May Your Dating Life Be Forever Changed
"Excuse me, do you like squirrels?"
Face-palm. Yep, I once tried that line out. A few wild years ago back in 2008, I saddled up to a raggedy bar stool in Newport Beach and cracked my most wicked grin. The sun-kissed Californian bombshell next to me smoothed her mini-skirt down over her miles-long silky legs and tossed her blonde bangs my way.
"Did you say squirrels?"
I nodded and dug deep, somehow managing to keep a straight-ish face while grinning at her pouty lips.
"Because I'm going to put my nut in your hole."
No, I wasn't suffering a stroke nor was I drunk. It was far worse than that… I'd been dared by another group of cuties to make an ass of myself.
Already flinching from the inevitable slap in the face, I spun away fast to wink at my three new cackling female friends at the far end of the bar. I mouthed, "Now you have to buy me that drink" to the redheaded big sister of the group.
Until just a minute ago, I had been chatting up a feisty redhead and her two cute friends. Somehow we got on the topic of pickup lines. I recited a few I heard and had these cuties bawled over in laughter. It was all fun and games until the fire-headed mother hen of the gang clucked her tongue and sized me up from head to toe.
"You talk a good game, but I'd like to see how you do in the hot seat. I tell you what, if you try out a stupid line of my choice on… oh, how about that pretty little blondie over there, and she doesn't immediately reject you, then I'll buy you a drink."
Back in those days I used to eat at the soup kitchen and get free groceries from the homeless shelter just to save a few bucks. So I wasn't about to turn from an opportunities to get a free drink.
The other girls cooed in excitement at the new game while I chuckled around the lump in my throat. I was just about to throw in the towel and call it an early night when the redhead brushed my arm and leaned in close.
"Oh, you're not scared, are you now?"
Game on. Hell, I've done sillier things for a free drink.
But to my utter dismay, my redhead challenger chose the hottest girl in the bar for me to recite her horrific squirrel line. As soon as the words, "nut in your hole," left my lips I instantly regretted it..
As I braced for the impact of an inevitable slap in the face, what she said next completely floored me.
"Yes, I love squirrels."
I snapped my head back to the giggling beauty on the bar stool in front of me. She laughed harder at the "WTF" look on my face. My whole world turned upside down. The sleaze routine wasn't supposed to do anything besides impress the other girls and hopefully get me a drink.
The squirrel-loving blonde at my elbow beamed and stuck out her hand. "My name's…" Still lost, I interrupted while shaking her hand.
"I don't think you heard me. I said, I'm going to put my nuts in your hole!" She guffawed and patted my arm while my eyes bulged out of my skull.
"Yes, I heard you. I actually do really love squirrels." She licked her lips.
Ignoring the twinkle in her eye, I finally laughed myself and shook my head.
"So why aren't you slapping me right now or tossing your drink in my face?"
She waved her thin wrist and said something that would change my life forever.
"I could tell you were just having fun. Most guys are so boring."
"I could tell you were just having fun and joking around. You don't have a weird energy like most guys. I have a strong intuition and you don't creep me out haha."
She tilted her head down the bar at a gaggle of well-dressed, muscle-bound studs scanning the bar for their next "victim." Two of these jocks broke off from the pack and strutted over to a couple of pretty brunettes at a nearby table. I couldn't hear a word from the wannabe Casanova's, but they clearly had some well-rehearsed script. They could have been spinning absolute poetry for all I know, but their body language killed whatever game they might've pulled off.
One guy laid on the ultra-alpha male cockiness so thick I choked on the testosterone and snorted as hard as the girl he was slobbering over. The other played it cool… but so cool that he just clutched his beer in front of him like a talisman mumbling his lines. The pity in his "target's" eyes even made me cringe.
This squirrel-loving sweetheart was dead on the money. It wasn't about the words I used, or even how confident I was. All that mattered was the way I made her feel.
The whole language of attraction is as simple yet intricate as that.
I was having fun, totally in my element and not trying to "score" with her. I simply got lucky that she was looking for a laugh at that exact moment in time, for a break from the alpha bros and scared boys trying to get her number.
So yay, I stumbled onto the golden rule of picking up women… but how the hell could I reproduce this effect? Every female is different, even minute to minute. How could I possibly tell what was going through a woman's mind? Far smarter men than me have spent their lives vainly searching for an answer to that ancient "What does a woman want?" riddle. Haven't the ways of women been mysteries to mortal men for thousands of years?
Well, thanks to a silly dare in a random dive bar years ago, I finally have the answer to, "What does a woman want?" It's a trick question.
