Skills and Hunting 2/2

We went through the dense green forest, hunting some of the native creatures, mostly rabbits as they were the most populace race here. I'd also continued testing skill combos, some on the rabbits themselves.

I also tried out [Bloodline Aura] and [Soul Manifestation] together and unlocked a new skill called [Bloodline Manifestation], which manifested my bloodline into a semi-physical form, and if combined with my [Soul Manifestation] I could even create a partially solid creation that I could control and even shared some of my skills.

This manifestation looked a bit weird. It had a long tail-like body, same as me, but it had no upper body, just a head like that of an average snake-folks' men. Its serpentine body was also almost three times thicker than mine as well as twice my length when I lay down. It also had shining golden slits for eyes, same as me. The sclera on the other hand was a mix of blue and purple with shining white spots here and there, it gave me a bad vibe so I stopped looking at them.

I used this new ability of mine and ate three rabbit-kin that thought that they could hide from me while I was hunting, but unfortunately for them I had [Apex Predator], which helped me track and find them. I also used that skill to help hunt the rest of our prey.

Another thing about my new Manifestation ability was that I could use it to hunt for me as I could command it to do something for me such as hunt and it would go off on its own to hunt for me, eat them and then use [Devour], which would grant me EXP to level up, and it did. I gained a total of [+36,000 EXP] and [+21,000 Soul EXP].


[You have received +36,000 EXP and +21,000 Soul EXP and +90 Stat Points.]

[You have levelled up from 30 -> 31]

[EXP: 45,500/50,000 -> 31,500/60,000]

[You have gained +30 Stat Points]

[Your Soul has levelled up from 23 -> 24]

[EXP: 8,500/17,500 -> 12,000/40,000]

[You have gained +20 Stat Points]

That's... A lot. Especially a lot of stat point, that makes what? 220? Holy shit that's a lot of stats. Also, what's up with this huge jump in EXP needed for my soul? Why did it get so big? ... No idea.

Anyways, I'd also realised that since I could infuse Elements into my Aura now thanks to [Elemental Aura] I could now use [Poisonous Bite] with my Aura and have it actually be poisonous.

I also unsummoned my Manifestation and it just dissipated into thin air like smoke. Just as I did so, a large and furry brown wild bear-kin man came rushing at us aggressively.

"RRAAAAARRRRRHHHHH!!!!!" Growling fiercely at us we readied to fight.

Well, I say 'we' but I really mean me as Cythistia has given up helping me hunt after seeing some of the things I can do. I crouch slightly and ready my fist.

The bear reached me and raised its paw like hand and brought it down on me, intending to crush me to death, but I just countered with a punch.



A loud impact was heard, followed by the sounds of something breaking, presumably its bones.


It roared out in pain from having its arms shattered. I also wanted to use this time hunting to level up some of my skills as well, so I used [Tail Whip] and combined it with [Elemental Scales] and infused them both with the power of [Elemental Aura] through the power of my [Bloodline Aura].

I used the element of [Hell] just to see what happens when I do. My body was covered in a blackish red coating of mana as I spun around to smack the bear-kin with my tail.


A loud resounding slap echoed throughout the area as the bear-kin crashed into a tree, barely able to even move at this point. I slithered over to it as it tried to crawl away from me while whimpering. I reached the beast and came up with an idea. Just like how I combined my [Bloodline Aura] with [Claw Slash], I could maybe do the same with my [Soul Aura].


[You have learned [Soul Slash].]

Cool, more skills.

Anyways, that was enough to kill the bear as its physical body wasn't able to remain alive in its current state without a soul.

I asked if this would be fine as a hunt but Cythistia said that we should find some smaller creatures to hunt, after all, Jack and Aaron usually hunted more than this.

'Well, I did eat three rabbits, I probably should hunt some for everyone. But, what do they even do with them.' I thought as I hadn't actually seen what they do with the rest of the rabbits that they hunt.

Since I was curious, I asked Cythistia what they do with them.

"They turn them into rations, and any meat left over usually gets tossed into the stew later. As for what they do with the rest of the body, they usually bury it and give it as an offering to the gods with a prayer."

That's what she said anyway. And that got me thinking, gods. I know they exist, but I don't exactly worship any, after all, my father IS a demon prince of biblical Hell.

I shook my head and pushed those thoughts away for another time. Because now it was time to go hunt some more prey.




A few hours later we had managed to capture a wild boar-kin alongside six rabbit-kin also. Plus the bear I killed towards the start of this excursion, I'd say this hunting trip went quite well.

I'd also tried out a few more skill combinations as well, and this is what I had to show for it.


[You have received +27,000 EXP and +10,000 Soul EXP.]

[EXP: 31,500 -> 58,500/60,000]

[Soul EXP: 12,000 -> 22,000/40,000]

My EXP had gone up and I was close to another level up.

[Ding you have learned the skills [Lustful Venom], [Poisonous Fire], [Runic Infusion], [Soul Devour] and [Venomous Fangs].]

All pretty useful skills, especially [Soul Devour] and [Venomous Fangs], those two are quite useful.


[The following skills have levelled up:]

[Dash: LvL. 5 (UP)] [Claw Slash: LvL. 5 (UP)] [Poisonous Bite: LvL. 5 (UP)] [Harden Scales: LvL. 5 (UP)] [Tail Whip: LvL. 4 (UP)]

[Fire Runes: LvL. 2 (UP)]

[Apex Predator: LvL. 3 (UP)] [Intimidation: LvL. 2 (UP)] [Paralysing Stare: LvL. 2 (UP)]

Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good haul, both in terms of hunt and skill levels. We were now on our way back to the camp and I had just remembered that I still have over 200 Stat points available to spend. Time to spend it all I guess.

[+7,500 MP]

[MP: 13,540/21,450 (+15,620)]

[+7,500 SP]

[SP: 21,675/24,800 (+1,750]

[+10,500 Strength]

[Strength: 46,000 (+8,500)]

[+10,00 Magic]

[Magic: 41,000 (+10,000)]

[+8,000 Magic Defence]

[Magic Defence: 20,200 (+7,000)]

[+5,000 Agility]

[Agility: 15,600 (+3,500)]

And that's how I distributed my Stat Points.


Soon we arrived back at the camp the rangers had set up on the side of the road, but when we got back, we were shocked to find out that it had been attacked.