Difficult Questions

It was as though a dam had broken and more contestants began to voice their grouses. Complaints about unfairness rang through the air, each sounding more upset than the last. 

"Everyone should have a fair chance at winning your hand!"

"Is it my fault that my family was poor, and I never got the chance to learn how to read?" 

"I'm not even from your kingdom, how could I know this?" 

Even some of the nobles that didn't make it also made their displeasure known. 

"How could you choose such a hard question for the first task!" 

"Are you expecting me to solve world hunger next!"

"This is a farce! You just want to humiliate us!" 

Faced with such hostility, Jonah started to move. With his previous experience in handling upset crowds, he knew how important it was to snuff out flames of anger and dissatisfaction before they started spreading. Daphne also readied herself; she couldn't forget what a disaster her first Spring Parade was.