The Shortcut II

The three of them quickly plastered themselves against the wall, and Daphne cautiously peeped with one eye, curious to see what was going on. It seemed like her older brother was with a woman, though Daphne couldn't see her face too clearly.

Prince Nathaniel and Atticus did something similar, but they clearly had more experience in sneaking around. They soundlessly crouched low and blended with the shadows. When Daphne turned back to spare a gaze, she caught sight of the dark look in their eyes, reminiscent of predators waiting in the dark for their prey to make the wrong move.

A shiver ran down Daphne's spine. She had almost forgotten how dangerous all these people were.

Daphne could see half of Alistair's face as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked noticeably vexed since she last saw him.