Change of Plans

Atticus had a hand slapped right onto his forehead immediately, sighing heavily. First the carriage, now the horses. There were definitely more than a few ruffians around last night for sure.

At this point, he wouldn't even be surprised if it was an active sabotage!

"How did that happen?" Jonah groaned, his expression very much matching what Atticus felt. "Did no one check the stables last night?"

"The stableboy should've been present the entire night!" The innkeeper looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Obviously not." Atticus scoffed. "Or are you trying to say that there was indeed staff here at the stables but they were slacking off on the job, thus causing all of these events to happen?"

"That is not possible!" the innkeeper cried out. "Our stableboy has been working here for years. I have watched him grow up since his early teenage years and he has never slacked off ever since he started working for us."