She doesn't want you to say a particular thing, do a specific set of actions give her anything or even be anything you're not; she wants you to be authentic, genuine and above all put off a vibe that makes her feel safe, desired and excited. Even better, she's always telling you what she wants to feel at any given moment, at least once you've learned how to listen.
Now I'm not trying to get all metaphysical on you. I mean that literally.
When it comes to romance and emotion, women speak a whole different language than men. Rather than analyzing every word you say, speaking a woman's secret language is all about context over content. Especially her subconscious reaction to your body language, vibe and overall state of mind. But if you apply the lessons of this book, then this new language is the easiest you'll ever learn.
When you understand how to speak this "secret language," you will learn how to create instant attraction, a deep connection, and even escalate that rapport into tantalizing sexual tension in a matter of seconds. This straightforward, no BS approach has worked for thousands of my students all over the world, so I guarantee you're no different.
Maybe you've already heard that what you say isn't important, that it's all about how you make her feel. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. In this book, we'll dive so much deeper until you're able to walk up to a complete stranger on the street and turn her on instantly by speaking her language.
I can't stress how much of a game changer simply learning to speak this supposedly "secret" language is. And the beauty is that anyone can learn this. It truly doesn't matter if you're short, bald, scrawny, old, ugly or have no money as long as you can speak her language. Of course hitting the gym, getting a hip new haircut or upgrading your wardrobe greatly improves your odds with women, but that's all a waste of time if your verbal and nonverbal communication isn't communicating the right thing. If muscles, good looks and money were the only things women cared about, the world would be populated with nothing but the offspring of rich Spanish soccer players.
Thankfully for all us non-demigods, women are searching for something much deeper in a mate. Women aren't stupid. They know wealth, health and looks are fleeting. They want a man that speaks their language, because that's hot forever.
So are you ready to give her what she's begging for?
All you have to do is read and apply the principles laid out in careful detail in this book. These principles that are about to change your life are the result of thousands of hours of research and rather pleasant "infield" study conducted by myself and our team of dating coaches.
Just like in our more in-depth, hands-on training, we don't waste time with the BS tricks and pseudoscience you hear from amateur "pick up artists" and dating coaches. We stick with proven real-world methods to learn and apply the secret language of attraction, so you can become the type of man a woman wants, without resorting to gimmicks, sleazy lines or playing any weird psychological games.
Which frees up plenty of time for you and her to, shall we say… enjoy the fruit of your labors.
This book will teach you what women really want on a primal level so you can tap into instinctual attraction. You will stand out from all the other guys talking her up for the simple reason that you're speaking her language. You will be able to spark attraction faster than anyone else because you will be doing it on a subconscious level. You will have the attributes that she wants in a man and fire off attraction on all cylinders.
And not just in general, theoretical terms. You will know exactly what to say and how to say it no matter the situation. You will speak the "secret" language of attraction that most guys never bother to learn.
My name is Matt Artisan and I'm about to change your dating life forever. But I wasn't always one of the world's leading dating and attraction coaches. In fact, I was once even more lost with women than you think you are right now.
Back in high school, I was a beta-male geek. I'm talking the kind of nerd that even the scrawny chess club guys laughed at. I didn't have a lot of friends and the ones I did have were all geeks like me. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a geek, but we definitely don't have an innate knack for the ladies. I remember watching in envy as all the popular guys, the jocks and guys in rock bands, got the hot girls that I so desperately wanted. Even the totally boring regular boys all seemed to have girlfriends. Of course I mocked them with my nerd buddies, but deep down I desperately wished I could be like them, so cool and confident, getting the girls to fawn over me without lifting a finger.
But even in the most boring life, there are opportunities for tectonic change, if we can ditch our fears and seize that fleeting chance with both hands. The catalyst for my change came during the last day of sophomore year, when everyone was outside signing yearbooks. I only had a handful of signatures, nothing like the popular kids. I was conversing with my usual geek squad when I spotted her. Christy O'Reily. The hottest girl in school. To this day she probably has no idea who I am.
As usual, she stood there confidently, her wavy blonde hair catching the fading sunlight. Her perfect features set into a bright smile illuminating with braces that gave her a touch of innocence.
The line of guys eagerly awaiting her signature had dwindled down and I saw my chance. I could finally make a move.
Or so went the fantasy.
I managed one step in her direction before my feet stuck in invisible concrete. My heart pounded as my knees wobbled and I broke out in an icy sweat. What was happening? I just wanted to say five simple words. "Can you sign my yearbook?"
But no dice. My body had shut down and slipped into survival "flight" mode, staying there until long after she wandered off with her friends.
