Odd Puddle

The rest of the days in Raxuvia passed by in a hazy blur. 

For the most part, Atticus had been stuck in meeting after meeting, sometimes with the rest of the leaders while other times with just Prince Nathaniel so that they could discuss the follow-up on how they could possibly arrest Eugene Attonson — or 'Jean Nott', the wanted convict — as well as make Prince Alistair accountable for his actions of letting that insane man into the grounds of Raxuvia's royal palace. 

That man refused to admit to any fault, and they could not imprison a royal of his standing for interrogation. As such, their talks kept going in circles, causing tempers to run high.

For the most part, Daphne was left alone without her husband's company, allowing her a lot of free time to mingle with the others.