Hunt and Snare

What just happened? Did it just blow up? B-But why? A-And how? This just put my nerves on edge even more than before, because, if it could blow up, why send it at all?

With fear running down my forehead and the back of my neck, and with that fear creeping over me like a tidal wave I started gunning for it... No Idea where that term comes from, like 'gunning for it' w-what is 'gunning' is it an object or is it a metaphor? Whatever, just keep going.

(Unknown POV)

"She blew it up." Said a mascluline voice while looking at a glass screen that displayed the scene of a snake firing a beam of fire at them.

"She seems to have the potential we need to finally catch up with those magic bastards." A more noble voice replied.

"Should we go through with the capture then?" The masculine voice asked.

"I think we should." A third voice called out from the darkness of the room, which was only lit up by the screen in front the three men.

"Very well then, lets send out another three drones, just to be safe, and make sure to load them with the necessary items." The regal voice spoke with authority.

"I shall prepare them right away then. Oh, should I also send them carrying a couple of battery packs as well or not?" The masculine voice asked.

"Hmmm... Send one, and have it carried between two drones, that way you save energy." The third voice responded

"Got it, I'll get them prepared and have them sent out immediately." The masculine voiced man then left the room to do as he was told.




(Traytora POV)

After running for a few days I could see Krara's city tower in the distance, but that feeling of being watched never got better and I was losing a lot of stamina, I hope that I can reach the city in time.

"Hah... Hah... Haah...." I realised I was panting too much, I might have rushed here too fast, wasting a lot of energy, but the dread of not knowing what was watching me was more than I could take.

I decided to check how much stamina I had left.


[Name: Traytora Asmodeus Arizaraa]

[Gender: Futanari]

[Species: Naga Succubus]

[Bloodlines: Ancient Serpent ??? (Ancient), Primordial Sin: Lust (Primordial)]

[Soul: Infant Nachash (Primordial)]

[Age: 178]


[LvL: 27 EXP: 26,500/ 35,000]

[Soul LvL: 20 EXP: 3,000/10,000]


[Title: Intimidator (Rare)] [+]

[Alignment: Neutral]

[Status: Satisfied]

[Role: None]


[Class: None]

[Subclass: None]


[Equipment:] [+]


[Stats:] [-]

[HP: 48,000/23,500 (+25,000]

[MP: 16,820/6,200 (+10,620)]

[SP: 11,700/10,300 (+1,500]

[Strength: 8,000 (+6,000)]

[Defence: 6,700 (+2,500)]

[Magic: 8,000 (+7,500)]

[Magic Defence: 7,200 (+5,000)]

[Agility: 3,950 (+2,500)]

[Speed: 210 (+150)]

[Stamina: 421/4,200 (5,500)]

[Charm: 3,500 (+10,000)]

[Stat Points: 0]


[Affinities:] [+]


[Weaknesses:] [+]



[Physical:] [+]

[Magic:] [+]

[Bloodline:] [+]

[Soul:] [+]


'SHIT! I didn't realise it was so low, FUCK! I might not have enough to make it if I keep rushing like this, but if I slowdown that thing might try and use it to capture me or something. FUCK! What do I do?!'

I started panicking, not knowing which would be better, to keep running with a high chance of running out of stamina before I reach the city, or slow down and risk this mysterious thing catching up with me.

Thats when I heard something.

It sounded like the wind was being mashed together all at once, and there was multiple of these sounds all at once, and they were very close, too close.

On instinct I dove down into the sand, missing the thing that whizzed past me, it seems that it was aiming for my neck, 'So they want me alive or dead, either way, I get captured.'

Using my tail, I whipped my body to my right to avoid another dart, I think, only to slam myself into something hard.

"Arghh!" Grunting in pain, I turn my head only to see a flying metal box materialize out of thin air.

"W-What?" I spoke out with abstract terror written on my face, not understanding what was happening in front of me. Without warning my instincts screamed louder than before and once again I used my tail to fling myself away from the third dart, which I could confirm is what they were due to how close this one was. As to what it contained, either poison or some sort of sleeping magic of some kind.

This continued for a few shots, them firing darts at me, and I running from them, I even slammed into one again. But now I was too tired, I had wasted too much stamina running here and couldn't fight back because of it. Thats when I realised, I could still use my magic.


I quickly cast [Fire Wall LvL. 3] four times all around me.


Four walls of half a metre thick fire surrounded me, granting me a temporary solace. Until I realised that they could fly. In a panic I quickly casted another fire wall directly above me, sealing off all visible areas to me.

"Hahhhh.... Huh... Haahhhhhh....." I took some extremely laboured breaths to help with my exhaustion and to help me think of a way out, when suddenly, my soul scroll appeared in front of me.


[You have learned a new skill called [Fire Dome].]





As Traytora screamed out her lungs inside her bubble of fire, the five drones slowly surround the dome, waiting for it to disappear.

It doesn't.

After nearly four hours of waiting, one of them went forth to sacrifice itself, by flying into the fire and blowing itself up.


An explosion occurs and Traytora is thrown back in shock. The other four remaining drones then move over to her location to surround her.

"Ugghh... My head..." She rubs her palm on the side of her head from the concussion of the explosions impact against her, when suddenly her eyes open wide, leaking tears as her body starts shaking, then she falls down to the ground, unconscious.

Then two of the drones then launch a metallic claw each at her arms, that are attached to them with some sort of grey rope. Meanwhile the other two fly over her tail and her waist, spewing out a net each, also attached with the same grey rope, that connected itself from two ends underneath the snake's body.

Flying upwards, slowly, the drones make their way back from where they came from, carrying the young serpentine girl with them.


(Unknown POV)

"Well, looks like they did it, but that did cost us a drone, which isn't the worst-case scenario but not he best either." A masculine voice called out in a bright room with on himself and one other person in it.

"Hmph, that girl has more spunk than I thought, but it doesn't matter, we still got her in the end." The regal voice replied.

"Ugh, don't say spunk Rhistel its gross and weird, especially coming from you with your track record." The masculine voice said in disgust towards the other man.

"Oh please, I know full well what you are capable of when you get going Dorrak, WE, as in the company, had to pay the brothel for the damages YOU caused back then." Rhistel Yalathinil replied spitefully.

"HA! That. Is. RICH! Coming from you, you hedonistic sadist bastard. YOU LOVE to torment your partners, meanwhile I, although do go overboard, make sure that my partners actually ENJOY our time together." Dorrak Stormfist rebuked aggressively.

"ENOUGH! You two are bickering like teenagers." A voice shouted out behind the two men. "YOU, Dorrak, are a Minotaur, a creature which has great violent impulses and a good heart. On the other hand, YOU Rhistel, are an esteemed elven noble who is a greedy sadist. Both of you are here for various reasons for being part of this project, which you will be paid for soon, just be patient. Dorrak your daughter is ready to see you now." A human man who had an air of authority, as shown by a golden lined lab coat, walking in and berated the two for their argument.

The Minotaur then hurriedly responded and made his way out with vigour in his step. "YES BOSS! SORRY BOSS! ... GOODBYE!"

Like that the tall hulking minotaur left, leaving the two men alone.

"So?" The human spoke first.

"Sooo what?" The elf replied in confusion.

"Does he know what is actually needed to complete this project?" Asked the human.

"No, no he does not, and it's best kept that way, if he ever finds out..." The elf shudders whilst think about the consequences of that scenario. "Who knows how much damage he will cause."

"Mmm, good, because if he does, it'll be YOUR families heads that rolls for it. And make sure to send that package to the Duchess." The human spoke with dominance in his voice.

Shuddering the elf replies with a shaky voice, "Y-Yes S-Sir."