I was sick to my stomach alright. Sick and tired of desperately needing girls to notice me, yet scared to death to even catch their eye. Oh, this was far more than your typical virgin's frustration. I was fed up with being an outcast. With the second-class treatment just because I didn't have the balls to conquer my own angst.
Later in the day, when I was free of the paralyzing grip of fear, I did something different. Instead of wallowing in regret and frustration at my cowardice, I took action.
Like countless geeky and loveless teens before me, I learned how to play guitar.
The funny thing is, I actually became pretty good at it. Since as early as I could remember, whenever I put my mind to something I would go all in. I never half-assed anything. When I collected X-Men trading cards I had to have every single one. When I took Karate lessons I had to be the best and practiced furiously, never satisfied with any of the trophies. I used the same dedication and discipline to master the guitar.
After high school, I decided to move as close to Hollywood as possible so I could become a real rock star. I was accepted to the University of California at Irvine to study Computer Science, just an hour away from the City of Angels, were I started a band.
Rocking out in a band definitely helped me get girls. And not just with the ones rushing up to "say high" after a show. Just being on stage boosted my confidence around all women. Those days of intense desire when staring at a pretty face were no more.
After college, my band took things to a whole new level. We won a battle of the bands against 127 other L.A. bands; won the award for Performer of the Year at the LA Music Awards; got featured on MTV; and were personally asked by Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park to tour with them for the entire Mid-West run of the 2007 Projekt Revolution Tour. Needless to say, my confidence was through the roof. I was on top of the world.
Until it all came crashing down in January of 2008 when my band broke up. My Rockstar dreams of touring the world and hooking up with exotic groupies in every city was no more.
After college, since the band demanded a lot of my time, I had settled for a flexible job selling garage doors, instead of a high paying tech job. I was literally going door to door selling doors… which isn't exactly the most lucrative business model. I barely made enough money to pay the bills when my music career came to a screeching halt.
Thankfully, I had a hot girlfriend… but only because she was a huge fan of my band. In just two months after the gang splitting up, she dumped me for being too needy. Looking back, I don't blame her. I mean, I was. I was a constantly seeking her attention to validate my worth. I called her repeatedly, sent her flowers and even cheesy poetry I found on the Internet. When she didn't text back I upped the creep factor by stalking her friend, who worked at the nearby grocery store, to ask what was going on. The final blow came when she blocked me on Facebook and even Myspace (Yeah, yeah. I know I'm a dinosaur).
So there I was. I had no band, my girlfriend dumped me, and was left with a shitty job that showed I had wasted five years of college. Worst of all, I felt like my identity was lost and my "cool factor" was gone. If I wasn't the bad ass rocker guy in a band, then I was just back to being a nerd with low self-esteem.
Without the band I had no idea how to talk to girls or what to say to them. My go-to opening line was usually, "Hey do you like rock music? Come check out my band next week at The Troubadour." I couldn't say that anymore. And I sure didn't have the confidence left to try out anything else.
Why would girls ever want to talk to me now?
So like most when they hit rock bottom, I searched online for any sliver of hope. I Googled, "Los Angeles dating advice for men," and clicked a link called "Casanova Crew." They had local meetups every week discussing any and every topic on how to meet women.
The next night, I crept out of my apartment to check out one of the meetings, not daring to tell my roommate where I was going. When I got to the event, I politely said hello to some of the guys, most of whom looked like they were dressed for Halloween. It seemed like a room full of nerds who were trying too hard to look cool. Some were decked out like rockers, while others were pimped-out like Dollar-Store rappers. Since I was a former wannabe rockstar that used to wear black "guy-liner" and see-through mesh shirts onstage, who was I to judge?
As the dating "guru" of the evening took the stage, I was mesmerized by his appearance. Tattoos from head to toe, a 16-inch pink mohawk, 4" platform studded rockstar boots to make up for his short stature and more piercings than I could count with my fingers. And unlike the wannabe badasses in the room, this guy had the charisma and attitude to back up his swag. His name was Vince Kelvin.
Vince seemed to know everything there was to know about women. When he pitched his live event on how to walk up to any woman in broad daylight and get her magnetically attracted to you, I did not hesitate to sign up for the next event the following week.
All week I obsessed over the workshop, wondering if I would do well or fall flat on my face. I didn't dare tell my roomate or any of my friends where I would be heading the following weekend for fear of judgement and ridicule.
When the weekend finally arrived, I shambled through the dark lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel to meet Vince and my fellow wannabe ladies' men. We huddled around Vince as he gave us a few opening lines and a sheet with ten canned openers. After a few tips and words of encouragement, we were off to the streets of Hollywood Blvd to try out the scripts.
I zeroed in on the first two girls I saw. This was the first time I had ever approached a woman on the street using lines that didn't include, "Come check out my band."
