Fight for Dominance III

As quickly as she had received that shot of joy from Atticus's support, Daphne felt her heart slam back to her feet, right into the depths of the lake she once nearly drowned in by Francessa's suggestion.

"I… I…" Daphne spluttered, trying to find a polite way to let Francessa know that her idea was utter dogshit. Her mind helpfully conjured up the image of her shooting a harpoon at Francessa's face and she nearly choked. 

"That's highly improper!" Daphne finally managed to say, "I cannot in good conscience agree to spending King Atticus's time like this. He's not cattle up for trade!"

'He's my husband,' Daphne thought petulantly to herself. King Atticus was a married man; and his wife was right here standing in front of them, yet these women are thinking of stealing him right under her nose! How dare they!