One After Another

Morning dawned bright and early, and Daphne woke up alone in her bed after a night of restless sleep. The other side was still faintly warm, proof that Atticus had at least spent the night with her, even if he was gone before she woke up. 

Daphne could only sigh and huddle under her blanket. She didn't want to wake up and face a new day, knowing that Atticus didn't want to touch her. But her stomach grumbled in protest, and gnawing pains in her gut made her make her way to the dining hall for breakfast.

The dining hall was packed with people, filled to the brim with excited chatter. Daphne could spot the guards sitting with various civilian families, wrapped up in their scarves and cloaks as they inhaled their meals. Meanwhile, waitresses darted around like busy ants, clearing plates and cutlery without prompting.