To my surprise, the gals were rather receptive to this newfangled approach of just talking like a regular person. I couldn't believe I got a phone number on my first try.
I kept it up all afternoon, saying high and breaking the ice with random women. It was crazy, but they seemed to like being approached by a strange guy on the street. I was hooked.
Approaching women became more than a new hobby. It was an addiction. Just like Kung Fu, guitar and X-men cards, I was obsessed with having it all and becoming the best.
Weeks went by and I kept practicing over and over again to get it right. It was no different than exercising, set after set, approach after approach. It was like my new day job was picking up girls. I read books, watched videos, and listened to CD after CD on how to meet women as I drove around selling garage doors. Which wasn't the worst job in the world any longer, since so many of my prospective clients were attractive milfs. I know my boss quit complaining about my sales figures.
Every time I saw a woman, no matter the situation, I would go talk to her, eager to try out all I was learning. I went to college campuses, malls, book stores, bars, clubs, the beach, anywhere they were, I would go and meet them.
Now I had a lot of failed attempts, in large part due to my shotgun approach. After all, when you use the same lines over and over, how believable can it really sound? But I also had a lot of successes, which drove my motivation to new heights and just fed my hunger. My neediness and insecurities faded away as I developed real confidence in myself for the first time ever.
After just three months of practice and attending two more boot camps, I graduated to an official trainer for Vince.
But there was a problem. I was so used to firing off canned lines that women were starting to notice my subtle lack of enthusiasm for the words coming out of my mouth. And that was the best-case scenario. For some of the students in the workshops, the scripts came off as quite disingenuous. Especially if they're struggling to recall the words. The only thing worse than reciting something that's clearly a memorized line is stumbling over your words; Crashing and burning before you even got past the opening ice breaker.
I just knew there had to be another method than simply reciting scripts, no matter how witty or well-researched. I just knew there had to be a way to foolproof the opening conversation process so that any man could pull off a smooth introduction, no matter how nervous or forgetful he was. The art is in delivery, after all, not in what you're saying. Although I did not know that at the time.
So I put down my books and started studying the naturals in action. You know those guys that aren't anything special to look at and don't cruise around in BMW's, but are still amazing with women. The men that don't have any scripted material yet can charm the pants off a woman just by chatting about whatever comes into their laid-back brains. Luckily, I lived in Newport Beach at the time and had plenty of samples to work with—all the surfers with their "chilled out" confidence melting women's hearts left and right.
Some of these guys were good looking, but a lot of them were just average. A few were wealthy, but most had low paying jobs or no job at all. One of the most successful dudes I met was even short, bald and dirt-poor! Not exactly the fellas most women were bragging about to their girlfriends, yet these guys kept heading home every night with some of the hottest women around.
I noticed most of them had one thing in common though: they didn't actually say a lot. They just projected an authentic, natural vibe of confidence and an aura of being grounded that made women feel safe, desired… and brought out her animal instincts to get his attention.
I studied other experts on attraction and researched evolutionary biology to figure out this aura better. To dive into the nuts and bolts of what women wanted on an instinctual level that transcends culture or age. I realized that what the smelly big-browed cave woman wanted 50,000 thousand years ago is what the flirty hot blonde in high heels at the bar or the quiet bookworm brunette at the coffee shop wants today.
And if you can project that you are the type of guy that has what she instinctively craves, rather than just talk a big game, then you can and will attract beautiful woman in a matter of seconds.
I'm sure you've heard of all the studies showing that women subconsciously decide whether you are the type of man that they would possibly sleep with or not within the first few seconds of meeting you. This doesn't mean that after two seconds she will go home with you (if only it were that easy), but subconsciously, her mind puts you in the potential lover category, or not, almost instantly and without even thinking. Even if her conscious mind is eventually won over by your words, if she's already subconsciously categorized you into the "platonic" category then you're in for quite an uphill battle for her affection.
So what if you could communicate directly to that supposedly inscrutable subconscious mind like you do her conscious brain? Talk about a gamechanger.
Instead of memorizing lines, routines and gimmicks from someone else, I began using grounding techniques and playing with sexual tension to make her feel an instinctual attraction. This isn't some magic trick, but all about using basic psychology to project an attractive vibe. This "technique" was also so much easier, since I only had to be myself. Well, to be fair, an updated and more attractive version of myself. Some prep work is required to make your natural personality better connect with her instincts.
Armed with this new, simpler way of "naturally attracting" women, I was landing far more dates from high-quality beautiful women, with less work, than even in my rock band glory days.
