"Spicy" Dinner (R18*)

(Traytora POV)

As I finished listening to Cythistia go on about her upbringing, from her awakening, to her first time healing the city, to the porcupine bitch from earlier, I felt a rollercoaster of emotions on her behalf.

I saw tears coming out of her eyes, so I pulled her into my embrace, where she began crying in anguish as she recounted her past.

I couldn't quite console her as I hadn't experience what she had but I did understand pain. I'd felt too much of that in my life...

"Ahh, I'm sorry for crying all over you, I mean, I'm not sorry for crying, just crying all over you." She sniffled.

I patted her back to tell her it was okay and that I didn't mind.

She'd finished her story, so I just let her get out all of her emotions until she felt better.

"Ahh, thank you, for what you did earlier. I really appreciated that, really, I do."

I pulled out of the hug and kissed her, my way of returning thanks.

'So what's her name anyways?' I asked.

"Uhhh... I dunno, I never bothered asking, and even if I found out I never cared nor wanted to remember so I always forget. I do know however that she's from the Pinewood family and that's about it." She answered.

I stifled in amusement at how little care she seemed to have for her but quickly stopped as I remembered everything else, she had said that that porcupine bitch had done to try ruining her life.

"Don't worry too much about it, she'll get some form of punishment from either her parents or something later when they hear of this." She said.

I looked at her confused.

"Ah, I say that because I've met her parents before. Actually, I first met them when they came over to apologise for their daughter's behaviour, apparently, she's the seventh child in their family, which is why she tries to make herself look better than everyone else at the cost of her own families reputation along with her own. At this point though, everyone just kind of ignores her most of the time, and she only gets attention when she does something like she did earlier." She explained.

I made an 'Ohh' face to show I understood.


'I'm hungry.' I stated.

"Ugh, how are you always hungry?" She sighed at me.

'I am.' I replied.

"Well, dinner should be ready soon so let's go back down."

I held her arm and said to her, 'Wait, we can just ask for room service and they'll bring it here, that way we save having to run into that bitch again.'

"Oh yeah, we can do that can't we?"

So we got room service. They came to our room and explained what they were serving and then we chose what wanted and how much and the maid that came to serve us went off to get it.

As for what we did in the meantime, well, we were in a love inn, so we fucked.

I sucked on her cock and pleasured it in many different ways, sometimes just with my tongue, sometimes I used my tits, and sometimes I rammed it down my throat all the way to the base and just used my muscles to massage it until it released several loads. I also let her pound me many times over, causing me to cum as well, splattering my semen all over our bed.

I don't remember how long we'd been at it but food eventually came to our door. We thanked the servant whilst slathered in each other's cum.

She also brought a table up with her and some optional seating, but we opted to not have that.

I ordered a steak again, even though I'd had one yesterday, I still wanted a big steak. I also asked for it to be lace with aphrodisiacs.

Cythistia ordered the same thing, even the aphrodisiacs.

We didn't have any drinks because we forgot to order some and at this point, we felt too lazy to order some so whenever our mouths felt a little dry, we just sucked on each other's cocks for precum. It was incredibly hard to not continue sucking, and eventually I was sent over the edge and blew my load all over the table, including our food.

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." She apologised.

'It's fine, this just add both flavour and wetness to our food...' I paused midway through my sentence. 'Actually, we've been focusing too much on each other's cocks that our pussies haven't received a lot of attention, and that were the best juices are, so let's add that to the mix as well.' I said as I licked my lips.

"A-Are you suggesting we add the juices from our honeypots to our meal also?" She asked slightly hesitantly.

'That's exactly what I'm saying. Why do you find the idea unappealing?' I asked as I actively tried seducing her into submitting to the idea.

"W-Well, I can't deny that the idea does arouse me. B-But what if the food gets colds?" She asked back.

And in response to that, I just ignited whatever semen was on our meal with [Lust Flame], sending her over the edge.

"F-Fine." She stuttered, this time not from hesitation but from how horny she was.

I quickly slithered behind her and dove right into her sopping wet cunt.

"Ahhnn!!" She squealed in surprise at my swift and sudden movements.

She was already very wet so I didn't need to prepare her or anything and just stuck my tongue in instantly and began writhing it around and scraping all of her insides of their constant flow of sweet nectar.

"Nnnggg!!! HHHNnnngggg!!!! Nnnggaahhhh!!!" My partner moaned out loud.

I kept on sucking on her cunt that kept on producing sweet liquids that I lapped up as quickly as they came as her walls constricted around my tongue, giving me a slight euphoric tingling sensation down my spine.

I used my innate [Stimulating Touch] and [Dual Cultivation] to stimulate her to no end, and she was soon close to cumming. I pulled out of her and turned her around so that her rear end was facing the table. I quickly pulled my plate over and proceeded to finger her into bliss.

"NNNNGGGGGGAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!" She screamed as a torrent of love juices squirted all over our still steaming hot meals and a little bit over my fingers.

She panted for a little bit before I abruptly turned her around and said, 'My turn.'

She then proceeded to go in on mu upper pussy which was just below my twin cocks.

And just like her, I was just as wet as a fountain was coming out of my nectar pot. She started by kissing and just lapping up whatever leaked out from it whilst also rubbing my lower pussy with her fingers.

"Mmmnnnn~" I moaned as she had learned all of my weak spots by now and used that to her advantage to make me shiver in ecstasy.

I tried to push myself against her but she stopped me using her free hand to push me back.

"Nnngggg~" I whined.


The sound of her slurping up all of my nectar resounded throughout the room ad she started to gouge out my pussy with her tongue and her fingers.

"Hhaahhaaaaa~ Hhhaaannnn~" I moaned loudly as she played with all of my weak spots with her fingers and her tongue.


"HHHNNNNGGGG!!!!" She shoved her tongue deep into my upper pussy whilst shoving her entire arm inside my lower one.

I felt her stirring my insides with her arm as her tongue scraped my walls dry for a second before I leaked even more fluids straight into her mouth. My muscles grasped onto her arm instinctively, forcing her to wriggle it around with more force, stimulating my cunt even more.

Soon I felt myself reaching an orgasm, and the woman eating me out knew this as she sucked on my upper cunt even more and started to thrust her arm in and out of my lower one.

When I thrust myself forwards she quickly detached herself and turned me to face out meals as I sprayed my juices all over them, completing our impromptu side meals that were still hot.

I took a moment to catch my breath before we both returned to our meals, which tasted even more scrumptious. And whenever we felt thirsty we just sucked on each others pussie's until our thirst was satiated.

At some point both of us orgasmed from our cocks, and all of my sperm went all over the table once more, so I ignited it and we came all over our steaks once more with our pussy juices to wet them up once more.

When we eventually finished eating our food, we went back to eating each other out for the rest of the night until we passed out, covered in each other's secretions.