Familiar Stranger

"That can't be possible," Princess Cordelia replied. She squinted at the sky as well, her eyes searching the endless sea of blue. There was not even a single cloud in the sky. "There are no clouds."

"A passing shower?" Daphne suggested.

Princess Cordelia shook her head. "Everywhere else is dry," she pointed out. "There's only one puddle and a few other droplets nearby. There's no way this could be caused by rain. Don't tell me…did someone pee here? Oh gross!"

A look of utter disgust crossed Cordelia's face, and she immediately pulled Daphne further away from the puddle.


"It doesn't smell bad though," Daphne said, gingerly stepping forward as she took a cautious sniff. "And I doubt any person would be able to produce so much… fluid." She scrunched her brows as she thought about it. "It could be a creature like ―"