My friends started noticing how I was going on dates three or four nights a week with attractive women and constantly wanted to know what was my "secret sauce." What magic combination of words was I using to bring these women home. But most of the time I couldn't even recall what I said when we first met. It didn't matter. The actual words you say have little to do with attraction if you're "speaking" directly to her subconscious.
Of course, they didn't believe me. They thought I was holding out some "cheat code" of love just for myself. So I searched for a way to explain everything I'd learned through my research in a way that could be taught to any man in any situation. A system that was super simple to employ yet would work in a matter of seconds. One that didn't make you memorize scripts or socalled "clever" pick-up lines, yet would always still arm you with exactly to do or say when you met a girl. A system that would work if you were eighteen years old and fresh out of high school, or fifty years old and fresh out of a divorce. A system that works even if you aren't good looking, wealthy, or are desperately in need of a gym membership. The only system that could establish a deep connection and trigger her primal attraction instincts to desire you.
After teaching my friends and some of Vince's boot camp students these simple, yet highly effective methods for meeting women anywhere, they too saw incredible results. It was clear that I wasn't some fluke. There wasn't anything special about me other than how I understood women better and became comfortable being me. That's when I knew I had an obligation to the men of the world to help out as many of them as possible.
In 2009, I founded "The Attractive Man" dating coach company to spread the simple message that any man can master the subconscious language of attraction. We've since conducted live training and helped thousands of men in
43 different countries by teaching the very same concepts and principles that you are about to learn.
What makes The Attractive Man so successful, compared to other companies, is that our method is so simple and natural. You don't have to pretend to be someone you are not. Instead, you get to upgrade your personality to a more confident, genuine and grounded version of yourself that women love.
Most dating coaches neglect the underlying problems that their students face, so they never get consistently reliable or fast results. Instead of fixing the root problem of not communicating subconscious attraction, these companies promote techniques that try to compensate for personality defects and cover up insecurities instead of fixing them. The problem is that you can't put a Band Aid over fears and insecurities. No matter how skilled someone might be at deceit, that bandage will fall off eventually, exposing all of his unattractive qualities.
The Attractive Man team deals with underlying core belief issues that created the man's needy behaviors in the first place, as well as, what to do and how to behave in certain scenarios. This is the only way to garner true confidence and lasting charisma, instead of faking it.
Because of the fast results our clients get, I was named the Best New Dating Coach in the World at the 2012 World Summit of Dating in Los Angeles California, an international convention of dating coaches and pick up artists. Which is a misnomer, because I don't consider myself a pick-up artist at all. My team and I never encourage manipulation or sleazy tactics of any kind. Why bother with such complicated games when real attraction just requires being your true self?
I was also featured on ABC Nightline and interviewed by Fox News and ESPN because they were so impressed with the life-changing results of our classes. Some of our coaches were even featured on CNN and interviewed by VICE TV.
After my team and I had helped thousands of guys around the world, I realized I needed to get this information out there faster. We couldn't keep up with demand in our bootcamps. Due to the personalized feedback and intensive individual training, we could only have a maximum of ten guys in a boot camp at one time. I wanted more men to benefit from this simple system, which is where this labor of love you're now reading came to fruition.
Men have paid tens of thousands of dollars to work with me one on one and master these concepts, but now you have the CliffsNotes of attraction right here at your fingertips. That being said, I don't want to set false expectations. While packing all the information of our live courses, this book can't substitute for practice and expert feedback. Don't expect women to suddenly drop to their knees for you or magically fall from the sky and land in your lap. You do have to put in effort by applying these concepts to meet some actual women.
But of course, that's the fun part!
My straightforward goal for this book is to help you flirt and talk to women in a natural way that makes them instantly attracted to you. You'll have a better understanding of a woman's secret language, and in the process, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what's holding you back in attracting the women you want. Make no mistake about it, this book is not a simple collection of do and don't tips. This is designed to help you improve your total personality by making you more comfortable and confident around beautiful women.
Yes, I'll give you some examples of what to say, but most importantly I'm going to help make sure the right words flow out naturally. At the end I'll even give you a step-by-step sequence for meeting women that works incredibly well. Of course, that method is only a framework to help guide you through the conversation. It's not a substitute for showing your true personality.
Make sure to read this book from start to finish and fight the urge to skip ahead. You'll thank me later. Just because the end of the book contains the actual ABC system of what to do and what to say when you see that hottie you want, you need to do your homework before you can take the test. Remember that nothing in the last chapters will work if you don't read, practice and internalize the prior chapters.
For the fastest results, I've broken down these life lessons into three practical phases:
Phase I: Preparation - Understanding the language of attraction.
