Busy Start to the Night (R18**)

"Well, I should probably give you two some space then, uh, do try to keep it down as you will probably attract some wild mobs here, more so than those that would just come across the clearing randomly. If you need me, I'll be scouting around the area so I'll leave you two to your own devices." Dorrak said as he got up and gave way for us, more specifically me, to have our fun~

When he left the clearing, I looked back over to my nighttime snack~

As the fire crackled, the stag trembled slightly, and I realised that, since we were probably going to be spending some time together, I should probably ask her name, so I did, in flaming runes of course, 'What's your name?' She flinched as she saw me create the words of fire.

"O-Oh, my name is Cythistia." She replied. I tilted my head thinking, 'Cythistia... Cute!' I smiled and got up to start slithering around the camp fire towards her.

As I slowly made my way over to her, I realised that I towered over her slightly as she was currently sat down, and smirked down at her. And when I had made my way over to her, I leaned down towards her and opened my mouth and brought my tongue out, and placed the long wet and drooling mass of muscle on the left side of her neck, and sensually bringing it up to her chin, where I promptly placed a sloppy kiss on her mouth with my tongue still snaking down the side of her neck.

She moaned lightly in surprise at my sudden action before I quickly took my lips off of hers, and continuing to slide my tongue up her face as it dragged over her now moist lips and towards her right eye. As I made my way over, ever so slowly to draw out her arousal, I noticed that she had slightly pointed ears, something I did not notice earlier so I moved my face over to them and gently sucked on the tip, all whilst I slurped my tongue back into my mouth as it slithered across her face.

When I finished sucking my tongue back into my mouth, I popped my mouth off of Cythistia's ear, eliciting her to shudder with hot, shaky breaths. She was most certainly aroused, good~

Smirking down at her once more I licked my lips and violently pointed up, so she got up. My smile widened as she seemed obedient to me, for tonight at least. Moving to her side I placed my hand on her like I was going to mount her, which I was planning on doing in a way. I hauled myself over her so that my tail could wrap around her and I could mount her rear by coming out from beneath her back legs, but before I could, there was another leg in the way, her own erect penis.

I licked my lips again as I decided till myself up on her cream first.

With my left hand held onto Cythistia's side, I used my right one to grab her shaft and began slowly pumping it, making her moan out int shock.

"A-AHNN!!" She then promptly covered her mouth, remembering Dorrak's last words before he went to survey the area.

"Hmm~" Humming in satisfaction, I then open my mouth and insert this large rod into it, all the way to the base, before slowly sucking on it as I pulled back.

"MMMNNNN!!!" Cythistia moaned into her hands as her front legs gave out, making her fall forwards in ecstasy.


"Ahh~" Giving my own verbal form of satisfaction, I went right back to sucking my temporary mates cock, using my long tongue to keep the whole shaft wet as I bobbed my head up and down the first half, all whilst my throat instinctively tried to suck down anything that entered it.




I continued sucking her cock like a vacuum, and decided to go all out on her. I first pulled all the way back to her tip, bringing my tongue with me as it slid around the shaft, I was working till it also reached the tip and I just started swirling it around as I sucked on it even harder.

"NNNGGGGHHH!!!!" At this point Cythistia had stopped covering her mouth and I was now moving from the tip to the very base of her dick, which was fully wet thanks to my earlier tongue work.


Continuing to suck on her cock like I was a succubus, which I technically was, I made her tremble in pure pleasure, and turned her into a moaning mess.


She was moaning like her life was being sucked out of her, which isn't entirely untrue, again I am half succubus. Feeling her cock throb, I redoubled my efforts to make her cum faster, so I could taste her semen~


I worked her shaft, sucking every inch whenever it was anywhere inside of me, be it my mouth or my throat.


"A-AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I-I'M C-CUMMINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" She screamed out, and I went straight to the base of her cock, clenching my throat and sucking down on her as I felt her thick hot sperm gush into my stomach, her balls throbbing with each shot she blew down me.


Swallowing everything she gave me for about two whole minutes, I managed to wring her balls dry of their contents before slowly and sensually pulling back, leaving my tongue behind, just so that I could drag it back to me just as slow, which I did. Once My mouth had come off of her cock, I slowly dragged my tongue back inside while making sure it never left the underside of her shaft.


With that one last flick on the tip of her cock, it was still standing, ready for more action, and I was more than ready to go as well.

"Hohh... Hahhh..." She was out of breath from what would probably be the best experience of her lifetime.

Slithering my tail around her stag body I made it so that her cock was now in line with my lower pussy that was beneath my waist and on my tail. Moving towards her rear end between her legs, I felt her girth slowly entering me spreading my insides apart as I made my way from out behind her.

Grabbing her supple ass, I pulled myself up, bringing myself to the height that I would need to penetrate her as her full length managed to completely enter me.

"O-OHHH!!!" Gasping out in shock due to her size, this being my first time taking on something so big, I lined myself up with her two holes and then grabbed her rear end, and pulled myself forwards.