chance to form and drop a crystallised fragment of your own talent, unlocking or growing part of it, some more. Grows with each evolution]


'What did I just read? Did it say that it can let me unlock more of my own powers? B-But how? How would that even work? And how would I even go about actually using this- this fragment anyways!? J-Just how does this work, and why is none of it explained?!'


"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!" Screaming out all the air in my lungs from frustration, I managed to calm down, a bit. Breathing roughly, I try to make sense of how exactly this ability is supposed to work.

I kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking, but I just couldn't wrap my tail around it.


Out of pure frustration I released a burst from all of my aura skills, sending a shockwave of magical pressure, throwing the sand around me outwards and opposite to where I currently was. Sighing I just continued forwards. closing the scrolls in front of me the disappeared into sparkling golden flakes, fluttering into the wind I looked away from it and went back to travelling while thinking of ways this might work.


After a few hours of travelling across the dunes and having no luck in figuring out the last soul ability I sighed, because now I'm back to doing nothing but moving onwards to my destination, Krara city, where the Duchess is very caring of orphans and are in a desperate situation, like myself. I hoped that when I reached the city, she would take me into the orphanage along with the others. Although this program that the Duchess has come up with only accepts those under 200, it does allow them to grow or find places of work so that they may have a chance at living in society, this is what I was placing all my hope on, who knows? Maybe my talent would even catch her attention and she would personally take care of me, I remember my father telling me about this before his departure back to Hell.

"Sigh" Sighing at that thought I got it out of my head as soon as it came, don't want to start crying again, I've done that enough over the past century. I stabilize my resolve and continue forwards.


Over the next few days, I keep myself hydrated with my, albeit poor, water magic, and thanks to my prior prey that I caught and ate, I wasn't feeling very hungry, if at all.

I kept on travelling towards Krara city, slithering forth at day and curling around myself at night to keep myself warm. This went on for another couple of days.


When I woke up this particular morning I felt as if I was being watched, and not by something viewing me as its prey, but something that was merely observing me, watching and following, I looked all around me but couldn't see anything, which stressed out my nerves immensely, I felt like something bad would happen soon.


More time passed and nights passed but that feeling never went away, I was still being watched. But by who? And why? I looked around again and this time I could actually see something, a small dot in the horizon, it was so small that I could only make out that it was there but not what it looked like. At that moment I knew that that was the thing that was watching me, Fear of the unknown crept into my mind. What was this thing? Why was it watching me?

I started to move faster, even if it would exhaust me much faster, I just wanted to get away from it before whatever happened, happened. I should be close to the city... I hope...


Many days passed but that thing never left my vision, in fact, I think it got closer to me, which just made my fear even more prevalent than before. I was really beginning to panic here so I sped up even more.


Another few days passed but I had no luck in escaping this thing that was chasing me. I was tired of running so I decided that I would instead try and destroy it with my magic.

Since it was a flying, I thought I could try out my new [Paralysing Stare: LvL. 1] to see if it would fall out of the sky.

"[Paralysing Stare]"




I waited a few moments but nothing happened, it was still flying. 'Was it too far away? Does this skill even have a range limit?' Thats when I realised, I never actually checked what this skill does.


[Paralysing Stare: LvL. 1]

[Paralyze any living enemy you stare at for a short period of time. Time: 10 Seconds. Range: 50 Meters.]


"FUUUCCKK!!!!" I screamed out after reading the skills description. Giving up on that idea I decided to try some of my other long ranged skills.

"[Fireball]" ... It blew out before it could reach that thing... Let's try another spell.

"[Fire Beam]" It shot out my left palm and headed in the direction of the thing... it took a while but it seemed to be slightly off, 'I need to move in about 20 degrees to the left.' Repositioning my arm by moving it slightly to the left, the beam also moved along with it and when it crossed over the dot, it blew up.

I was so surprised that my concentration slipped and my spell deactivated. What just happened?