The Shortcut III

Audible gasps slipped out of all three of their lips, with Daphne's being the loudest. Atticus, with his quick thinking, immediately slapped his hand over her mouth, shushing her. 

Thankfully, even with their combined voices, it wasn't loud enough for Alistair to notice that someone was present in the room with him. He continued to wait for Eugene, tapping his feet impatiently on the stone floors as he leaned against the pillar.

Every once in a while, he would look out of the window and at the branches of the great tree that told the time. And with every minute that Eugene Attonson didn't show up, Daphne's heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.

What if Eugene Attonson knew? What if that was why he wouldn't show up? Had he already seen them lurking in the hallways, watching Prince Alistair's every move? Was he going to stab them in the back when they weren't looking? What if―