I'll start out by going over the secret language that women speak and why you must understand these major differences in communication between the sexes if you want to know what any woman wants.
Here I'll also show you the number one thing that a woman needs from you in order to feel attraction and be willing to go home with you. If you don't make her feel this crucial emotion, which surprises most guys, then it's game over before you even begin.
You'll learn crucial techniques you can apply instantly in any situation to ground yourself and eliminate fear and nervousness while still projecting high status. For most men, this is an overnight life changer in itself. For others, it can take time to fully comprehend the meaning and importance of this gamechanging concept. You may want to reread that section and practice the techniques several times, but everyone can master this principle.
Phase II: Approach – Breaking the ice and making a lasting impression.
Here you'll study how to approach and talk to a woman in her own language to connect with a female on a subconscious, instinctual level. In particular, the number one emotional state you should be in to turn a woman on within seconds. That's not hyperbole. This personality trait is so powerful that when you express it properly, she will feel instant physical attraction. With that said, if not properly harnessed or implemented haphazardly, this emotional positioning can tragically backfire and repel women.
Just as important, I'll also show you how to be the selector in any interaction. This isn't just a gimmick to make women chase you, although it does have that effect. Rather, it's a total mindset shift, where you stop seeing her as some prize to be won over. Women love men who have standards, and when you allow her the opportunity to win you over, it sets you apart from the herd of men out there vying for her affection.
Here we'll expand upon the basic techniques and show you what to do and say after you've broken the ice. Specifically, how to qualify a woman as worth your time, how to establish your high status to her and make her chase you, and of course, how to create sexual tension and escalate the conversation to the bedroom.
You'll also discover how to keep building rapport with a woman and connect with her on a deep emotional level, where she feels like she's known you forever. This allows her to truly open up to you, be vulnerable and garner deep trust. This last part can't be stressed enough, since a woman must trust you in order to even consider going home with you.
Phase III: Closing the deal – Advanced techniques for every situation
Finally, I'll show you how to take her on an emotional rollercoaster that makes her keep wanting more. She'll be having so much fun with you that things will naturally escalate into a sexual relationship. One where she's excited to fulfill the fantasies you ignited in her and doesn't need any emotional prodding towards the bedroom.
I'll show you how to put everything together and use what you've learned in any situation. Such as meeting women during the day, at social events, bars and parties, and especially what to do on dates. I'll give you specific examples of what I've said and done to land countless dates and make women fall head over heels for me.
You'll also discover how to go from strangers on the street to romantic partners in a way that feels wonderful for both you and her. She will love your advances because I'll show you how to create sexual tension, escalate and take things to the next level in a way that women can't resist.
Now that you have an overview of how this book will transform your dating life and make you the kind of man that women desire, let's begin your journey to become the attractive man you were born to be.
Note: If anything in this book is unclear, if you have questions or you'd like my help to achieve your dating goals, reach out to me on Instagram @mattartisan.
Understanding Her Primary Motivator
"A woman will forget what you say. She will forget what you did. But she will never forget the way you made her feel."
- Maya Angelou
It was more than just Mark's first dating boot camp. You could tell by his trembling hands it was the first time he had approached a girl during the day. No nightclub's dim lights to hide his nerves nor alcohol to build them up. Nothing but his raw charm, confidence and personality to rely on. Which to him, sure didn't feel like a deep well to draw from.
When he signed up for my course, Mark was already 37, with his wild bachelor days a distant memory. He'd just been unceremoniously dumped on the dating market when his girlfriend of five years skipped out one day. Topping it all off, he didn't have anything special going on for him. In intelligence, wealth and dating success he was the epitome of average. Mark did have one huge advantage though:
He was tired of being average and wanted more out of life.
But for a while, he wasted that drive by focusing on superficial improvements. He hit the gym hard after the breakup; spending every evening sculpting the six-pack and biceps he assumed woman lusted after. Like so many guys, he figured women must be just as attracted to his body as he was to theirs. That muscles alone were some magic shortcut to a gal's heart.
He seemed a bit embarrassed when we first met. All the workouts and the cheesy online advice he could find weren't paying. Mark wanted me to tell him exactly what was so terrible about him as a person that even with a chiseled body he couldn't turn women on. I just clapped his broad shoulder and pointed out the same thing I've seen in thousands of frustrated men.
Despite his nerves, Mark hit the ground running. Literally running up to the first girl he saw sauntering down the street. It was a great attempt, but the gal didn't stop. His body language was not assertive enough, so she wasn't compelled to listen. After all, objects in motion tend to stay in motion.
I gave him feedback to be louder, more commanding and stick out his hands in a stopping motion, all without coming across as dangerous. He understood and continued searching for his next candidate.
