
(Dorrak POV)

(A few Minutes Ago)

"Hahh..." Breathing the air of the forest and taking in the tranquil surroundings was a nice, relaxing feeling, helped me calm down and properly go over what has happened recently. Helped me recollect myself.


"Hmm?" Of to the side, where Traytora went, I saw some light smoke come out from the treetops in the distance. 'If she were really under attack, I would most likely hear something explode, most battles end up making a lot of noise.' Seems like she'll take a bit longer to finish her business, 'Oh well, gives me a moment to myself at least, let's me think.'

I stand there for a while, zoning out slightly but my senses still active in case of an attack, after all, though there may not be anyone or anything nearby, that doesn't mean it can't come by.




A little while later I hear some hooves clopping in the distance, and it was getting closer. Sighing I opened my eyes and sure enough I could spot two stag-kin in the distance, making their way towards me.

As they got closer, I could see that one was a male with brown fur that had white dots spotted around in a semi disorganised pattern, he had a leather breast plate covering half his chest whit a quiver of arrows attached to the back of it as he held a smooth wooden bow in his left hand. On his head were some large antlers, larger than some of the other stags that I've seen pass through the city before, his hair was also brown, like his fur, and it reached just below his shoulders, giving him a somewhat rogue-ish look to him.

Meanwhile the other Stag seemed to be a futanari, both due to her modest chest being hugged tightly by her own leather breastplate, emphasizing her assets, while a 'fifth leg' hung down from beneath her underside. She too had a quiver of arrows and a bow slung around her but she also had a sword in a scabbard at her left waist. She too had antlers on her head but they weren't even half as tall as the ones on the man beside her, as well as a similar fur coating with blond hair reaching her waist.

They both soon entered the small open clearing I was in and we both observed each other, looking for signs of possible hostility on each other. When neither of us found any form of hostility on each other they spoke up.

"Who are you and what are you doing in our territory?" The futa stag asked with the tone of a noble demanding something from their subordinate.

"My name is Dorrak, and I'm currently waiting for my friend to come back from doing their er, 'business' is what they called it." I replied in a calm manner that said I wasn't afraid.

"And why are you travelling through our territory?" The male one asked in a slightly laxer tone.

"The two of us were travelling through this forest to reach the desert, which is the homeland of both of us." I responded in the same way as before.

"And why are you going through this forest in the first place anyways?" The futa stag asked.

"I, I don't think I quite understand your question. Could you rephrase it?" I asked.

"Sorry, I suppose I should ask, where exactly are you traveling from, as the nearest and largest known place would be Hunam City, which was recently destroyed by a demon invasion without warning, hence our caution."

"That's understandable, but what does that have to do with me?"

"You could be a survivor of that incident and we'd need to know what happened, if you knew anything at all. Hence, we need to know any countermeasures, as demon invasions are not usually so spontaneous."

'That's true, but I'm partly to blame for that and I don't want to get into trouble for it so I'll just lie and say we were passing by when it happened.' Which I did, "No, we were only passing by when we saw the city engulfed in flames so we quickly veered away from it, not wanting to become subject to a stray demons attack."

"He's lying." The male stag said with absolute confidence.

"I see... And why did you lie, is it because you were the one who summoned those demons to this plane? Doesn't matter either way, for the safety of our nation, you must die." The futa said in hostility as she readied her blade whilst her companion knocked an arrow in his bow.

Snorting at their pitiful attempt at threatening me I pulled my right fist back and my left fist forwards and open as I lowered my centre of gravity, small sparks flashing across my right forearm, too small for them to notice as they had their attention on my face, probably reading for any form of me making the first move.






The male let go of his bow string, letting the arrow sail straight towards me, thinking it would be a direct hit to my face, but sadly for him, I'm not called 'Stormfist' for nothing. With the energy gathering in my arm, I saw time around me slow down, and I moved my fist towards the tip of the arrow.

And soon enough, when it did.





A huge shockwave of power smashed against the flimsy stick before me, evaporating it out of existence, while the air force from the shockwave itself made all the dust on the ground blow away.

As the dust settled, I got back into a relaxed position, crossing my arms across my chest and when the dust cleared enough to see the two stags before me, I looked down upon them condescendingly, which, when they could see my expression, did not like one bit.

"Ah! Where are my manners? I forgot to properly introduce myself. My name is Dorrak STROMFIST!" I revealed my full identity in an impsing manner, which made the two before me look at me in fear and take a couple of steps back. I smirked at their reaction, it was a satisfying feeling this was.

Shaking in fear the futa stag tightly grips her sword and speaks out to me, though in a rather shaky voice, "E-Even s-so, w-we must f-find out the c-cause of th-that e-event."

"Short answer or long answer?" I asked with zero care in my voice.

The two look at each other for a bit and then nodded, must be siblings or maybe even twins to be able to communicate with just stares.

"L-Long p-please." The male requested.

"Very well..."

I then went on to explain why I was there, what I did when I was there and the events that led up to the demon invasion, which included me making a tear in that space, allowing a powerful archdemon at the very least, to make use of that tear and open up a portal directly into their domain and rain literal hellfire upon the city. I also explained everything about the little girl, or at least what I knew of her anyways.

"... And that's everything, probably missed out one or two things but they're not likely to be important. So, what are you going to do now? Still going to attack me knowing that you'll just become out dinner later, or are you going to let us through?"