A Fool or A Scholar

Daphne let out a sigh of relief. Nikun made it after all! 

His chances of winning Cordelia's heart were practically non-existent, but Daphne was still happy to know that he managed to make it past the first round. His studying had not been in vain. Perhaps he might even be accepted as a member of Cordelia's court, if things went well enough!

Cordelia got up, brandishing the stack of accepted essays. The crowd's restless murmurs died off, and they fell back into expectant silence.

"I have finished judging your essays. I must say, there are certain candidates who have done better than most and warrant progress to the next round. Others will find themselves more suited to become storytellers and comedians rather than politicians." 

Ouch. Daphne winced. At least Cordelia wasn't outrightly naming the people who failed.

"When I call out your name, step forward," Cordelia said. 

Or not. Would she? 


"Nikun Anurak."