Mark was a quick learner. He grasped fast that he needed to stop talking at a woman and instead connect with her emotions.
Luckily, the streets of Manhattan are filled with gorgeous women and it wasn't hard to find another that sparked his interest. This time, Mark did what I instructed and she stopped… with a smile on her face. They had a quick conversation and she seemed to love his compliment, but she "was pressed for time" and politely excused herself.
Even without getting a number, Mark had a whole new swagger in his step as he came back over to me.
I figured it was time to get Mark to the next level, so I took out my video camera and mic'd him up with a little wireless microphone. He was skeptical at first, but I explained I needed to hear every word in real-time if I was going to give him the best feedback possible.
Mic'd up, Mark walked into Macy's in search of his next prospect. It only took a minute for him to spot a tall, slender, New York bombshell dressed to the 9's. An hour earlier, he never would have dreamed of even trying to make eye contact with someone that he assumed was "so far out of my league."
But now Mark marched straight to the makeup counter, where this beauty was perusing eyeliners, and looked her straight in the eye. "This is really unexpected, and I normally don't do this, but I just saw you here shopping, and thought you were absolutely stunning."
Now one common misconception is that compliments are always suspicious to women. Of course compliments work great as an icebreaker, as long as they are genuine and delivered with confidence.
If you ask something fake like, "Hey I made a bet with my friend and need your advice on…" or, "Hey I'm shopping for my sister, what would you recommend?" women can spot these disingenuous canned lines a mile away.
Again though, the power to spark an attraction doesn't come from the actual words you say, but through your delivery, intensity and intention. All those things that a woman subconsciously feels from your words, rather than what she hears.
Mark's verbal delivery needed some work to get him out of his own head. "Don't get rejected" was the obvious vibe he was giving off through nervous fidgeting and obvious signs of discomfort. These are the types of things any woman will notice with her gut, even if she's not consciously thinking about them.
Still, the girl smiled, introduced herself and they continued chatting for a minute or so. From an outside perspective everything seemed to be going great. But I could tell there was something off. From the neutral look on the girl's face, it was obvious Mark was unknowingly pushing her away. Sure, he managed to keep up a casual conversation for a while. He even made her laugh a few times, but I could tell he wasn't connecting with her on a visceral level.
When it came time to go for her phone number, she politely mentioned her boyfriend and they parted ways quickly. Nonetheless, Mark was pleased that the interaction had lasted almost two minutes.
For only his third approach of the day, Mark was doing amazingly well. But I knew that if he couldn't get out of his head he'd never get the results he wanted.
What I hit him with next would be a game changer.
"Mark, that was great. You really made her day and she clearly enjoyed the interaction. However, when you told her she was beautiful, I could tell she didn't feel it. She appreciated the sentiment, but it didn't sink in because you were communicating from your logical brain instead of your body. It was clear that you were over analyzing what you were saying, instead of being in your body and just enjoying the moment with her. When you fully embody what you say, the woman can feel it and you will get a very different reaction."
Mark's eyes widened as he sat in rapt attention.
"You see," I continued, "Men tend to treat making an emotional connection with a woman like a puzzle that needs solving. If we analyze all the variables and plug in the right words or actions here and there, we can somehow 'fix' the problem and get her attention.
"Mark, all you need to do is stop speaking with your head and start speaking with your body.
He nodded along, yet soon frowned. "But what if I say something dumb and kill the moment?"
"Again, analyzing the situation like that already kills the mood. Stop caring about what to say next, or what she might think, or getting her number or anything else. Just focus on being genuine, and really meaning what you say."
I could still see some skepticism bouncing around in his eyes. To be fair, this simple but powerful philosophy ran counter to all those silly pick-up artists tips he'd been reading about.
"Look, when you are just reciting lines or stuck in your head thinking about what to say, no matter how clever the script, you aren't fully present and she can feel it. What woman can trust a guy who is not fully there with her? So, don't dwell on the exact words to say because your energy, vibe and nonverbal communication matter a lot more.
"Feel her energy and enjoy the moment with her. For your next approach, just take a deep breath and clear your overactive mind. Take your time, smile, look deep into her eyes and feel the words you're saying—because that's the only way she will. Connect to her with your energy and you will notice a big difference."
We practiced a few exercises until Mark knew what to do and seemed ready to put everything into practice. That's when I asked him to take a deep breath and feel his body; to fully experience any nervousness he might be feeling. This might seem counterintuitive, but ignoring unwanted feelings, such as fear or nervousness, grants them power over you simply because so much of your heart is busy fighting them off. If you acknowledge and accept these negative emotions though, the pressure is gone and they lose all power to control you.
