Boss Battle


With a deafening roar the beast lunged straight at us with immense aggression.

Half of us split apart but the monster didn't pay attention to any of us as it continued charging towards the designated vanguards of the group.

All of which returned in kind, with their own attacks.

"[Fist of Fury]!"

"[Storm Punch]!"

"[Counter Strike]!"

"[Flame Fist]!"

"[Air Strike]!"

All of them shouted out their own moves, most of them being martial arts with elements imbued into them, and met with the foe in a head on collision with their combined power.


With a loud boom, the first collision between us, and monster, had happened. As both sides backed away from one another, I could only see a few scorch marks on the monsters fur, and a stupefied look on its face, as if it couldn't believe its attack failed.

The rest of us weren't idle during this time either, and launched our own attack spells at it.

'[Multi Flame] ' I said in my mind as I cast all of my fire magic at once, and releasing a devastating aura that the wolf quickly noticed.

It looked in my direction and saw a giant ball of fire mad out of spiritual white, infernal red, sensual pink and poisonous purple flames.

I then threw the thing at it whilst boosting its power slightly through the spell [Fireball], and it reached the monster in a second, surprising both me and it at how fast it travelled. And then it crashed directly into the monster's face, blowing up in a colourful spectacle that resembled a firework.

When the light of the explosion died out, we saw that the monster had sustained some damage as its fur had been burnt off, but not its flesh. And just as it was about to charge towards me and, by proxy, everyone around me, a burst of spells attacked it from behind, and just as it was turning around, the vanguard team came and clobbered it in the face, forcing its attention back onto them.

As the boss stood still to prepare its next attack, everyone was prepared to either counter or dodge its next attack, I was doing the same. I was currently looking at my skill list to see what skills may be useful in this fight, and besides my fire I couldn't see much that could help in this situation.

My only hope of dealing some real damage to this thing was to combine many of my skills together and hope something would do more than that fireball from earlier.

The boss then let out another deafening roar that seemed to be even more potent that previously, so potent that half the people here were disoriented by the sound it made.

The monster then lunged towards us and I erected a [Fire Wall] in front of it and reinforced it with [Fire Runes] infused with a [Hell Fire] aura. Which made the beast stop momentarily before it bashed itself against the barrier, shattering it with its immense strength in one go.

Its eyes locked onto me, its gaze filled with a burning malice that seeked to want to end everything in its wake.

My eyes widen in panic as it was too close to dodge it, and my skills were too weak to do anything significant enough to help me in this situation.

And in that moment, my mind went white as my vision changed and my body moved by itself without my input.


[You have learned the [Feral Instincts] Skill!]

I could make out the vague signs of a Soul Scroll notification as my tail slid back and my torso hunched over as I felt the mana inside of me activate and cast a multi-elemental barrier using [Elemental Scales] as the foundation.

My fists then lit up in similar multi-coloured flames from earlier as I threw my body over the monsters head that was trying to devour me.

I landed on the back of the beasts neck and stabbed my claws as deep into its spine as I could and grasped its vertebrae just as the monster tried to shake me off of its back.

It lashed out like a bull and slammed itself against the rooms walls whilst everyone ran out of its way. Thankfully I was fine due to my barrier protecting me from any damage.

It was then that I regained partial consciousness, or more rather, partial control over my actions. I couldn't fully control my body, nor did I want to, as my instincts were doing most of the work for me.

With my hands still clasping onto the spine of the wolf monster, I thought of ways to do more damage that I currently was. I could attempt to strangle it but I don't think my tail is long enough for such a thing.

The only thing I could think of was spell stacking, which required much concentration, something I couldn't do while being thrown around and into walls constantly.

I could also see everyone else attacking the beast as the monster itself tried to multi-task between getting me off of its back, attacking and killing whomever it could, and taking as little damage as possible.

Then out of the corner of my eye I could see most of the vanguard striking the monsters front left leg and shattering its bones, making it incapable of moving.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW!" I heard one of them shouting.

But I didn't listen, as I knew that this was the best chance that we had for taking this thing down. I had a grasp on its neck, and if I could use this to my advantage, I could even blow the damn things head off.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET DOWN NOW!!!" They shouted again, but I paid no attention to it.

I began looking at my skills, and using my flame covered fists as a starting point, I cast [Fireball] with my hands as the centre point, which caused the flesh of the undead creature to burn and emit a horrendous stench, but I kept my grasp on its spine regardless.

I then began carving various runes into the [Fireball], such as, 'Power' 'Explode' 'Tear' 'Destruction' and many more similar such runes that would cause the power to increase and hopefully blast the neck off of the monster into pieces.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't focus anymore because the undead had regenerated its leg and began thrashing around again. And once more I was doing my best to hold onto the thing and maintain my spells.

Then the monster crashed into the floor. I turned to see Cythistia using her magic to restrain one of the monster's legs along with the only other nature mage in our group. The rest of the magicians then joined in and restrained its other legs.

"Quickly! FINISH YOUR SPELL!" I could hear my lover shouting as she strained to keep her own spell active.

I quickly turned my attention back to my spell, and when I did, I saw that it had become too chaotic to use as [Fireball] and may even put my own life in danger if I let it explode. I frantically looked at my skill list once more trying to see what I could use to fix this and stabilize the spell again.

And there was nothing.

A look of despair started to wash over my face as panic set in once more, this time greater than before as I tried to figure out a solution to my current situation.

That's when I realised that my [Manifestation] skill could take the damage for me.

I hastily summoned both my [Soul] and [Bloodline] manifestations and infused them with every Aura I had into My [Elemental Scales] ability, then combined with all of my [Bite] skills and even [Soul Devour]. I even applied [Curse of Lust] without the element of lust by removing [Lust] with my Aura, turning it into a regular curse.

To top it off I cast [Fire Beam] through the Manifestation and into the ball of fire that was in its mouth that was holding onto the monsters spine.

I then let go with my hands and jumped of and cast [Fire Burst], causing both the manifestation, and the mass of fire to explode.

I couldn't see what happened as the force of the explosion sent me crashing deeply into a wall, causing my conscience to black out.

(Cythistia POV)

I managed to cast a spell to restrain one of the legs of the wolf so that Traytora could do whatever it was that she needed to, and thankfully I had the help of the only other nature mage, Laurana, a red Squirrel, and we force the boss monster onto the ground.

My lover looked back at me and I shouted, "Quickly! FINISH YOUR SPELL!" As I saw that she was using magic just after the Vanguard team broke one of its legs.

Then the rest of the mages cast some of their own impromptu restraining spells and managed to restrain two more of its limbs, allowing Traytora to concentrate.

"RRRAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!" The roars of the beast filled the room as it tried to use the same move it did earlier, but that wouldn't work again, not as effectively anyways.

And although it managed to destabilise some of the mages, it couldn't do it to enough people. And after another minute, I saw the shimmering light around Traytora disappear into the beast's neck and soon after she jumped off and the boss monsters head was blown off in an enormous explosion.

When the ringing in my ears had mostly faded, I opened my eyes and scanned the room. Everyone seemed okay, no real harm had befallen them.

I then saw Traytora lodged unconscious in the wall.