Fight for Dominance II

Daphne felt sweat form on her temples, and her mouth felt dry when she was faced with multiple pairs of eyes, waiting for her answer. She had indeed, foolishly thought that it would be enough, especially since Francessa had not said anything the first time around.

Turns out she was simply waiting for the right opportunity to strike! 

"Don't tell me you have nothing planned?" Francesa asked knowingly. "In that case, might I suggest―"

"Surely you jest, Marchioness Seibert. Of course I have an idea!" Daphne interrupted with every confidence she did not feel. 

She smiled back at Francessa sweetly as her mind whirled quickly. She thought about her letter to Prince Nathaniel and quickly stumbled upon a solution.

"In fact, I was just about to bring it up to everyone."

"Oh? Then let's hear it," Francessa said imperiously, her eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"What better way to celebrate the beauty of Vramid's spring than with a beauty contest?"