Soon, we headed out of Macy's and into Bryant Park, where Mark found his next candidate fast—a cute exotic girl in a short white dress sitting on a park bench and scrolling through her phone. She had those slender, yet taught legs of a dancer and sported large, intoxicating catlike eyes. Possibly a mix between Russian and Filipino.
A tall, wiry man sat beside her, but not too close. It didn't appear they were together, but Mark still missed a step when the guy glanced his way. I was proud when Mark took a deep breath to clear his mind and didn't stop until he said hello.
There was something different about his demeanor this time as he delivered the compliment. He smiled authentically. He took his time speaking, yes, but the pauses were clearly to take in her beauty and not strategize some witty line. He peered deep into her eyes and connected with her. Most of all, he was relaxed and at ease in her presence.
The girl smiled, like the women before, but her smile shined with a glowing sincerity and warmth. I could practically see the sparks fly, it was like something out of a movie. Mark was in the zone as he slid down on the bench beside her.
Mark was no longer thinking and analyzing what to say. He was in the moment and his senses were in tune to her. He was actively listening to every word she said, looking deep into her eyes with desire and awe, and fed back to her the same warmth and energy she radiated. He wasn't even trying to get her number, only savoring her beauty.
And she could feel it.
I could hear her giggling and could tell she loved every moment. Even when he wasn't talking, his calm masculine presence drew out her feminine charm and turned her on.
It was clear that she was into him, and since she had no other plans at the moment Mark suggested they grab an ice cream and take a stroll through the park. Without batting an eyelash, the girl agreed and off they went arm in arm.
As I followed, filming as discreetly as possible, I grinned as wide as the new lovers. This might have been Mark's first instant date, but it most certainly wouldn't be his last.
It's the age-old question that has plagued men for centuries. The answer is actually quite simple, and we'll get to it in just a second. But first, a quick lesson in human biology or this won't really sink in.
As I mentioned before, we humans have two parts to our brains. There is the subconscious animal side, which primarily focuses on survival and selfpreservation. And there is the conscious, rational side, which is tasked with deductive reasoning and learning.
For example, if you're walking down the street and do a double take as you cross paths with a large-breasted woman barely hiding her wide hips in tight yoga pants, that doesn't make you a pervert. That's a perfectly normal biological and instinctual reaction. The animal portion of your brain is triggered by her reproductive "prowess" without conscious thought.
Of course, that doesn't mean you've got a free pass to start frothing at the mouth like some cartoon character and try to sleep with every big breasted woman you see.
Our animal brains have evolved to help us find better mates so we can pass on our genes, while our human brain worries about the morality of it and warns against the consequences.
For example, a married man's instincts might tempt him to sleep with a beautiful woman in his office, but his human brain will remind him of the consequences that would likely ensue, and the damage he would do to his marriage.
Which doesn't mean the issue is settled just because the rational brain weighed in. Instincts are powerful and highly influential. It's estimated that between 30-60% of all married individuals will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage, and this number only includes the ones who have been open about it.
Despite the fact that our human brain warns us against infidelity, our animal brain is so powerful that it often overrides all reason and logic.
Now, this doesn't mean that your life is out of your control. Awareness is the greatest power you can have. The knowledge that your decisions are based on unconscious animal instincts shouldn't hold you back; it should free you, because you can now recognize when this is happening to you and take control, instead of just helplessly riding the waves of emotions.
Just as important, once you're aware of your instincts and how they play a role in everyday life, you can make them work for you by appealing to the opposite sex on a far deeper level.
Which brings us back to my original question: What do women really want?
Research shows that, just like most men, the average woman's instincts are constantly pushing her towards survival and reproduction. So, she is always on the lookout for a man that will help her to reach these goals, whether she is aware of it or not. She's drawn to a man who can protect and provide for her and her offspring. Every woman is a bit different, of course, but the one underlying theme is that the female animal brain is searching for a male who makes her feel safe and secure.
At first glance, this might not seem that big of an issue. We live in an incredibly safe and comfortable environment compared to what our ancient ancestors experienced. But just because she doesn't have to worry about getting eaten by a saber tooth tiger while gathering groceries doesn't mean her subconscious has adapted to the new environment. As far as her animal brain is concerned, she's still living in a small tribe surrounded by unknown peril and danger all around her.
So if you can demonstrate traits that conjure up feelings of safety and security, as Mark did, then she will be instinctively drawn to you. This is often true even if you don't possess all the qualities that her logical "human brain" thinks she wants in a mate.
This is why a girl will say she wants a stable, honest guy who will treat her with respect and kindness, but then goes home with some overly aggressive, arrogant jerk from the bar.